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Ultimate Edition is incredible...2 questions by newbie.

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Ultimate Edition is incredible...2 questions by newbie.

Postby newbie » Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:19 pm

Coming off using Hymera for the past 6 months and this distro surpasses that one in so many areas. This is incredible. I was debating between Super OS and this and I think I made a good choice. It truly is Ubuntu done right.

Question..In one of the reviews I read it stated that you can upgrade to a new distro release of Ultimate Edition with a single click. Can someone explain if this is accurate?

I assume stable distro releases follow Ubuntu releases? How long after will a new Ultimate Edition release come out after a Ubuntu release?

Thanks in advance.
U.E. Newbie
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Re: Ultimate Edition is incredible...2 questions by newbie.

Postby JOHNNYG » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:07 pm

Hello and welcome newbie !! <BREW> Glad to see you here ! <BREW> :D In answer to your first question , No, You can't (At this point) Upgrade to a new release of Ultimate Edition with "one "click",you must do a fresh install of each new release, which really is not as bad as it sounds ! you simply backup your important documents (Home folder) and install the new release, There are also backup app's to help with the transition, TheeMahn has been working on a "One click" type upgrade for the system,But with "Lucid" coming out some time in April (By reports) and it having an all new start-up interface, This would be possible but not probable;you see each release of Ultimate Edition is a brand new issue not a rehash of the last release, and sometimes things wont hitch up an drive, But I do believe once things are running stable and Canonical stops playing with the interface, TheeMahn will be able to deliver on a "One click" upgrade! may be not for every release but that remains to be seen ! He is cool like that ! :lol: AS for your second question, As Canonical starts there development process so do we ! we are right on there heals and sometimes, Ahead and have to wait for them to catch up ! :D So as soon as TheeMahn knows for sure that there release is stable and on schedule, Ultimate Edition (2.6) will not be far behind !! Thanks again for climbing on board ! It's great to have you here ! <BREW> :D

This post will more than likely be moved to General discussion or Newbie's corner, FYI. ;)
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