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Redux 64

Based on Canonicals Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 Bit

Redux 64

Postby Moebius » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:48 am

Oz Redux 64 - Release

Since the introduction of Microsoft Windows, computing has become open to the masses. This in itself was a good thing as with general acceptance of computing came open information exchange and connectivity. Windows however, was designed to make money and as such was developed from a business perspective – not a social one. Linux had a similar issue, however, it had one thing in its favour – Open Source.

Open Source allowed Linux to evolve and become whatever visionaries could conceive. From a boring business server, scientific tool, educational device to a functional desktop personal computer. Anything was possible, and still is. Canonicals Ubuntu operating system has blazed the trail in creating a functional stable desktop usable by people with a moderate to high knowledge of computing – the problem here being that 85-90% of computer users fall beneath this level of computing knowledge.

Various projects have been started to address this problem, such as 'Ultimate Edition', 'Mint', 'Kubuntu', all of which are excellent and serve certain purposes. I enjoyed using each and still do, but something just didn't feel right, it just wasn't me. Users struggling with Windows and viruses and spyware etc.. were still dumbfounded and perplexed when trying to deal with a Linux operating system. There was a need for an operating system which was as easy as could be – both from an installation point of view and an ease of use point of view. Something with all the hard work done such as Codecs, Flash and Java and healthy mix of commonly used and required applications. An operating system with a look and feel pleasant to a majority of new users – not just the enlightened geeks amongst us. An operating system which can easily grow and be tailored to your personal wants and requirements.

To create an operating system which would target new users to Linux or computing in general. An easy to install system which is inviting and intuitive to use, enhanced with applications that the majority of users would require on a day by day basis, which could easily be tailored to any individuals needs. In creating this project, we would provide the nucleus of this system and through consultation with the public on our forum, continue to evolve into something that will become indispensable for personal computer users world wide. During this process, we would also like to teach you how to create your own system – Give a man a fish...

Burn the downloaded ISO 'image' to a DVD and then boot from the DVD. Alternatively if you don't have an optical drive, you can create a startup disk to USB flash drive and then boot your computer from there.

Known Issues:
If you are installing side by side with other operating systems, you may see a 'mounting' error appear on screen during install. You may need to cancel this message two or three times and has no consequence on the installation. After installation, on restart, Grub may not show your other installed operating systems. Continue loading into Oz Unity. Once in Oz, press Alt-F2 and in the dialogue box, type: gksu update-grub and press enter. Enter your password when asked and that's it.
After install, you will manually need to add the additional backgrounds from usr/share/backgrounds.

If you would like to be part of this project, you are more than welcome to do so in whatever form you would like. From a tester, suggester to artist and coder. It should be fun and informative and together we may well just change the world.

By downloading and using this system you acknowledge that Codecs, Flash and Java are pre installed and agree to their respective licences.

DVD LiveDrive:
When you load into a Live DVD session from the DVD, you will be greeted with the Gnome Desktop. If you prefer Gnome, you can continue with your Live Session and install if you wish. If you would like to experience the OzRedux64 environment, log out and log back in as user: 'custom' and change your session tab at the bottom of the screen to OzRedux64 - then simply press enter for the password. You can also install from here as well.

Download From Here: ... o/download
MD5Sum: a95b54776f6c602e027b16eaede00c32

64 Bit Architecture Computer
1Gb Ram (minimum)
10Gb Available HDD
Video Accelerator suggested but not essential.

GNOME 3.2.1
Oz Unity Developement (32) Kernel 15
Moebius Custom Gothic
Intel DG33FB Mainboard
Intel Core2Duo E8400
Amicroe 2 x 1Gb DDR2
WD 250Gb Sata II WD2500AAKS (O/S)
WD 500Gb Sata II WD5000AAKS (Data)
LG Super Multi DVDRW
GeForce 8600GT PCI-E 16x 512Mb 540 MHz

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Posts: 873
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:59 am
Location: Launceston, Tasmania (AUST)
Age: 57
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.2 32 BIT

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