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Get to know the Ultimate Edition dev team

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:32 pm
by pclinuxguru
TheeMahn - Founding father to ultimate edition - software engineer.

Meister - theemahn's friend and the right hand man that keeps the forum going. Also maker of the ubiquity slide show for Ultimate Edition 3.2 and on. Also beta tester.

pclinuxguru - Lead builder - maker of Ultimate Edition 3.2 & Ultimate Edition 3.2 contestants edition - lead future builder - also helped on Ultimate Edition 3.0

Blackwolf - Takes the rains on public relations - forum relations - beta tester - top notch web designer

INX - from Ultimate Edition OZ admins. beta tester and artist

N92 - Artist - assistant builder - developer - beta tester

billn53 - beta tester - trouble shooter

dathem - lead beta tester - trouble shooter - just all around good guy

wolfgar - lead radio tray bookmarks designer - beta tester

Moebius - lead trouble shooter - developer - beta tester - maker of OZ Unity os

billhedrick - lead facebook relations - beta tester

Hawks-SOAD - trouble shooter - beta tester

TheDailyGrind - top notch artist

kiwinsn - beta tester

dougal - beta tester

to be continued

Re: Get to know the Ultimate Edition dev team

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:51 pm
by pch.shot
I guess no one wants to get to know anybody anymore. This is a view from where I live.

Re: Get to know the Ultimate Edition dev team

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:03 pm
by pclinuxguru
looks great, thanks for sharing .

Re: Get to know the Ultimate Edition dev team

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:58 pm
by michaelharber1
I can not get enough of this OS distro. You guys rock. I just started using Linux about 3 weeks ago, and I must have tried 10 or more distros before I found this wonderful work of art.I have never used anything but MS Windows, in fact I am a Windows developer, but I got really tired of being monitored by Microsoft on every thing that I did on their over priced, over bloated propitiatory pieced of crap OS. I am also a web and Android developer. I came to Linux to host my own web sites. ( (currently not hosted) I also have 11 other non-tld names to play with.I am interested in helping out. I already donated, sorry it wasn't much, but I am disabled and don't have much money. I can help in other ways though. I have a Masters of Science degree (from ITT Technical Institute Indianapolis, IN campus). I also do not work, so I have alot of free time (disabled). I have a 250Mbps Internet connection (Ethernet and WiFi) and a lot of HHD's.
If there is anything that I can do to help out, please, do not hesitate to ask.
[email protected] or [email protected]