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Ubuntu thinks my screen is bigger then it is LOL HELP !

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Ubuntu thinks my screen is bigger then it is LOL HELP !

Postby ADPdirty » Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:21 pm

tell ubuntu that my monitor is 47" not 50".
force refresh rate to 60 at 1920x1080, currently max is at 30 but ATI control panel says max is at 60 and that my TV is 47" instead of 50 as ubuntu says it is.
does ubuntu have registry like windows ?
where do applications save data ? applications such as firefox
How to permanently remove firefox installation and user files from ubuntu ? Why ? Because it comes with custom themes and custom colors that dont rely fit well with firefox. Go to and type in search. Gray type field and yellow text ? no match there and i cant even see what i type. So i want to install firefox from a scratch.
How to install firefox ? Downloading package is one thing, but what to do with it ?
How to install driver for soundcard ? It says that its there but anyway to install update it or something ? Maybe uninstall and try another driver version ? (LOST) same thing with other device drivers. System settings does not have all devices installed view, only shows my video card as if my computer runs on video card only lol :lol: (please dont ban me its a joke)
Driver downloaded and installed and it works. I want to make sure i can install it offline later, so where is it ? How to back it up and instlal it manualy later ?

Sorry for all the trouble, am trying to switch from windows and its difficult.

If you willing to help, please be step by step detail oriented because simple things like TERMINAL can be very confusing (TERMINAL oooo scary :D )

thanks in advance
Last edited by ADPdirty on Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help newb with

Postby razy60 » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:36 pm

Hi, thats a lot of problems,
First could you please post your system specs as this will help anyone trying to give you advice,
Secondly did you try running the live CD before installing as that would have given you an idea as to how your PC would perform, It may have also shown up any errors with the cd that could cause install problems.
I would also sugggest that you look into changing the theme or back ground as that helps with visuals.

O/S; U.E 2.6 64 bit, OSX, xp pro, Windows 7 64 bit
Mobo: Asus P6t
cpu, Intel i7 920
ram, 4Gb DDR3 G Skill 1600 ripjaw
lan, realtek rtl8211b
sound, realtek 1200 hd + ati Hd audio
gpu, Asus EAH 5870 1Gb
HDD, OCZ Vertex 2 60GB ssd(OS) 2 x 250 GB(in raid0 for progs) 2x 1TB samsung (storage)
Wireless keyboard Logitek wave
Mouse: Microsoft X8 sidewinder
Display: sharp 42" lcd 1080p tv via hdmi
Dell studio 1557 7 pro x64& Ultimate Edition 2.7 32bit
i7 720 multi core cpu
4GB 1333mhz ram
INtel 5300 agn 802.11n wifi adaptor
Ati radeon HD 4570 512mb gpu
320GB 7200 HDD
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Re: Help newb with

Postby ADPdirty » Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:40 pm

Sure no problem here
Comp Specs
1 Intel CPU 6700 Dual core socket 775 2.66 mhz each core
4 1GB DDR2 dual channel RAM cards (limited to 2 due to use of 32bit OS or no memory remapping feature enabled on BIOS settings)
Asus MotherBoard P5W-DH-Deluxe-ROM v2901 (update to 3001 causing computer start on its own if restarted so had to downgrade)
1 Video card : ATI Radeon HD 3870 512mb X2 =1024MB total DDR5
1 Sound Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Extreme with ASIO.
2 network cards on board (see motherboard specs for more info)
1 wireless on board (see motherboard specs for more info)

HDTV Visio Galevia 47" connected through HDMI cable for "true 1080p"(ubuntu thinks its 50" causing overstretched image on the screen thus making LIVE run useless)
And LIVE is slow so for me i dont see point of using it at all. I'd rather install NOW then load LIVE (time waste and lots of it :( )

Because ubuntu thinks i have 50" monitor i cannot set ful resolution 1920x1080 @60. Only 1280x1024 @60 (if thats correct)
Ill try to play with sound driver once again if my video problem is solved, but untill then i cant use ubuntu with limited visibility (i am very picky about my video resolution LOL)
Also want too know how to uninstall FIREFOX and install fresh without any custom mods or skins that make it hard fo me to see what is it i type into search box at :( Black input box with yellow text in it ? well maybe i am the only one with this problem :)

Thanks for reply, i thought this topic was erased when server crashed :(
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Re: Help newb with

Postby razy60 » Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:36 pm

Hi, one thing to look into is your screen setting have you got it set to full or dot to dot.(settings in the TV).
With regards to firefox uninstalling and reinstalling wont help much as the theme etc are set when the background and theme's are pre set, you need to customize theme using the theme/background manager, right click on the desktop and choose the relevent tabs.
One of the main problems you will have though is that you are using a 47" screen the themes and colours that seem to work on a smaller monitor dont look that good on a larger screen.
I am sure that at some point one of the realy clever admins will be along and point you in the right direction, until then i will try to help

O/S; U.E 2.6 64 bit, OSX, xp pro, Windows 7 64 bit
Mobo: Asus P6t
cpu, Intel i7 920
ram, 4Gb DDR3 G Skill 1600 ripjaw
lan, realtek rtl8211b
sound, realtek 1200 hd + ati Hd audio
gpu, Asus EAH 5870 1Gb
HDD, OCZ Vertex 2 60GB ssd(OS) 2 x 250 GB(in raid0 for progs) 2x 1TB samsung (storage)
Wireless keyboard Logitek wave
Mouse: Microsoft X8 sidewinder
Display: sharp 42" lcd 1080p tv via hdmi
Dell studio 1557 7 pro x64& Ultimate Edition 2.7 32bit
i7 720 multi core cpu
4GB 1333mhz ram
INtel 5300 agn 802.11n wifi adaptor
Ati radeon HD 4570 512mb gpu
320GB 7200 HDD
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Re: Help newb with

Postby JOHNNYG » Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:23 pm

OK I cant help with you ATI issues BUT, In Firefox default download folder is downloads in your home folder, If you open "Edit">Preferences from the Firefox tool bar you can change this to desktop, or any place else you like,now for your input fields in preferences go to content tab there you can change fonts and colours to better suit your needs, Try not to over think your issues with Ultimate Edition, Take you time and learn ,(As we all have and still are) This is not windows, Most times "fixes" are very easy ! and as so,Easily over-looked , If you have questions don't be shy go right ahead and ask, That's what we are here for and more than happy to help as this helps us to learn aswell ! Also If you use the "Advanced search" you will more than likely find the answers to you inquiry have already been answered, Good luck and I hope This has been helpful to you. ;)
(On the ATI issue I have found that sticking with the "out of box drivers" work best (for me) as limited as they are , The ATI driver issue is no fault of Ultimate Edition It is because ATI chooses not to provide reliable drivers for linux !) :evil:
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Re: Help newb with

Postby ADPdirty » Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:07 am

Thanks for replies.
Because driver installation is very complex procedure i just clicked driver icon on the task bar and it installed it for me.
As for firefox. (downloads home\user\downloads) is the same as for windows, but this was not my question. Where does it save profile information and settings ?
Also switching theme didnt not work so i checked why and turns out firefox has its custom theme installed and it cannot be removed. Its that custom theme that's causing the problem with dark search input box with yellow text it it and i cant even remove it. Its like its hard coded into firefox :(.

Correct me if i am wrong.
Change resolution ? There is an app for that
install driver ? There is an app for that
Seems to me that linux has nothing on its own and every small simple things have to be coded for it.
I think linux cant do anything on its own unless someone wrote a program to do it.
Is it true ?
If i download clean copy of linux and not the ubuntu or ultimate edition or any other editions, will i be able to move my mouse around without having to install mouse moving app first ? :?
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Re: Help newb with

Postby mgc1952 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:01 pm

As far as looking for firefox profile open the file manager, which is nautilus in gnome (places>home from task/menu bar.

go to view menu in nautilus and check hidden files or just do control h - you will see a .mozilla folder. your profile is in there

As far as I know - the only video drivers I have had to chase down is ati by using the driver utility. nvidia is the same way. In vista and 7 i had to go to the manufacturers site to get the latest anyway as the driver installed by windows was not the latest and best.

I haven't had the theme issue you spoke of - changing the desktop theme changed it all for me
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Re: Help newb with

Postby TexasMike » Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:49 pm

ADPdirty ,
I am not sure if I understood JohnnyG's instructions, and maybe I am incorrect in my assumption. However, if you are having problems reading the text in the "user input boxes" or "Dialog" boxes (in FireFox as well as other apps), as I have had, you might want to try changing the "overall" Ultimate Edition Theme. As an example - the difference between the following two screenshots of Firefox is the overall sysetm Theme:

1st: with the dark theme - note the imput fields at the top of Firefox - they are Black:
Dark Theme screenshot..

2nd: with the "Not XP" theme installed as the system theme (Right-click on a blank area of the Desktop, select Change Desktop Background, then click on the Themes Tab, and select/try various themes til you find one you like and that is readable to you):
a lighter theme - "Not XP" Theme...

Here is a screenshot of the "Desktop" menu (I use that name as a matter of convenience - I do not know the actual name for this menu) - just "Right-click" on an empty area of the desktop to get this menu:
Opening the "Desktop" Menu...

Then select a new theme - showing selecting the "Not XP" Theme... You can use whatever pleases you...
Selecting a new system wide theme..

Maybe this will help...?? If not let us know, and we will do all we can to help you resolve this problem.. ;)
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Re: Help newb with

Postby ADPdirty » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:06 am

Thanks for replies. Turns out it was the THEME causing all the trouble with color . At this point most important thing for me is to tweak ubuntu to understand that my HDTV is 47" and not 50" so i can finalyu use 1920x1080 resolution at 60hz

Can you guys tell me how to or what to do about that ?
I just finished installing and waiting for help so i can see full desktop and finally start working on other things

Please someone help me quick before i go to sleep :?
and how come ubuntu firefox spell check doesnt know simple words like color ? instead it says colour or collar or any other junk but the right word ? LOL even firefox is not a word, but why firebox is ?
LOL HAHAHA this is so funny.. :lol: :lol:
Oh i see, it was englilsh UK bu default, but why of default installation language is US english ?
WEIRD...... :lol:
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Re: Ubuntu thinks my screen is bigger then it is LOL HELP !

Postby razy60 » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:47 pm

Have you looked into the actual TV settings. On mine i had to change the screen settings from wide to dot to dot.

O/S; U.E 2.6 64 bit, OSX, xp pro, Windows 7 64 bit
Mobo: Asus P6t
cpu, Intel i7 920
ram, 4Gb DDR3 G Skill 1600 ripjaw
lan, realtek rtl8211b
sound, realtek 1200 hd + ati Hd audio
gpu, Asus EAH 5870 1Gb
HDD, OCZ Vertex 2 60GB ssd(OS) 2 x 250 GB(in raid0 for progs) 2x 1TB samsung (storage)
Wireless keyboard Logitek wave
Mouse: Microsoft X8 sidewinder
Display: sharp 42" lcd 1080p tv via hdmi
Dell studio 1557 7 pro x64& Ultimate Edition 2.7 32bit
i7 720 multi core cpu
4GB 1333mhz ram
INtel 5300 agn 802.11n wifi adaptor
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