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Oz Unity, Star Sapphire

Other Operating systems by admins / mods.

Oz Unity, Star Sapphire

Postby Randymanme » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:39 am

Hello, everyone.
I like Unity desktop a lot, and the version of Unity that I like the most (so far) is Ultimate Edition Oz Unity Star Sapphire. But by it having been discontinued, It's sort of like frozen in time. I'd like to upgrade my Star Sapphire to 16.04 (it's based on Ubuntu 14.04); and while I'm at it, liven it up a bit from Stormy Monday gray to Mardi Gras splash.

Will someone help me to do this? So far, I'm having only minimal success. I've tried to install Variety, but Variety only works on Ubuntu 15.10 and up. I've installed Snapd and qt-creator, but Ubuntu Mate Welcome still doesn't work. While I'm sure I can figure out what the hold ups are, the easier an softer way is merely to ask some folks.

Thank you
Intel Core 2 Duo, 6 GB, 160 GB hdd: Linux Mint 19/Mate; Ultimate Edition Oz Unity Star Sapphire.
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 1.8 Gamers

Re: Oz Unity, Star Sapphire

Postby Randymanme » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:49 pm

I'm pleased to have gotten Ultimate Edition OZ Unity Star Sapphire to upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04.

How? I reinstalled, then clicked, "Yes," to upgrade and every time the Software Updater closed because some package couldn't be upgraded, I uninstalled (completely removed) it and tried again.

So now, I have Ultimate Edition Oz Unity Star Sapphire based on Ubuntu 16.04. :vil2_plafond .

BTW, the Software Updater offered to upgrade 16.04 to 18.04 before it was even finished upgrading 16.04, but that seems a bit much; and with Gnome 3 desktop, something would be bound to break. Whatever the case, I don't have to consider that until April 2021, God willing.

Intel Core 2 Duo, 6 GB, 160 GB hdd: Linux Mint 19/Mate; Ultimate Edition Oz Unity Star Sapphire.
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 1.8 Gamers

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