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Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Help and support for Ultimate Edition 2.5

Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby Admin-Amir » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:17 pm

Hello geppettvs .

I offer my apologies if I'm doing something wrong, if I need to follow a rule on sharing my screenshots via my own server just let me know. However, this is not a priorized topic and I can go back to my old ATI TV Wonder with no problems. Just wanted to know if this new one is better than the other (as is featuring FM Tuner, Video Capture via S-Video and TV, The TV Tuner, etc.) but nevermind, I don't want to break any rules or hurt feelings. Thank you.

First I will say all is cool here no worry,just attach the screen shots like I ask you to - and we will be fine.
There is A problem to see the images from your server.
I have mark for you the packages that you need to install on this set to support the media.
Please install the packages that I have marked for you ,
and the I will need some more screen shots from you.



please install USBMOUNT too.

OK, now please post screen shots from search in synaptic for:


Thank you.

Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby geppettvs » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:55 pm

Well, I did as you said and fully installed the packages you marked in the synaptic's screenshots. It just took a few minutes and no error messages at all. Here you'll see the screenshots you requested. And well... it seems I had nothing installed, right? how did I expect this to work? lol :lol: Thank you.

Bien, hice como dijiste y he instalado los paquetes que marcaste en las capturas de pantalla de synaptic. Le tomo solo unos cuantos minutos y no hubo mensajes de error en lo absoluto. Aqui podras ver las capturas de pantalla que solicitaste. Y bueno... parece que no tenia nada instalado, verdad? como esperaba que esto funcione? lol :lol: Gracias.




Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
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nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
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Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby Admin-Amir » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:00 pm

geppettvs No problem my Friend.





please post for me under search = Gstreamer,pulse Audio,alsa shots.

Thank you.

Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby geppettvs » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:44 pm

It was lots of screenshots. I zipped and attached here, my hope is this is yet helpful. By the way: may this problem be somehow related to my sound malfunction? As I said before, I sometimes have to restart the alsa service by typing the "sudo alsa force-reload" command. Thanks in advance.

Eran demasiadas capturas de pantalla. Las he comprimido y adjuntado aqui, espero que asi sean todavia utiles. Por cierto: puede este problema de alguna forma estar relacionado con mi falla de sonido? Como antes dije, algunas veces tengo que reiniciar el servicio alsa escribiendo el comando "sudo alsa force-reload". Gracias anticipadas.
gstreamer zip
(1.24 MiB) Downloaded 550 times
pulse zip
(9.33 MiB) Downloaded 529 times
alsa zip
(1.23 MiB) Downloaded 540 times
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
Bamboo MTE-450 Pointing system

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Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby Admin-Amir » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:59 pm

geppettvs ,

look on the Multimedia Guide ,
and you need to look on the mixers that work on the same Desktop.
They all connected to support the work with all that you need.
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 541 times
(1.24 MiB) Downloaded 520 times
(9.24 MiB) Downloaded 537 times

Now After you have installed all the packages ,please try to use the me TV and see what you gut.
Then try to use you web cam and see what you gut.

Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby geppettvs » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:40 am

Hi, I almost give up with this. However, do you mind providing a link to "Multimedia Guide"? I have searched on the forum and the Ultimate Edition web page and found lots of references to "Multimedia Guide" but no link where to go. Sorry, it will help a lot if you provide a link. I continue experiencing the same symptoms in my computer. (no TV-channels and no way to use the webcam on fonomo) But found a new software (probably installed after doing the install of the packages you suggested to) and the new symptom is that XAW-TV is attempting to read from the webcam but no success. And no option to change the device. Just when closing XAW-TV I can see a quick shot of the webcam's image. (just a frame) then the software close down. I know I must go ahead with your suggestion, and I really appreciate a lot your time and help.

Hola, casi me rindo con esto. De todas formas, te importaria proporcionar un link para la "Guia Multimedia"? He buscado en el foro y en la pagina web de Ultimate Edition y encontre muchas referencias a la "Guia Multimedia" pero ningun link a donde ir. Lo lamento, seria de suma utilidad si me proporcionas un link. Sigo experimentando los mismos sintomas en mi computadora. (no hay canales de television y no hay manera de usar la webcam en fonomo) Pero encontré un nuevo software (probablemente se instalo despues de hacer la instalacion de los paquetes que sugeriste) y el nuevo sintoma es que XAW-TV esta tratando de leer desde la webcam pero no hay exito. Y no hay opcion para cambiar el dispositivo. En el momento que cierro XAW-TV puedo ver una imagen rapida de la webcam (solo un fotograma) y entonces el software se cierra. Se que debo continuar con tus sugerencias y de verdad aprecio muchisimo tu tiempo y ayuda.
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
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Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby geppettvs » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:40 pm

Blackwolf wrote:This might help..... :)

Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate the efforts of everyone to help people on this forum. By now I cannot follow the steps mentioned on your link but I will give a try next week. Just wanted to say thank you.

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. De veras aprecio los esfuerzos de todos para ayudar a las personas en este foro. Por ahora no puedo seguir los pasos mencionados en tu enlace pero los probare la proxima semana. Solo queria agradecer.
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
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Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby Admin-Amir » Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:55 am

Hello geppettvs.

Hi, I almost give up with this. However, do you mind providing a link to "Multimedia Guide"? I have searched on the forum and the Ultimate Edition web page and found lots of references to "Multimedia Guide" but no link where to go. Sorry, it will help a lot if you provide a link. I continue experiencing the same symptoms in my computer. (no TV-channels and no way to use the webcam on fonomo) But found a new software (probably installed after doing the install of the packages you suggested to) and the new symptom is that XAW-TV is attempting to read from the webcam but no success. And no option to change the device. Just when closing XAW-TV I can see a quick shot of the webcam's image. (just a frame) then the software close down. I know I must go ahead with your suggestion, and I really appreciate a lot your time and help.

give up :?: :?:

Who said that :D

Let's go to the second part for the support of the software/Hardware on your system please.

First install Pidgin+plug in under search in synaptic+install skype in Ubuntu Tweak=3 party - then in Applications.

How to install Fonomo plugin for Pidgin ... for-pidgin

Install Skype API plugin for Pidgin on ubuntu

Code: Select all


Code: Select all
sudo dpkg -i skype4pidgin.deb

OR use your package for your system that you work with:

Code: Select all
wget i386)

wget amd64)

Now you can install Moovida from synaptic/Ubuntu tweak = Media Center.
and let's see what you gut after that.

Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby geppettvs » Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:19 pm

Hey my friend, sorry for delaying. By here we had a lightning over the tower (we broadcast for open TV and the tower is 110 meters height) and some things burned out, that made me hurry installing no-break regulators and these things in order to avoid my all my equipment from burning. Fortunately the computer we're working on about this subject didn't have any problems but we spent some time re-wiring these power lines, you know. I also removed the Pinnacle TV Card but it was just in order to fully clean PCI slots and the card itself, as it stopped working and I hope it didn't burn, I will check it out tomorrow and in a few days I will continue with the test. Thank you very much for not leaving me alone and thank you for cheering me in order not to give up. We'll do it, man!

Hey mi amigo, lamento el retraso. Por aqui nos cayo un rayo en la torre (nosotros transmitimos para television abierta y la torre tiene 110 metros de altura) y algunas cosas se quemaron, eso me hizo apurarme instalando reguladores y no-break y esas cosas para evitar que todo mi equipo se quemara. Afortunadamente la computadora en la que estamos trabajando sobre este asunto no tuvo ningun probelma pero nso tomo algo de tiempo recablear las lineas de energia, tu sabes. Tambien quite la tarjeta Pinnacle pero solo fue para limpiar completamente las ranuras PCI y la propia tarjeta, como dejo de funcionar y espero que no se haya quemado, le echare un vistazo mañana y en unos dias continuare con la prueba. Muchas gracias por no abandonarme y gracias por animarme a no rendirme. Vamos a lograrlo, hombre!
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
Bamboo MTE-450 Pointing system

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Re: Fonomo, TV-Tuner and Webcam misconfiguration

Postby Admin-Amir » Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:00 am

Hello geppettvs.

Thank you for the update on your issues over there,
Take your time and get all your fix done , we will wait for you to come back again.
we do not live users alone . ;)


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