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Ultimate Guide for the ultimate System.

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Ultimate Guide for the ultimate System.

Postby Admin-Amir » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:25 am


Hello to you All PPL.

First I have to say that you do it on your risk only

Here is few parts from the U.E Guide That you will have very soon on Ultamatix as package.
And yes that was Build for the U.E 2.3 System.
No worry about it.
it will take you the same with the new 2.4 System as well.
There is some changes that will be made by the U.E Team for you to the U.E 2.4.
We will need some time to get it Done for you.
And when it will be Done it will sync with Ultamatix for you as Update package.
But here you will find some Great help on How To work with the U.E System.
Hope that will give you all the Answer that you will need along the process of configuration the System right.

Some help info for the users on the site

In the Linux operating system, all filesystems are contained within one directory hierarchy. The root directory is the top level directory, and all its subdirectories make up the directory hierarchy. This differs to other operating systems such as MS-Windows which applies a separate hierarchy for each device and partition.

* /bin – binary applications (most of your executable files)

* /boot – files required to boot (such as the kernel, etc)

* /dev – your devices (everything from drives to displays)

* /etc – just about every configuration file for your system

* /etc/profile.d – contains scripts that are run by /etc/profile upon login.

* /etc/rc.d – contains a number of shell scripts that are run on bootup at different run levels. There is also typically an rc.inet1 script to set up networking (in Slackwar), an rc.modules script to load modular device drivers, and an rc.local script that can be edited to run commands desired by the administrator, along the lines of autoexec.bat in DOS.

* /etc/rc.d/init.d – contains most of the initialization scripts themselves on an rpm-based system.

* /etc/rc.d/rc*.d – where “*” is a number corresponding to the default run level. Contains files for services to be started and stopped at that run level. On rpm-based systems, these files are symbolic links to the initialization scripts themselves, which are in /etc/rc.d/init.d.

* /etc/skel – directory containing several example or skeleton initialization shells. Often contains subdirectories and files used to populate a new user’s home directory.

* /etc/X11 – configuration files for the X Window system

* /home – locally stored user files and folders

* /lib – system libraries (similar to Program Files)

* /lost+found – lost and found for lost files

* /media – mounted (or loaded) devices such as cdroms, digital cameras, etc.

* /mnt – mounted file systems

* /opt – location for “optionally” installed programs

* /proc – dynamic directory including information about and listing of processes

* /root – “home” folder for the root user

* /sbin – system-only binaries (see /bin)

* /sys – contains information about the system

* /tmp – temporary files

* /usr – applications mainly for regular users

* /var – mainly logs, databases, etc.

* /usr/local/bin – the place to put your own programs. They will not be overwritten with upgrades.

* /usr/share/doc – documentation.

* Share/Bookmark

Configure Network Interface Using Command-Line

You can configure a network interface from the command line using the networking utilities. You configure your network client hosts with the command line by using commands to change your current settings or by editing a number of system files.

Configuring DHCP address for your network card

If you want to configure DHCP address you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces and you need to enter the following lines replace eth0 with your network interface card

Code: Select all
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

# The primary network interface – use DHCP to find our address
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Configuring Static IP address for your network card

If you want to configure Static IP address you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces and you need to enter the following lines replace eth0 with your network interface card

Code: Select all
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

# The primary network interface

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

After entering all the details you need to restart networking services using the following command

Code: Select all
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Setting up Second IP address or Virtual IP address in Ubuntu

If you are a server system administrator or normal user some time you need to assign a second ipaddress to your Ubuntu machine.For this you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and you need to add the following syntax.Below one is the only example you need to chnage according to your ip address settings

Code: Select all
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
network x.x.x.x
broadcast x.x.x.x
gateway x.x.x.x

You need to enter all the details like address,netmask,network,broadcast and gateways values after entering all the values save this file and you need to restart networking services in debian using the following command to take effect of our new ipaddress.
After entering all the details you need to restart networking services using the following command

Code: Select all
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Setting your ubuntu stytem hostname

Setting up your hostname upon a ubuntu installation is very straightforward. You can directly query, or set, the hostname with the hostname command.
As an user you can see your current hostname with

Code: Select all
sudo /bin/hostname


To set the hostname directly you can become root and run

Code: Select all
sudo /bin/hostname newname

Setting up DNS

When it comes to DNS setup Ubuntu doesn’t differ from other distributions. You can add hostname and IP addresses to the file /etc/hosts for static lookups.

To cause your machine to consult with a particular server for name lookups you simply add their addresses to /etc/resolv.conf.

For example a machine which should perform lookups from the DNS server at IP address would have a resolv.conf file looking like this

Code: Select all
sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

enter the following details


How to install Ubuntu Linux from USB Stick


A running Ubuntu 8.04 or any ubuntu version installation

A USB device (stick, pen-drive, USB hard disk) that has already been formatted with FAT32 and has enough free space to hold your Ubuntu installation image

A Ubuntu CD image downloaded from the Ubuntu servers or mirrors (*.iso file) or from -

Step 1

On the root directory of your USB device, create a folder “install”
Copy the installer kernel and the initramdisk into this folder (Download source below.You need the files “vmlinux” and “initrd.gz”).

Download source for the installer kernel and initramdisk

For AMD64 Download from here-
For i386 Download from here-

You need to download the files “vmlinux” and “initrd.gz”.

Step 2

Note: You need to have the installer that fits the architecture of your Ubuntu version you want to install. In other words, you need a amd64 installer if you want to install an amd64 Ubuntu .iso image and the i386 installer for an i386 iso.

Step 3

From the installation iso image you downloaded, copy the folder “isolinux” to the root directory of your USB device (right-click on the .iso file, choose “extract here”). Rename “isolinux” into “syslinux”. Go inside the directroy “syslinux”. There, rename the file “isolinux.cfg” into “syslinux.cfg”.

Step 4

Make the stick bootable: Use fdisk to set the boot flag,

Install syslinux using the following command

Code: Select all
sudo aptitude install syslinux

Now use syslinux to install a boot sector on your USB device

Code: Select all
sudo syslinux /dev/sdbX

where sdbX is the device name and number of your USB device, check with “sudo mount”. A file called “ldlinux.sys” will be created in the root direcotry of the USB device.

Step 5

Copy the Ubuntu CD image in the root directory of your USB device (Contents of USB you can see as follows).If you are using i386 you need to copy the complete .iso image in to the root directory of your USB device.

So have fun with the U.E System PPL. <BREW> ;)

Audio configuration Edited.pdf
(1.48 MiB) Downloaded 499 times

Guide for Multimedia Edited.pdf
(183.52 KiB) Downloaded 511 times

Keyboard configuration Edited.pdf
(763.35 KiB) Downloaded 470 times

Network configuration Edited.pdf
(803.97 KiB) Downloaded 499 times

PlayOnLinux Guide.pdf
(1000.35 KiB) Downloaded 465 times

Ultamatix Edited.pdf
(3.33 MiB) Downloaded 470 times

Wine configuration Edited.pdf
(1.01 MiB) Downloaded 462 times

Nick's Tips Edited.pdf
(459.66 KiB) Downloaded 499 times

Customizing Desktop.pdf
(1.71 MiB) Downloaded 505 times

Time configuration.pdf
(545.15 KiB) Downloaded 441 times

Nick's Tips Edited.pdf
(459.66 KiB) Downloaded 484 times

(3.55 MiB) Downloaded 443 times

(46.49 KiB) Downloaded 461 times

Desktop Guide Edited New Logo Whole.pdf
(4.22 MiB) Downloaded 498 times


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