TheeMahn - Founding father to ultimate edition - software engineer.
Meister - theemahn's friend and the right hand man that keeps the forum going. Also maker of the ubiquity slide show for Ultimate Edition 3.2 and on. Also beta tester.
pclinuxguru - Lead builder - maker of Ultimate Edition 3.2 & Ultimate Edition 3.2 contestants edition - lead future builder - also helped on Ultimate Edition 3.0
Blackwolf - Takes the rains on public relations - forum relations - beta tester - top notch web designer
INX - from Ultimate Edition OZ admins. beta tester and artist
N92 - Artist - assistant builder - developer - beta tester
billn53 - beta tester - trouble shooter
dathem - lead beta tester - trouble shooter - just all around good guy
wolfgar - lead radio tray bookmarks designer - beta tester
Moebius - lead trouble shooter - developer - beta tester - maker of OZ Unity os
billhedrick - lead facebook relations - beta tester
Hawks-SOAD - trouble shooter - beta tester
TheDailyGrind - top notch artist
kiwinsn - beta tester
dougal - beta tester
to be continued