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i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edition 2.5 64 Bit

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i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edition 2.5 64 Bit

Postby laylow45 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:10 am

hi all :?:
Please Help?

I recently ventured into the world of Linux Ultimate Edition 2.5 64 Bit and I am looking for a driver/dasboard program for the iBurst USB modem (NOT the UTD or UTV ethernet port models) but the USB model as pic attached. Is there anyone out there that can help perhaps?

Johan (newbie verysickntiredofwindose)

(Rig: DX58SO, i7 920, Oc'ed 3.2Gz, H2O cooled, NVidia, dual boot Ultimate Edition 2.5 & Win7, blah, blah, etc.)
iBurst USB Modem
usb_modem_utu.jpg (5.88 KiB) Viewed 13329 times
(newbie verysickntiredofwindoze)
Rig-self assembled: Intel DX58SO, Proc: i7 920, Oc'ed 3.2Gz, H2O cooled, NVidia GTS250, 3GB OCZ i7 XMP 1,6 GHz, dual boot Ultimate Edition 2.5 64Bit & Win7 64Bit, blah, blah, etc.
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Re: i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edit

Postby Admin-Amir » Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:43 am

Hello laylow45 and welcome to the U.E Forum.

I will say first use the search under Synaptic for " USB".
and you need to install first those 2 packages:

USB mount
Mount manager - look under search of " mount".

Then let's see is this will get your iBurst USB modem to be recognized on your system.
please post back what you gut there.

BTW - ... orial.html ... ic/2146383 ... 03522.html

hope that will get your modem to work.

Re: i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edit

Postby laylow45 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:39 am

Hi Admin-Amir

Thanks for your assistance thus far, but it seems it is going to be more difficult than I anticipated.
First of all, cannot find any Ap named "USB" or "USB mount" under Synaptic package manager? There is however a "USButils" which is already installed? Maybe this is my main problem? The Ultimate Edition OS does however recognize the USB ports as it accesses the flash disk when inserted. Also the Modem lights come on correctly when plugged in? So I am assuming the Ultimate Edition OS can "see" the modem? Let me know if I am wrong?

In any case, went through all the other information and instruction in guides/links you posted, downloaded the lates iBurst driver tar being referred to, un-tarred in a specific directory, but...when running "make" and "make install", just get a string of errors. :?

Obviously something else wrong and me being a newbie in Linux it's going to take some time. Will post the output from the make command tonight, maybe you will be able to point out my problem? Basically the learning curve for Linux is going to be quite a challange for me. I actually have a friend that is also trying to convert to Linux and has precisely the same modem and problem that I have. So we are both battling.... :?

(newbie verysickntiredofwindoze)
Rig-self assembled: Intel DX58SO, Proc: i7 920, Oc'ed 3.2Gz, H2O cooled, NVidia GTS250, 3GB OCZ i7 XMP 1,6 GHz, dual boot Ultimate Edition 2.5 64Bit & Win7 64Bit, blah, blah, etc.
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Re: i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edit

Postby Admin-Amir » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:00 am

Hello laylow45.

I will say this to you.
Synaptic on your machine was not configure , you did not configure the options then refresh and mark all update/upgrade.
the second thing will be the firewall is not configure on your system.
you see First step come the Firewall to work then you start synaptic.

If you have log in to your modem,configure the modem from your browser,
configure the connection to DHCP + DHCP server was mark there = all will work for you just fine.

Then you will see in synaptic that USB is there with allot of options to install packages.

Re: i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edit

Postby laylow45 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:01 pm

at least getting something when using "lsusb" command: Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0482:0204 Kyocera Corp, iBurst Terminal

Firewall only sees ethernet device eth0,
cannot start firewall.

driver install needed..
(newbie verysickntiredofwindoze)
Rig-self assembled: Intel DX58SO, Proc: i7 920, Oc'ed 3.2Gz, H2O cooled, NVidia GTS250, 3GB OCZ i7 XMP 1,6 GHz, dual boot Ultimate Edition 2.5 64Bit & Win7 64Bit, blah, blah, etc.
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Re: i-Burst USB Modem driver and Dashboard for Ultimate Edit

Postby laylow45 » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:45 pm

HOOOORAY! Solved!!! :D :D :D :D :D

I had the oudated iBurst driver. Searched and then loaded the correct latest driver for my Ultimate Edition 2.5 Kernel, ib driver version 2.6.31 from sourceforge, ran make and install without any errors this time, ran pppoeconf and hey presto! ib0 present! :D , success! :D Am posting from Ultimate Edition 2.5 firefox. At last I am rid of Windoze dependancy! Feels like I have come out of Rehab! :D

Thanks Amir!

Johan (veryhappynewbie) :D
(newbie verysickntiredofwindoze)
Rig-self assembled: Intel DX58SO, Proc: i7 920, Oc'ed 3.2Gz, H2O cooled, NVidia GTS250, 3GB OCZ i7 XMP 1,6 GHz, dual boot Ultimate Edition 2.5 64Bit & Win7 64Bit, blah, blah, etc.
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