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How The Distro work with the update servers.

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How The Distro work with the update servers.

Postby Admin-Amir » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:21 pm

How The Distro work with the update servers.


How the update servers are working?
well to the user the ultimate standard or even the ultimate system that's not really known.
Old user / network administrator and the process is known and understood more.
To give everyone the info I think is very important overall considerations of the user,
first have to understand how the system works?
How processes are carried out with Local station?
And how to get updates to the operating system update servers?
Well maybe we can make it easier to understand how the liver works Linux operating system environment.
First let's understand the structure and construction of a distribution on Linux.
1 - builders develop a distribution format based on certain packages / multiple formats.
2 - Building Hosting dedicated server packages
3 - construction update server.
4 - Building server packages new tests under development.
5 - Website if ever takes the distribution network.
6 - matching network needs servers HTTP / FTP downloads.
7 - Building a Web site for distribution.
8 - Create ISO file it to the computer,
the user will download from the site / sites linked,
So these are very large to perform processes for creating a distribution,
as well as providing downloadable from the network.
Very big, very comprehensive, very clear - true.
Now let's maybe all went very smooth unloaded them in smaller parts in order to understand better,
really the meaning of work itself,
and what to do to raise the Linux distribution network
1 - building community Linux distribution.
If so so you can build a distribution system (a system not built the creation Remaster friends),
let's examine what this is all about.
A - Building the system will be based on structured packages repository Kerry - Debian, Ubuntu, Suse ...
When connect the reservoir distribution and dissemination of existing packages
B - need to upload the entire package distribution server (do not have to upload all the files),
must raise all the selected files including all their dependent - all supplements.
C - need to worry that all files are updated,
when creating reservoirs of packages and all.
packages have been signed by the digital keys by checking developers
D - if distribution is a distribution with several workspaces - E17 and Gnome and KDE,
have to store all packages of work environment different path on the server.
The - now have to decide which drivers will work with distribution packages,
which update drivers, which serve the distribution terminals,
which tools will be entered into distribution.
And - now beginning stage of collecting all Drivers Tickets (and all of his packages to format).
And of course the separation of the various hardware drivers for tickets on various separate databases,
according to their environment.
E - at this stage are put into the construction of distribution all scripts to connect all the parts built up here.
F - Now build the infrastructure of the system design (visual appearance, shape Boot, kernel ...)
Decision on kernel by performing work with software packages, graphics, audio and video.
G - Here begins a new round of collecting packages to bridge the independent activities of software.
Round not just takes time to adjust to the different function supplements the work of software,
and troubleshooting both software and hardware
H. - At the end of all tests, bug fixes, patches and scripts,
patches Usplash / Boot and more,
the system stabilises the product works best based on data entered into the various processes.
Now was released into a downloadable ISO file and installed on the user's machine.
So much for the creative process of distribution by its developers in phase Now through its distribution,
phase two construction of dedicated server for distribution.
Server to store the file / herded the - ISO's new system for distribution network.
All servers have to build around the various distribution functions of filling the distribution front work station user.
Each server has a fundamentally different role,
different from his current functioning of the other servers distribution DATA server contains all of the different actions, and digital signatures for all operations activity timestamps.
For understanding - what time you do this or that, from IP address, the name of the user,
what is its network address, user authentication and approval action.
There are way up various servers on any action the action was on the server / and by whom All servers and all the - DATA servers Hosting the central information server.
the server will be updated constantly washing being done sub-distribution servers.
He will coordinate it all Information of activity sub-servers (and through them can be controlled remotely).
At this point you must determine if the service provider network bandwidth to download / upload servers Different,
and determine the speed of the download servers - HTTP-FTP user.
It is important to understand that there is division of download speeds,
it has to properly regulate not cause the collapse of server Download due to demand pressures for download.
Therefore the direct download servers are divided into HTTP / HTTPS,
or download ftp servers.
Including the determined number of users that can simultaneously download the File / herded the ISO,
in accordance with each country allocated slots real time.
To overcome the pressures of the download,
users torrent download servers simultaneously.
It again in order not to collapse into a server in real time.
What certainly helps give a good answer to the pressure distribution of the download,
and gives the user the option to download the release without compromising the server / service provision Download network. Now came to understand how an update is done at the user.
Well, when activated at the user's computer network announcing the presence,
and address and sent to servers storing file system within the system registry (motherboard, cards and f).
Update server returns form (script) that if there are updates to A good process stops Why?
So running script can test the hardware / software that exist at the user,
this process stops the rise of your computer and you see the progress of reading the data.
At the end of the process will update the server returns a form with completed data system for Updates.
When the system reaches its full working environment then go into action Managers update the system.
The Software Updates, Updates hardware, Security Updates, and upgrading the system.
This is the least understood part of the user on how things happen on the network.
Well that an update your system with update servers of the system.
If I'm not mistaken all 20-30 restarts the system identification process will test the user station,
If there are updates for user knowledge by various update drivers.
D - a - perhaps important to say that the given number of restarts can regulate and change,
even this is done by a script that changes the parameter of time update.
Usually change the update times of the amount of updates at the same time there Because,
it would not be interested 500-1000 perform simultaneous updates for the simple reason,
one must consider the average amount of memory the processor type that exists at the user!
To avoid the collapse of the station due to lack of system memory / processor is relatively weak,
has to regulate the amount of updates for a given time,
and divide the amount of updates correct parts What official site to make sure the user station and wash system.
You have to understand that distribution releases its reservation is updates.
Another distribution releases its updates as different.
Update server clusters together all the updates,
and according to specified time performing the operation updates.
the various distributions to the user station Which can cause updates to the user will restart the entire system.
And again as specified by administrative decision of updates to servers.
Therefore very desirable for the user to perform update,
its system in the rise of computer and / or at least once a day.
A user can feel the upcoming updates for this by slowing down the computer,
and browser and When the user feels the sense of gravity work computer,
it is likely that there are pending updates for a system update for the pipe.
Way we think that there are no system issues / problems with other types.
It was important for me to move the last message for the user,
in order to give the user the task of understanding the system and how to update servers Things are made.
I hope that you get a little more information now about how things happen and how things are built distribution of Linux. Easier it will now understand the background processes of the system work with the user's workstation.

Have fun out there PPL and understand how things work. :D ;)
Thank you Blackwolf for the Translating. <BREW> <BREW>

Re: How The Distro work with the update servers.

Postby JOHNNYG » Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:24 am

Uuummm...... Can I get Chocolate ? :lol: <BREW>
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Re: How The Distro work with the update servers.

Postby Admin-Amir » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:41 am

<BREW> :D ;)

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