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Music Software

Help and support for Ultimate Edition 2.5

Music Software

Postby newmusic » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:22 am

As a music teacher/performer, I regularly make use of music notation software. But it only works in windows (until now I hope). I have tried installing it via wine doors but cannot get it to boot up.
This is basically the only reason I cannot permanently change to Ultimate Edition.

The program is Geniesoft "Overture".

If time permits please could this be looked into.

Thank you that I can know use my Soundblaster X-fi card with UE2.5

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Re: Music Software

Postby Admin-Amir » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:33 am

Hello newmusic and welcome to U.E Forum.

I will try to say it in the easy way for you -as A one teacher to the other ;)
If I will go step by step with all the fetchers that you have in the software for $349
I can say that Linux have match more to offer for FREE!!!

Here is your software:

Now if I take etch one of the software option and search for it in synaptic,
I will have "allot" of software that I can install from -10 to 100 options and work with side by side on the machine.

Professional page layout
Extensive MIDI features
Desktop publishing
Drum Mappings
Smart Tablature

And so on and on.

well you will see that they all there in Advanced ready to install.
and if i can add one more thing for you as info,
you can add the Ubuntu Studio's to tour system.

So Mr newmusic teacher/performer - we have it all build in FOR FREE.
no charge at all.

There is nothing to compeer with the U.E and MS :D
BTW-add to it the NO Virus,NO ad aware.... There is nothing like that on U.E - Linux.

So now please you tell me Mr newmusic teacher/performer-what are you doing Still in MS? <BREW> :D ;)

Thank you for this post on Multimedia issues.

Re: Music Software

Postby Time » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:35 am
available in synaptic
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Re: Music Software

Postby melinawaugh » Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:41 pm

Thanks for sharing great links...I like Overture 4..i download work nice on my vista platform...
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Re: Music Software

Postby geppettvs » Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:00 pm

newmusic wrote:As a music teacher/performer, I regularly make use of music notation software. But it only works in windows (until now I hope). I have tried installing it via wine doors but cannot get it to boot up.
This is basically the only reason I cannot permanently change to Ultimate Edition.

The program is Geniesoft "Overture".

If time permits please could this be looked into.

Thank you that I can know use my Soundblaster X-fi card with UE2.5


Hi my friend. // Hola amigo.

Well, it's good having a music teacher interested on this excellent distribution of Linux, (as in my humble point of view: the best).

Bien, es bueno tener un maestro de musica interesado en esta excelente distribucion de Linux, (desde mi humilde punto de vista: la mejor).

I am not such a teacher or something. Just I am involved in multi-media for my day-to-day work and yes... I am a music enthusiast. That's why I got my eyes in this topic.

Yo no soy tanto como un maestro o algo. Solo estoy envuelto en la multi-media por mi trabajo diario y si... soy un entusiasta de la musica. Eso es lo que atrajo mi mirada en este asunto.

All the advices coming from my friends (greetings Amir) are really good but I share with you the need to depend of a certain software which much times is not possible to "clean run" under wine. I hope my answer isn't too late.

Todos los consejos de mis amigos (saludos Amir) son realmente buenos pero comparto contigo la necesidad de depender de cierto software que muchas veces no es posible "ejecutar limpiamente" en wine. Espero que mi respuesta no sea demasiado tardia.

I would like to know what exactly do you mean with: "but cannot get it to boot up". I am not sure how can it work but in my opinion installing the software via Wine is working pretty fine. Well, I haven't tested with a midi, which may make you experience no problems at all but the need to learn how to do new things in Linux, things as: to connect a midi instrument which is not as easy as plug and choose from a drop down menu as we usually do on MS based software.

Me gustaria saber a que exactamente te refieres con: "pero no puedo conseguir que arranque". No estoy seguro como funcione pero en mi opinion instalar el software via Wine esta funcionando muy bien. Bueno, no he probado con un midi, lo cual puede hacerte experimentar no problemas del todo sino mas bien la necesidad de aprender cosas nuevas en Linux, cosas como: conectar un instrumento mido lo cual no es tan sencillo como conectar y elegir desde un menu desplegable como habitualmente lo hacemos en software basado en MS.

You can see my "DEMO" version of "Overture" running pretty fine under Wine in the next screenshot:

Puedes ver mi version "DEMO" de "Overture" trabajando perfectamente bien bajo Wine en la siguiente captura de pantalla:

Then I should ask you: // Asi que debo preguntarte:

1.- Which wine version are you running for this task?
Que version de wine estas usando para esta tarea?

2.- Have you tried modifying the windows version emulation in the wine applications tab in the Wine configuration window? I successfully ran the software after changing from XP to Vista version but the XP version is also running the software.
Has probado modificando la version emulada de windows en la pestaña "Applications" en la ventana de configuracion de wine? Yo tuve exito corriendo el software despues de cambiar de XP a la version Vista pero la version XP tambien estaba corriendo el software.

3.- In the "Graphics" tab of the Wine Configuration window you can also request your wine to emulate a virtual desktop and choose desktop's size. Which may be useful to give "Overture" a stable "place" where to work.
En la pestaña "Graphics" de la ventana de configuracion de Wine tambien puedes solicitar a tu wine que emule un escritorio virtual y escoger el tamaño del mismo. Lo cual puede ser muy util para darle a "Overture" un "lugar" estable donde trabajar.

However, you can also run a Virtual Machine using Qemu (included by TheeMahn in the majority of Ultimate Edition versions) or Virtualbox OSE which may be easily installed on your system. (

Sin embargo, tambien puedes correr una Maquina Virtual usando Qemu (incluida por TheeMahn en la mayoria de las versiones de Ultimate Edition) o Virtualbox OSE la cual puede ser instalada facilmente en tu sistema. (

VirtualBox OSE is my favorite for now and it allows you to run your applications in a "seamless mode" in order not to depend on the virtual OS desktop in order to do the job, which is excellent to interact with other Ultimate Edition applications while running your software.

VirtualBox OSE es mi favorita por ahora y te permite ejecutar las aplicaciones de un "modo transparente" para no depender del escritorio del sistema operativo virtual al realizar el trabajo, lo cual es excelente para interactuar con otras aplicaciones de Ultimate Edition mientras corres tu software.

Please let me know if you have already fixed your problem. I would like to hear great news from you my friend.

Por favor dejame saber si ya resolviste tu problema. Me encantaria tener buenas nuevas de ti mi amigo.

Greetings for everyone! // Saludos a todos!

Edited for PostScripting // Editado para la PostData
P.S. Are you using alsa mixer? you can have a good "patching panel" for midi using jack.
P.D. Estas usando alsa mixer? puedes tener un buen "panel de parcheo" para mido usando jack.
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
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Intel DG965SS Based MB
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1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
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1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

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Re: Music Software

Postby nikjerry » Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:14 am

Well geppettvs, I just would like to say you that I also having the same problem with me. After reading this all of the stuff I just came to know that what should I do to solve that and finally I got the problem and also have solved that.
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Re: Music Software

Postby geppettvs » Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:17 pm

nikjerry wrote:Well geppettvs, I just would like to say you that I also having the same problem with me. After reading this all of the stuff I just came to know that what should I do to solve that and finally I got the problem and also have solved that.

Hi nikjerry, // Hola nikjerry

I hope you enjoy your Ultimate Edition version as all we do. Let me know if you experience some problems with this, as I am yet having problems with other windows based software running under wine and your experiences may illustrate in order to look for solutions. Thank you.

Espero que disfrutes tu version Ultimate Edition tanto como nosotros. Dejame saber si todavia tienes problemas con esto, ya que yo sigo teniendo problemas con otro software de windows corriendo bajo wine y tus experiencias pueden ser muy ilustrativas para buscar soluciones. Gracias.
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

ATI TvWonder TvTuner and *NEW* Pinnacle PCTV
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Re: Music Software

Postby geppettvs » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:31 pm

newmusic wrote:Thank you again.

I am having a small problem - maybe its stupid but I cannot find the solution.

When I open Overture, each time I open a page it gives me a small page and I am unable to change it - I need A4.

I have tried changing the printing properties, the page setup and cannot find a solution to have A4 as a default page size.
In Windoze it changes easily but not here.
Hope you can help

Kind regards

Hi, well... I received a couple of messages from our friend newmusic and the last one refered me to a small problem, which I haven't experienced yet indeed. Related to the "small page" at the time the software opens.

Hola, bueno... Recibi un par de mensajes de nuestro amigo newmusic y el ultimo me referia a un pequeño problema, el cual no me ha ocurrido a mi, de hecho. Relacionado a la "pagina pequeña" en el momento en que el software abre.

First of all, newmusic, thank you for continuing giving Ultimate Edition a chance. Lots of people give up when they face these apparently "inconvenients".

Para empezar, newmusic, gracias por continuar dandole una oportunidad a Ultimate Edition. Mucha gente se rinde cuando encaran esos aparentes "inconvenientes".

I am assuming that you mean the software is dropping a small size page just in the launch time when you say:

Estoy asumiendo que te refieres a que el software entrega una pagina de tamaño pequeño solo en el momento en que arranca cuando dices:

each time I open a page

But my question would be: can you -after the launch- change the page size or properties? If your answer is "yes" then the easiest way to get that situation for solved will be changing it everytime you need. The longest way will be to continue reading this.

Pero mi pregunta seria: puedes -despues del arranque- cambiar el tamaño o propiedades de la pagina? si tu respuesta es "si" entonces el camino mas corto para dar esta situacion por resuelta sera cambiarlo cada vez que lo necesites. El camino mas largo seria continuar leyendo esto.

MS based software is using printer configuration in order to determine which page size will be used to fit into the printer at the time they has to draw something on screen. And in the majority of the MS based OS's you may face an error when try to preview your document using the "file/preview" option. It would read something like: "There is no printer installed in the system and a standard size will be used for the preview." and the preview will be shown on A4 (depending on your location, of course).

Software basado en MS usa la configuracion de la impresora con el proposito de determinar cual tamaño sera usado para ajustarse a la impresora en el momento que tiene que dibujar algo en la pantalla. Y en la mayoria de los sistemas operativos basados en MS puedes enfrentarte a un error cuando trates de previsualizar tu documento usando la opcion "archivo/preview". Dira algo como: "No hay impresora instalada en el sistema y un tamaño estandard sera usado para la previsualizacion." y la vista previa se mostrara en A4 (dependiendo de tu ubicacion, por supuesto).

The problem you are experiencing may be related to that analogy. And, it depends on the Overture's configuration the way to request system's default print size at the very moment of the software's launch time.

El problema que estas experimentando puede estar relacionado a esa analogia. Y, depende de la configuracion de Overture la forma de solicitar el tamaño predeterminado del sistema de impresión en el preciso momento del arranque del software.

In Wine, there is no native printing method (or I haven't found it yet). Which may solve your problem, of course.

En Wine, no hay metodo nativo de impresion (o yo no lo he encontrado todavia). Lo cual puede resolver tu problema, por supuesto.

However, I found some answers related to "printing through wine" by googling and diving a while in lots of links. I found one which refers to Wine-HOWTO and it is really interesting when saying:

Sin embargo, he encontrado algunas respuestas relacionadas con "la impresión a través de wine" al googlear y al echarme un clavado en un montón de enlaces. me encontré con una que se refiere al wine-HOWTO y es muy interesante cuando dice:
Printing Basics for Wine

There are two ways to print with Wine: Using the internal Postscript driver from Wine or a native printer driver for your printer. As Wine is still in development and no final release is available, there may be still problems with printing (e.g., crashes). But with some applications you may print with acceptable results.

Before printing with Wine you should have your printer working with Linux (or BSD or whatever you use). More about printing with Linux in the Printing-HOWTO and the Printing-Usage-HOWTO. Native GDI (Windows) printers do not work with Wine if they cannot emulate another printer like Epson FX or something else. Linux supported printers are listed in the Hardware-HOWTO.

And you may find other interesting stuff related to your intentions by following this link:

Y puedes encontrar otras cosas interesantes y relacionadas a tus intenciones con seguir este enlace:

Well, as you see the longest way can mean "longest" in the longest extension of the word. But yes, it can be achieved with a little effort.

Bueno, como puedes ver el camino largo puede significar "largo" en toda la extension de la palabra. Pero si, se puede lograr con un poco de esfuerzo.

Sorry, I recently moved to Ultimate Edition 2.8 and haven't tested Overture in wine for now, last time it was on my Ultimate Edition 2.5 and worked pretty fine, and btw: I didn't experience problems with page size or resizing.

Lo siento, recientemente me cambie a Ultimate Edition 2.8 y no he probado Overture en wine por ahora, la ultima vez fue en mi Ultimate Edition 2.5 y trabajaba muy bien, y por cierto: no tuve problemas con el tamaño de pagina o cambiarle el tamaño.

If you provide further details on how your "launch time is drawing the page's on screen" is acting, and what you do in order to change the size I can figure out how to get a way for solving it.

Si me dieras mas detalles sobre la forma en que esta actuando tu "dibujando la pagina en pantalla al momento del arranque", y que estas haciendo para cambiar el tamaño voy a poder darme una idea de como conseguir una forma para resolverlo.

Have a nice day! // Que tengas un buen dia!

Glossary: // Glosario:
MS = Microsoft (R)
OS = Operating System // Sistema Operativo

(Trademarks mentioned with ilustrative purposes only//Marcas registradas se mencionan solo con propositos ilustrativos.)
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
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OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
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+++1xTOSHIBA 40GB 2.5" HDD
=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

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