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Kdenlive and Windows Desktop recording avi

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Kdenlive and Windows Desktop recording avi

Postby Jeahavee » Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:03 pm

What a fail of a day. I tried everything after doing a record my desktop on Windows to do some editing on Kdenlive (on kde). I started with an AVI file when Kden rendered it the video was TO FAST. Then I changed the speed 10 times and it was either to slow or to fast. I changed range it from a range of 1% to 90% and most point in between. THEN I converted the file with handbrake to mp4 which failed to convert. I was able to converter on Windows BUT Kden saw the file at 3 times longer then it really was. Editing the speed wasn't even close to working.

Someone please give me a format that's easy to do so I can simple add my specially time wav file and wma music and render a 100p vid for Youtube. If it be AVI or convtered MP4 or whatever I need to do. I then Came back on Gnome (HAD to restart the computer couldn't just log out log in). Rendered it with the AVI on PiTiVi and added all my sounds and stuff and it dodn't work either. 2mins turned 13mins :?: :( THREW for now. HELP me out.
Last edited by Jeahavee on Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jeahavee Jamillskill jGRite (just Get Right).
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Re: Kdenlive and Windows Desktop recording avi

Postby Admin-Amir » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:31 am

Hello Jeahavee .

First I hope that you have read all the instruction of the Kdenlive on there site,
and you use the 0.7.6 package software.
OR - you have add the source to your repo list - Debian source.
Code: Select all
deb-src  unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable main contrib non-free

Look on there Guide here please: ... st-project

and I know that you are KDE man,so you use the kdenlive - if you ask me the I will tell you use Avidemux.
make sure that you have install all the support packages for the Multimedia+plug-in.
H.264 is very important in your work - so make sure you have the package install.

Here is the Guide for you of Avidemux. ... 57763.html

BTW- I personal use the Istanbul software to record the Desktop - for me it works batter.
you should try it and see if it will work for you.

Hope that will do the rtix for you.
Good luck to you.

Re: Kdenlive and Windows Desktop recording avi

Postby Jeahavee » Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:48 pm

Istanbul for Windows? I give that a try. I haven't... or can't recall what format I get with Ubuntu of Kde desktop recording.

Yeah I finally figured this out for when I render my phone and my desktop. Yes for AVI from windows I have h.264 and that's the only one that renders properly for PiTiVi (from my phone). MPEG-4 for Kdenlive only in my case.

Youtube server is gonna hate me for a week or at least today. :P :mrgreen:

Although I'm still have a hard time with .MOV files from this digital camera. They just don't time right at all. The sound from the .MOV doesn't sync at all and the speed of the video is to slow. I can bare parting with all the .mov files I have.
Jeahavee Jamillskill jGRite (just Get Right).
Hp Pavilion Dv61030us 1366x768
Quick Port
Creative X-Fi 5.1 (USB)
Logitech MX Revolution Mouse, Anywhere MX, G9
Intel 300gb ssd, Windows 210gb, Ubuntu 14.00 70gb (all 64 bits)

AMD 965
evga 580 hydro
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4 sticks of 8gbs ddr3 HyperX Ram (1333mhz)
Viewsonic 23.6" 1920x1080
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W7 Pro 256gbs ssd, Ultimate Edition 14.04 60gb (Always 64bits)
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Re: Kdenlive and Windows Desktop recording avi [Done]

Postby Jeahavee » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:27 pm

For anyone that reads this thread make a note. I switched to Openshot much better. :lol:
Jeahavee Jamillskill jGRite (just Get Right).
Hp Pavilion Dv61030us 1366x768
Quick Port
Creative X-Fi 5.1 (USB)
Logitech MX Revolution Mouse, Anywhere MX, G9
Intel 300gb ssd, Windows 210gb, Ubuntu 14.00 70gb (all 64 bits)

AMD 965
evga 580 hydro
Water cooled...
4 sticks of 8gbs ddr3 HyperX Ram (1333mhz)
Viewsonic 23.6" 1920x1080
Sony 17" 1280x1024
1 WD Caviar 1tb, 1 WD Green 2tb
W7 Pro 256gbs ssd, Ultimate Edition 14.04 60gb (Always 64bits)
Logitech G710+, G13, MX Revolution
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Giniro old build leftover parts
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U.E. College Professor
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