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Few problems need resolution

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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:15 pm

It doesnt sound very processing
There is too much to update week after release. New DVD version with updates implemented into OS needs to be posted.
I have another question.
IF most of users downloading Linux are Indians, then where does the majority apps come from if their names sound so strange and weird (for english speaking person) like amarok or ubuntu or other weird named apps. Are those indian names ?
Also i was looking at the "Credits" during OS installation and noticed people who donated/contributed/helped have strange usernames too. I just wonder who is behind the programming keyboard for linux community for the most part of it. It will help me to decide what my next step should be.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:29 am

Suspect a hardware based problem with the ubuntu 10.10 based os.

Looking at your hardware, I must ask. Have you tried a ubuntu 10.1 lts base ?

Like unity oz or Ultimate Edition 2.7.

Just seems like a kernel build/aging hardware problem.

Encounter this my self quite often on Pc,s over 2 to 3 years of age.

By no means effects all.

Also, are you stock or over clocked ?
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:19 am

all stock
I use NTFS tool to mount all my NTFS HDD's at start up and once i do an update this problem with pink screen occurs. (EVERY-TIME)
I know if i unplug it and then disable it from automount then problem (Unable to load) will be solved.
ALso i dont understand why at that PINK screen keyboard is not functioning. :? so i cant even press S key to make it go :(
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:19 am

Humm, I just let natalius mount the NTFS drives as I need them. I have 2 of them for my win 7 dual boot and about 600 gb in games.

Install Linux to it's native type.

Curious, how are you setting up your dual boot? Why force mount the NTFS ?

I can see your approach and mine are worlds different.

Also, when I run and install ALL updates, some 675 mb of them. Not one ever fails, so once again. Would like to know more about your dual boot setup and your approach.

Yes, a disk will be out to include all these updates already. Called Ultimate Edition 2.9 lol. Only seen 14mb in updates with Ultimate Edition 2.9 my self.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:22 am

Willing to bet we can fix this quite quickly, let's talk more about your install , dual boot and approach. Bet we could resolve this today for good.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:33 pm

Ok here is my setup
WD-10000 RPM Windows HDD
Maxtor 7200 RPM Linux HDD
Maxtor 7200 RPM Files
Maxtor 7200 RPM Programs
Seagate 5400 RPM Storage

Maxtor 7200 RPM Linux HDD partition is simple
100MB Mount point "/Boot"
Rest Mount point "/"
Bootloader installed on to 100MB "/Boot" as shown on the picture

When i start my computer and want to boot to linux (Because primary Boot HDD is set one with windows on) i press F8 to enter Boot Selection screen and select HDD with linux on it as shown on the picture.

Problem with this is when i install Linux, all 3 Maxtor 7200 RPM HDD are same model so its hard to tell which one is which when partitioning in in Linux setup. Windows on the other hand shows you HDD label so i know which one is which.
This is my setup.

ALso last night i tried to set up Clean version of ubuntu X64 and did exact same setup as usual (partitioning and setting up mount points etc as well as specifying where to install bootloader) and i get error "Bootloader Rescue" command prompt at start up.
Strange but i get different issue every time computer starts.

I dont dual boot like everyone else does. i want to make sure each OS is not touching the other and stays where its at on its own dedicated HDD where i can format/reformat/kill/destroy/reinstall without effecting other OS or other HDD's with very important files on them.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:50 pm

Ok my friend , here is my advice.

Install to pre set free space but with windows drives present.

Set 3 GB to swap and the rest of the free space to / root.

Now just run the install and let Grub do its job. It will detect all windows installs and configure as needed.

FYI- updates have a new included update to grub 2, this is what hurt ya. It updates grub, but does not configure grub. It is also just a update, not the full version.

Once installed, Windows installs will show in Grub menu. Boot to linux and install all updates. Activate the ATI FGLRX drivers etc. If you want to install ATI cat 11.1 I can help with a custom script to do this.

Do it this way and I think you will be a lot better off.

Also Grub will install to the primary boot drive or the first boot drive with a boot manager already on it.

Also, after update, suggest you run
Code: Select all
sudo update-grub
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:32 pm

i dont want GRUB to install where it think it wants to install
It will install on my primary #1 in boot sequence HDD which has Windows loader and Windows its self.

I figured why i get Grub Rescue command prompt. Because when partitioning HDD it automatically set partitions to Logical instead of primary so it wont boot.
But thats just one of many problems.
Another one was when i tried to use latest LIVE Ubuntu X64 (Not ultimate edition,but plain edition :lol: with no mods at all) and tried "partition manager" it failed to load. :shock:
Then i tried "disk utility" so that maybe i can convert logical to primary and get it fixed this way, but the problem with UBUNTU Disk utility is and always was that it does not (for god's sake none of ubuntu apps/utilities or anything else) lock its self till process completes, or give me some sort of identification of the process being performed THUS LOCKING EVERYTHING ELSE SO I CANT format/edit/lable etc during one or another task is not completed.
Its like my first app i ever coded for windows where you could do all those functions all at once and get everything screwed up. :cry:
I noticed lots of apps have issues where you can execute other functions that should not be executed while previously executed function completed. Is it the programming language issue or the programmer issue i dont know. Obviously Ubuntu was not coded with C++, otherwise it would cost money. :?

When i would switch in BIOS HDD types from standard to ACHI or AHSI or something like that Grub would fail after that switch when windows handles it just fine, just installs your HDD's once again and they work instantly and do not even change their Letter.
Any change in HDD's took one out or installed another one will make it fail and will require me (user) to type in commands that i dont know to get it working.
I am not saying Ubuntu is bad, what am saying is i want to understand why its the way it is. Why its not working out of the box like any any version of windows where every application/app/system editing tool would work just fine straight from fresh install.
Who codes Ubuntu core, Americans/Jew's Indian's/Russian ? Race will give me more answers then questions and i would really appreciate to get that answer of who is responsible for ubuntu (What country did it the most at its core/standarts and regulations of whats allowed to go into repository and whats not and why)
Other then that i love the flashy look and Compiz Cube desktop that no windows can match making it easy to multitask having multiple screens. But i noticed one problem with screen in ubuntu. Everything is FAT and i mean it.
Icons are to big, to much space between them. Window re-size corners (in some cases) are 1 pixel size, making it impossible to re-size window. and everything else is just big so not allot can fit on the screen. Why ?
Windows may not be very flashy, but it looks feels like it has more working space then linux.
Maybe there is a way to make everything smaller in linux to get more working space ?

Sorry i ask so many questions :?
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby pclinuxguru » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:13 pm

Sorry man, but your problems your experiencing are extremely rare.

Nearly 300 + PC's I have installed with Unity OZ or Ultimate Edition 2.7 2.8 2.9 I have yet to have this problem.

I gladly welcome grub on my Primary disk with windows. Yet to ever have any problems.

Each to there own, but my experience with Linux has been it puts my Windows 7 to shame 1000000000000000000000000 times over.

I my self feel my Linux has more room to work as you like to put it. This coming from a guy that has used Windows since windows 1 was released.

Not one windows out there I have no used personally or sold professionally.

Linux just runs better and is easier to install, no questions asked.

No rot
No anti virus
no infections
Never gets slow
Looks hella better
More customizable
Software to replace near any need on windows
No maintenance

List goes on.

Tried what your trying to do a few times. it ended badly every time.

But, I do suggest you disconnect your windows drive and boot to the linux drive only. Update once installed with the windows drive disconnected. Once fully installed and updated, then connect the windows drive and boot via bios.

Had the best of luck with that approach.
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Re: Few problems need resolution

Postby ADPdirty » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:58 pm

I have 1 problem with windows 7 since it came out
#1 and only icons not refreshed as they should. THATS IT
Multiply that by 10's if not more that i have just during installation of ubuntu.
Starting with this. Look at the picture.

For best result please ensure that this computer:
Check for what ?
Check for what ?
Check for what ?
Download Updates while Installing is already checked ? (Or i can barely see it with dark blue background)
I mean who picked this theme for installation ?
Same with 2.8 Lite. Their theme is even worse.
Theme makers use one windows to see if it looks good, never considering that other windows or controls might not look right or would need an adjustment, yet its implemented and published.
If crap like this screen gets passed, then no surprise everything else does.

At the partitioning screen i had no idea that there was a checkbox to "Format" because it was right in front of black area of the background so it was impossible to see unless i click it. :?

You say ubuntu is:
No rot ? no coment (i dont know what you mean)
No anti virus ? It comes with anti virus (Ask me when was the last time i had virus with W7 and why i dont have them ?)
no infections ? Then why the above ? (therre's nothing in it to infect. bunch of apps that suck.)
Never gets slow ? Windows 7 doesnt get slow (XP did but thats long gone)
Looks hella better ? better with screwed up themes that do not match controls ?
More customizable ? and every idiot publishes their customizations without realizing its a mess ?
Software to replace near any need on windows ? near to nothing ?
No maintenance ? well its Ford VS Toyota where Ford=Ubuntu. It looks nice it works nice but only for so long (till your 1st oil change where an oil cap brakes or the gasket leaks)
Programs for Windows are more professional and have standards. OS its self has everything to manage its self where Ubuntu needs additional apps (coded by newbees with no understanding or how things should work and on which side of the window the "OK" or "Cancel" button should be placed, left or right ?) for every function such as user management or even partitioning. Restart your computer is an app :lol:
Phrase "There is an app for that" is not for Iphone, but for linux.
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