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Tilem installation for Statistics Calculator

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:36 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Is me again the college boy(lol not too much of a boy at 49!) For those of us that are in college and have Statistics or even those that just enjoy brushing up on these calculators and their functions, there's TIlem. You can download it at their site as a tar.gz, but for those of us that have a hard time assembling things(yours truly!) it can be downloaded as a deb. Before you can install the deb you have to go to Ubuntu Software and download build essential, libticables2,libtifiles2 and libticonv. Once those are installed you can open the tiLem deb and install. Only with deb package installer, naturally! Once this is done you can either download a rom or make your own from your calculator. For me is the former! Have no cash so downloaded the rom. Open your home folder and scroll to the Tilem folder open and put the image in the proper folder. This needs to be done under root using the sudo nautilus command. Once it is installed simply open a terminal and type tilem and it will open the image and your free to enjoy Statistics! Of course the listed above instructions are for those of us requiring the TI's earlier than TI 89. For TI89 and above there's TIemu which is readily available on Ubuntu Software. Unsure why TIlem isn't, hence above instructions so those of us that need it can use it! Have the TI 84plus on here and works quite nice! On Windoze there's Wabbitmu but thus far is not working for Linux. No worries as TiLem works just as well! For those requiring instructions on the TI cables please visit TiLem website for instructions.

Re: Tilem installation for Statistics Calculator

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:02 am
by pam
Nice write up!!