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Few problems need resolution

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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:49 am

Put simple, By the people for the people.

People from all walks of life, stretched throwout the world play a part in the making of open source software.

There is no one country involved, there are multiple. Not so much a country as its people.

Microsoft just equals big business/ world wide corporation.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:36 am

static IP's range and multiple routes if needed
and i had way to many email accounts for multiple purposes and forgot if i had account under "dirty" and password for it. Sorry. You can delete the "dirty" and ban "adpdirty" if you want (if you have rights), just dont report me to Thanks !
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby onosendai58 » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:06 pm

Dude, you`ve got open threads hanging all around here. How about marking them (SOLVED)?
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby onosendai58 » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:14 pm

Blackwolf wrote:Thanks Guru :)

Also....all things aside, curious why you have two identities here dirty & adpdirty ?

Both from ? Care to explain please ?

That`s interesting since my gmail account was accessed by a Comcast address at 4:15am Monday, (while I was asleep). Guess it means nothing...I changed my password anyway.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:52 pm

oh so you calling me a hacker now ? I wish i was though, so i could hack all those Viagra emails and cheap meds from Canada comming from my hospital employee friends spammer's and make their motherboards smoke. :evil:
Plus at 4:15am i was sleeping. I have a job you know :?
As for those open threads, none of them were solved 100%.
My monitor is still recognised as 50" instead of 47"
My sound is still not recording from front panel ASIO input (Mic and line-in only ? i have 2 line-in inputs)
Desktop icons are still not being auto arranged
Manual Partitioning during OS installation still making your HDD formatted as Logical thus making it unable to boot after "successfully" :lol: completed installation.
Partitioner during OS installation still doesnt show partition lables (if any). WIth 5 HDD's and 3 of them with same serial number is very much troubling and scary to format the right one, dont you think ?
So which one of those previously posted by me ere fixed or even looked at ?
1. 1 was fixed. My monitor is finally 1920x1080 but still thinking its 50" instead of 47".
Only if i enable restricted ATI driver it will recognise it, but it will also place "Unsupported Hardware" logo on my screen which no one likes to see.
For the resolution 1920x1080 i was finally able to fully experience Ubuntu Ultimate Edition and i thank who ever fixed it.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:10 pm

The none supported water mark problem is as very easy fix.

Use a custom script to install cat 11.1 then extract the control file from 11.1 and replace the control file in etc/Ati .

Install Ati fglrx

Do not reboot

Now run script buy opening terminal type sudo su hit enter enter sudo pass word . Now drag and drop the script you want into the terminal.

As it installs a temp folder will be created as it works commonly in home folder. Exstract the control file at this time.

Navigate to etc/Ati and delete the control file and replace.

This will fix the water mark problem. It will also give ya the latest driver set , enjoy.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby deviltalk » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:38 pm

dear ADPDirty, nice name. whats up? are you for real? what are your system specs? maybe i can solve your issue?

and yes i do all this from a pos lg x110 netbook with a 10" screen. lol.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby Cell » Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:06 am

Wow...This is getting out of hand.

What's going on ADPdirty? Been a long time.Lol. I don't have any technical answers for ya but I think I answered a few of your question a few years ago. Keep plugging at it brother...the more you do the more you learn. Also your not the only one to share certain views about Ubuntu ;) We just have to use what works for us.Personally I haven't booted into nix for...well I can't remember.Shame on me.Lol. Actually I haven't because of conflicts with school software...which has been pretty much all I use the box for now.

If I would take a wild guess at the drive issue I would look into the bios and how the drives are being recognized...but I'm just talking outta my arse as usual.

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Re: Ubuntu thinks my screen is bigger then it is LOL HELP !

Postby Cell on Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:17 pm

you just need to post the right command for the right problem and who ever uses this code is going bye bye linux :?


But you can do the same with M$. ;) ... =firefox-a

Normally you shouldn't need to use the terminal.So don't think its something you need to know how to do,but its good to know its there if you need it.

Look at it this way...A Linux os is evolving everyday (unlike M$).There are thousands of people who write code for Linux at any given any one application,or piece of software that your using can,and will be different (for better or worse) each day. This is called the Community....take note that probably 90% of these apps are free.The community is also made up of the likes of you,and me...the users.(no...I don't code).

FREE is the key hardware coders (driver programmers) work for a corporation (mostly).These corporation put a license on their software,and or hardware (drivers,and such). Lets take ummm...ATI.Now ATI's drivers are proprietary (not free,and is under lock,and key).Now ATI is a major manufacture of gpus.If they just gave away their code they would loose money (remember...corporation+proprietary=not free).

Now...M$ is another major corporation.M$ will get their grubby hands into anything if they think they will make money (they will do anything also...) Why do you think just about any pc,or laptop you can buy has M$ installed?

O.k....What am I'm getting at your asking.

Linux...Where did it come from?And why? Ill post a link that I think explains it pretty good.

You see Linux is still very young,but a person can do more with nix than with any other "pay" operating system.When you use M$ what you see is what you get.True theres nothing wrong with that some people are happy with that.Some people want more "freedom".They want to be able to write new code (without breaking a license),want everyone (the community) to be able to use it for...FREE.

Its a little known fact that items we use everyday run on nix...Do you use a ATM machine?Even some of the simplest things we have in our homes.

So...back to ATI (I'm not using ATI for any specific reason).Being that ATI is a corporation it can not afford to let their code be leaked,or giving away....but theres a problem.There are more users using Linux today.If they don't cater to ATI linux users then they would loose money(people would just buy Nvidia).So what do they do?Not wanting to loose money,and seeing Linux is not just a "fad" they "give Linux coders "bits " of their drivers....just enough to make it work...give or take.Hence the reason why have crappy performance with the fglrx driver (the ati driver from synaptics).Or the driver you can download from their web site (take heed nvidia is the same way,but generally gives better support for linux than ATI.

So...what how does the Linux coders make it work when they don't have access to proprietary(non free) drivers?They code their own...slowly,and with some help (the bits that they are given from the corporations).

This why I said LInux is evolving everyday...and it literally is.Now don't get me wrong...I'm not some fanboy.I use M$ also.About 10% of the time...some games just won't work in Linux (remember the bit about corporation,and money?)

Why are you tell me this?You might be asking.Well....I'm trying to explain that Nix isn't windows.Maybe you might appreciate Nix more if you new the history,and a little incite on how it works.Maybe if you knew you can do anything you want to (if you knew how,but that takes time with anything thats new) with nix.If your a coder you pretty much do what you want without a lawyer knocking on your door from some corporation.

You can even change Ultimate Edition if you wanted to ( ).

Course this all means nothing if "it just doesn't work".The thing is you can help "it work" buy submitting bug reports/testing....this is where the user is important to the "community".
Where M$ can dish out the cash to a manufacture (or even buy them out) to get "drivers",and such....The Linux community can't.

Course some don't contribute at all,and just use the os as it is......nothing wrong with that.It is free.If they don't like what they are using...well they don't have to use it at all (generally speaking here).

Cool man.I know I didn't answer any of your questions...but maybe what I wrote will put some questions you "might" have in perspective.


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