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Postby stlsaint » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:39 am

In UE2.4 and now 2.5 frostwire flat out does not work for me. I can search and download songs fine but when i try and play them in frostwire it says it has reached an internal error. Then when i try and play the file via vlc no sound comes out or it says "cannot connect to stream...file too large. I know its not hardware because i play my media stream thru vlc and play music files of all formats via banshee! any thoughts?

NOTE: I just tried file in banshee and it works...but still not in vlc, amarok or frostwire client
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Re: frostwire

Postby Jeahavee » Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:37 pm

In VLC did you change your skin? :oops:
Jeahavee Jamillskill jGRite (just Get Right).
Hp Pavilion Dv61030us 1366x768
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evga 580 hydro
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Re: frostwire

Postby JOHNNYG » Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:00 pm

This is a java conflict that I have been working on ! I have got frostwire to work and ,work great but I have to nail down the process, It also has a pulseaudio issue ! :twisted: Pisses me off ! I have asked at F/W forums and got notta ! Lots'a help there ! :evil: so as I narrow it down I will post ! If anyone else has a fix feel free to chime in ! ;)
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Maxtor Maxline 80 gig, Split for testing only !
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Re: frostwire

Postby sambolinux » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:22 am

Don't use it too many (window)viruses use torrents instead !!!(just joking)
Computer: Antec NSK6500 case, MSI K9A2 Platinum, BE940 Phenom II,6gig ddr2 1066mhz ram, 4 sata hd (1 250gb seagate w/acronis for op sys bkp only and 1 TB wd green for movie bkp only and disconnected) , 3 1TB wd black sata II(no raid),Zalman 9700 air cooler, on board realsucks sound, Sony 42" hdtv connected to a 4670 ATI Radeon video card/ w Zalman 900 air cooler(very quiet) , 21.5 in Acer lcd monitor(cheap monitor finally died) , 2 ide dvd rw drives LG , 1 sata hp 340i bluray disk writer
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Re: frostwire

Postby JOHNNYG » Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:22 pm

stlsaint wrote:In UE2.4 and now 2.5 frostwire flat out does not work for me. I can search and download songs fine but when i try and play them in frostwire it says it has reached an internal error. Then when i try and play the file via vlc no sound comes out or it says "cannot connect to stream...file too large. I know its not hardware because i play my media stream thru vlc and play music files of all formats via banshee! any thoughts?

NOTE: I just tried file in banshee and it works...but still not in vlc, amarok or frostwire client

OK! Thanks to 2hot6ft2 ! <BREW> I think we may have a winner ! Seems java is whazz up ! Try this out and see if all is well and good in frostwire land ! viewtopic.php?f=68&t=4847 I have had issues with FW and did this, things started right up ! No ISSUES! :D <BREW> I have several other installs that have the "NO PLAY IN FW issue" I will try this and repost ! I will also reinstall some other Ultimate Edition that had this happen and confirm,If this is the "fix" ;)
Ultimate Eddiction<
Ultimate Edition STUDIO
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Maxtor Maxline 80 gig, Split for testing only !
Maxtor Diamondmax 500 gig, Storage
Booting 8 OS's, No MS !
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Re: frostwire

Postby geppettvs » Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:16 pm

Hello, sorry if I am writing in a probably already fixed problem. // Hola, lamento si estoy escribiendo en un problema probablemente ya resuelto.

The "cannot connect to stream...file too large" is a common error of the audio alsa mixer when trying to reach streams from different sources.
El "no puede conectar al stream... archivo demasiado largo" es un error comun de la mezcladora de audio alsa cuando trata de alcanzar corrientes de diferentes fuentes.

Give a try to
Code: Select all
sudo alsa force-reload
in the terminal and try again to play the audio via your favorite software (vlc, amarok, rhythmbox, etc.)
Intenta con
Code: Select all
sudo alsa force-reload
en la terminal y vuelve a probar reproducir el audio a traves de tu software favorito (vlc, amarok, rhythmbox, etc.)

I suggest you to close down all your audio applications prior to the command's run in order to avoid errors and/or program's crashes.
Recomiendo que cierres todas tus aplicaciones de audio antes de ejecutar el comando para evitar errores y/o fallas de los programas.

Please let me know if you already fixed your problem. // Por favor dejame saber si ya resolviste tu problema.

Greetings! // Saludos!
Geppettvs! The Nuvogger
(formerly known as "LeMagnifique!")
Life's a bitch... then you die...

Intel DG965SS Based MB
Intel Core2Duo 2.13
2 GB Kingston 667Mhz DDR2 DIMM
nVidia GeForce 9500GT Sparkle (1024MB)

OS: Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 Bits (Base System)
1×IDE Samsung 80 GB HDD
3xSATA Western Digital 500GB
1xUSB BTO HDD Case with
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=>IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (+4 IDE Support)
+++3xSamsung 80GB IDE HDD
+++1xWestern Digital 360GB IDE HDD

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