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small rant

Topics not related to Ultimate Edition.

small rant

Postby Cyberboy109 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:35 am

Im so sorry for this small rant, but Im registerd on another 2 forums LINUX FORMAT and UBUNTU on both forums it feels like there a bunch of stuck up *£$%$, you ask a question you either get ignored or abuse because your scottish and apperntly cant understand the english language...makes me angry wished I had the brain cells to argue back lol.
But on this forum I have to say you guys are awsome, you get straight to the point, you welcome new people just amazing group on here, keep up the good work the os is fantastic and one of the best I have used
P.s sorry about spelling and grammer still using a bloody wii for internet till my motherboard arives
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Re: small rant

Postby billhedrick » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:40 am

Hey no problem, we have all kinds of people posting here, and you are fine. Some posts you have to do some serious reading to figure them out! Of course that could be because we've got folks from 5 continents posting! Please feel free to ask what you need, we'll do our best to help.
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Re: small rant

Postby Billie Cowie » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:12 pm

Hi, Cyberboy
from one Scot to another welcome aboard.I know what you mean about the stuck-up's.I read Linux Format but I wouldn't bother with their" forum" as I've learned since switching to Linux, the Linux-mag forums are written for geeks. It's this patronising" why aren't you a geek like us?" attitude that is the real reason most people don't use Linux as an OS.
Fortunately the forums for Ultimate Edition, Linux Mint & Pinguy are a lot more welcoming. I don't think it's a racist thing
with the geek-brigade, they are just anal-retentive %76**%6.I would have spelt something else but I don't want to upset the site administrators at Ultimate Edition
Speak to you again sometime
Billie. :lol:
All that I am or seem is but a dream within a dream.
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