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What is important for a desktop?????

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:01 pm
by BBOSAK2143
No pro at doing all the things I do first off! Now with that said, after working/building 3 linux OS's of my own, this above fact has really come to light! WARNING MAY CONTAIN OFFENSIVE COMMENTS TO GNOME AND KDE: With that warning out of the way, I was building my 3rd OS and found once again slammed with useless garbage over the more important workings of a desktop! Is is really really important and crucial to a desktop that I have a 100mbs of Wallpapers I hate, over KDM functions????Then is it detrimental to the workings of a desktop that I have 20 games that start with gnome over a network manager that helps me connect to the internet?????

I am simply astounded and repulsed by some of the things I am finding! Personally, I feel what is the need for those wallpapers if I will never boot to the desktop, right???? Next, what good are those gnome games if I can not even control any settings on the desktop or connect to the internet????

Now for some of you on here, you have not tried to build your own OS, so what I am listing here, is basically Greek or foreign to you. Still, you can start to realize why you look in your menu's and see all this useless trash that you wish was not there!!!! So if you read through what I am writing, you may understand some of the headaches those of us that build our own systems are going through. Now remember, some of us that are great at this such as TheeMahn, you now reap those benefits. So, if you feel some of these items am describing could be better left out, you will begin to understand why they are there!

Now, say I decide I want to remove gnome-nibbles right??? What is the cost? I loose gnome, gnome-core, gnome-shell. Basically, I am up the creek without a paddle! Same goes for that 100mbs of Wallpapers. Personally, I wish I could just dump most of those put about 10 of the background pics I really use and save about 80 megs! Maybe, then instead of those space hungry programs, I could then have a program that would assist me in some task I could do on the computer???
Perhaps, like opening a connection to the internet or burning a DVD????

Next, do I really need 10 terminals???? Don't you think one can do the job or maybe even 2 but more than that isn't it a bit of an overkill? I know 10 is exaggerated but is not too far off when you have multiple desktops. Remember, most of these terminals will function on every desktop, so this is why I feel is overkill. Is also beyond horrific when you find out if you want to remove a program you may wind up destroying the whole system or close!

Once again, I am going to get on the whole architecture trip! I really think there needs to be something in-between so a simple removal of a program will not bring down the OS. Sometimes, there are small pieces of software that if removed would simply shatter the OS! This is not good at all! I am calling for a fix to this! What are we going to have when the main creators and developers of Linux die off???? Will simply die with them if we do not come up with something to fix this! We do not want this to happen!!!! In my book would be a total disgrace to these brilliant minds that devised this whole Linux environment. 90% of the blame I place on those of us that do not care about the future of Linux!!!

We see TheeMahn's statements of "bulletproof" and need to insure the underlying core is going to be strong also! Am no genius at any of this and never claim to be. In fact I constantly say I have far to go! Now maybe someone more educated than myself can tell me how I can safely remove a part such as "colord" and replace it without any consequences???? Remember this is just an example, but also on one of my experiments have tried and the consequences are not so good at all! In fact this is what brought down my second OS! On a whim to satisfy all dependencies for gnome-shell, I replaced 4 items and the result toasted the whole OS! A really funny joke to this? I found out gnome shell always has unsatisfied dependencies and there is no cure of it! Why do you think, there are so many problems with it???? KDE, when calling on it in this time of distress, I found out instead of having some crucial components that could have booted me to the desktop where I could then fix my ailing OS was replaced with the much more important wallpapers!!!!! Now isn't that special?????

Re: What is important for a desktop?????

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:01 pm
by BBOSAK2143
I'm footing the blame on both these two big desktops just not Gnome but KDE likewise. See I am upset that I have to be forced to get tons of games and wallpapers I will never use. Then when it comes to function, those are options????? See I was building number 3 thought once again I had a full KDE desktop and full Gnome Desktop. Next thing I know when ISO it up, I have things like KDM not working, not sure if was time center something like that erred out when I booted with GDM to KDE plasma since KDM was missing dependencies???? Then I went to the Gnome desktop and found out all those lousy games were there but no time on upper task bar, no control over Gnome Tweak and other assorted things! This is not the first time I have built one and found this! So I am shocked and repulsed that important functions such as having a program work is an option???? Shouldn't the games and wallpapers be the options?????

See I went for a full Gnome Desktop Environment as I have done two times in the past! To my amazement, horror and shock some reason KDE has now become part of it! Then to beat all, you do not get all the parts???? You get the silly junk like game and wallpapers???? If I only wanted to play games, I would have just stuck to my playstation as I did in the late 90's!!!! Not a prude about the games, but just think I should have the option of accepting or refusing those games and wallpapers. What I expect out of any desktop I use is functionality! I want things to work, then come the looks. Let me decide how I want it to look. If I want poor wallpaper I will put it in! If I want Windows 95 games, I will put them in! See, it came to a head, when I found out all this garbage that I will never ever in a million years use is equivalent to about 500mbs! That is a half a gig!!!! Personally, I could load about 50 megs of pics, 50 megs of themes and decorations and have 400 megs left over for programs I would use all the time! Now wouldn't that be better than getting stuck with stuff I will never use???

Now notice, I did not mention XFCE and LXDE, right? Why? You know when you get their desktops everything is there! You can go into synaptic and find it all listed easy to check off and install! LXDE the same way! By command line is easy to just type apt-get install xfce4 lxde. Presto will install and you will get the suggestion to install all the goodies for those 2!!!! Gnome and KDE are mischievous and devious about their parts! Do not get me wrong on this as I do not hate either desktop. I am just saying there are issues I have with the way they are doing things and forcing things upon us! Once Mate breaks free of Gnome as should be coming down the line am sure, I will get to that desktop. Looks as though things can be worked easier to make a more stable and dependable desktop. Believe me I sure see why TheeMahn avoids these headaches with Gnome! I love the looks and most of the ideas Gnome has, but the means they accomplish these ideas are repulsive at points also!

I used to have high regards for KDE, but now with them more less teaming up with Gnome once you go for a full Desktop environment of Gnome is now pushing me away from them! Main problem though is Linux is like dominoes, everything is hooked to each other, nothing separating anything! God forbid some hacker put a command in to purge one piece of software, cause there goes the system to nothingness!!! I love Linux and do not want this to happen! People are brilliant that designed these programs. We need a way to safely install programs without devastating the entire system! We also need separation. If I only want Gnome, I expect that to happen and not get another desktop with it! Same if it were KDE! Once again same with the games and wallpapers, do not want them should not be forced to have them! I know TheeMahn was pretty good at keeping most of the junk out, but still some does wind up inside cause there is no choice or chance of dumping the stuff!!!!

Re: What is important for a desktop?????

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:23 pm
by billhedrick
OK I liked Gnome 2, MATE almost makes it for me, but XFCE is my everyday DE

Re: What is important for a desktop?????

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:18 am
by pam
BBOSAK2143 wrote:No pro at doing all the things I do first off! Now with that said, after working/building 3 linux OS's of my own, this above fact has really come to light! WARNING MAY CONTAIN OFFENSIVE COMMENTS TO GNOME AND KDE: With that warning out of the way, I was building my 3rd OS and found once again slammed with useless garbage over the more important workings of a desktop! Is is really really important and crucial to a desktop that I have a 100mbs of Wallpapers I hate, over KDM functions????Then is it detrimental to the workings of a desktop that I have 20 games that start with gnome over a network manager that helps me connect to the internet?????

I am simply astounded and repulsed by some of the things I am finding! Personally, I feel what is the need for those wallpapers if I will never boot to the desktop, right???? Next, what good are those gnome games if I can not even control any settings on the desktop or connect to the internet????

Now for some of you on here, you have not tried to build your own OS, so what I am listing here, is basically Greek or foreign to you. Still, you can start to realize why you look in your menu's and see all this useless trash that you wish was not there!!!! So if you read through what I am writing, you may understand some of the headaches those of us that build our own systems are going through. Now remember, some of us that are great at this such as TheeMahn, you now reap those benefits. So, if you feel some of these items am describing could be better left out, you will begin to understand why they are there!

Now, say I decide I want to remove gnome-nibbles right??? What is the cost? I loose gnome, gnome-core, gnome-shell. Basically, I am up the creek without a paddle! Same goes for that 100mbs of Wallpapers. Personally, I wish I could just dump most of those put about 10 of the background pics I really use and save about 80 megs! Maybe, then instead of those space hungry programs, I could then have a program that would assist me in some task I could do on the computer???
Perhaps, like opening a connection to the internet or burning a DVD????

Next, do I really need 10 terminals???? Don't you think one can do the job or maybe even 2 but more than that isn't it a bit of an overkill? I know 10 is exaggerated but is not too far off when you have multiple desktops. Remember, most of these terminals will function on every desktop, so this is why I feel is overkill. Is also beyond horrific when you find out if you want to remove a program you may wind up destroying the whole system or close!

Once again, I am going to get on the whole architecture trip! I really think there needs to be something in-between so a simple removal of a program will not bring down the OS. Sometimes, there are small pieces of software that if removed would simply shatter the OS! This is not good at all! I am calling for a fix to this! What are we going to have when the main creators and developers of Linux die off???? Will simply die with them if we do not come up with something to fix this! We do not want this to happen!!!! In my book would be a total disgrace to these brilliant minds that devised this whole Linux environment. 90% of the blame I place on those of us that do not care about the future of Linux!!!

We see TheeMahn's statements of "bulletproof" and need to insure the underlying core is going to be strong also! Am no genius at any of this and never claim to be. In fact I constantly say I have far to go! Now maybe someone more educated than myself can tell me how I can safely remove a part such as "colord" and replace it without any consequences???? Remember this is just an example, but also on one of my experiments have tried and the consequences are not so good at all! In fact this is what brought down my second OS! On a whim to satisfy all dependencies for gnome-shell, I replaced 4 items and the result toasted the whole OS! A really funny joke to this? I found out gnome shell always has unsatisfied dependencies and there is no cure of it! Why do you think, there are so many problems with it???? KDE, when calling on it in this time of distress, I found out instead of having some crucial components that could have booted me to the desktop where I could then fix my ailing OS was replaced with the much more important wallpapers!!!!! Now isn't that special?????

Maybe you should tackle the problems. :(

A simple google search reveals your Asus has Ralink wifi chipset. ... er-upgrade

You can skip(hold) the package which you do not want to upgrade/install Eg: kde-wallpapers, gnome-backgrounds

All components in newer gnome are overhauls. The extensions are all beta.
You see Xxjoker21xX use the words "Opengl renderer" in his signature. There is real much deeper meaning to that. That is what basically handles your desktop, the css and gtkrc play a minor role in gnome. Everthing must successfully pass through the renderer(compositor) for good desktop functionality.

Llvm(gallium) for radeons is very strong and good. But at the mercy of the compositor. Your new radeon 7000 might work brilliantly but not so on the 3000. AMD drivers from their website provide strong and stable opengl rendering meaning better hardware integration and less crashing.

KDE 4.1X is now too stable, hence i find it too boring. Opengl rendering nevers fails.

In linux using the Terminal is the way to do things. For automations of commands(programs etc) you will need to learn bash. Make a shell script to run a program at boot or load a driver. For timely implementation of commands use cron.

I would seriously recommend you try somethink like Arch/Manjaro and Siduction. These love spanners and other tools. After using Arch the world will look like a pea and then you can try something like Gentoo.

billhedrick wrote:OK I liked Gnome 2, MATE almost makes it for me, but XFCE is my everyday DE

You got me excited! :th_DANCE_417 :th_DANCE_417

Xxjoker21xX wrote:What i like in a desktop is K3b, playonlinux, Ubuntu tweak restricted extras a host of games and libra office
Startup disc creator and screensaver and benchmarks for testing my system configuration as well as conky for vital system info. Wine and winetricks as well as netflix player, Ultimate player, transmission, Google earth and Wicd Gimp also.. 8-) :D <BREW> Thats my current setup on 3.6beta.... :!: :downthere :ugeek:

Sounds near Perfekt :ugeek:

Re: What is important for a desktop?????

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:26 am
by BBOSAK2143
Pam, Archlinux is sounding more up my alley! Just seems I always get stuck with things I am really not going to appreciate or use with Ubuntu. So will have to study that architecture and next OS will be built on it! 3rd one is close just needs some tidying up! Am going to look into those links, haven't yet as just started the final repairs to 3rd OS! I just messed up on this 2nd one, I rushed it! Sure it ran great for a bit, then a month down the line started going south with updates. Why??? I was in a rush did not pay attention to detail and did a few things very wrong. System still ran well and will still swear did circles around any Windows OS, just had trouble getting to the desktop. Messed up on one of the file systems! Do not want to say which one, cause am sure you know!

Largest mistake I made on this 3rd OS is expecting a dual core laptop to build it! Paid the price on that one, big time! So I reloaded the 1tb drive with 2nd OS, of course avoided the other file system and loaded with stable one. Runs very well, jumps to the desktop now, but the 3rd is waiting which has all files systems correct along with almost everything else. Am looking at a very serious working environment to that OS, and just a bit dragged out is not installed yet! You know am on a 10gig limit a month from my carrier and originally planned to install KDE at a later time. So was dragged that it got tossed at me, since I chose the full desktop of Gnome! This did not happen 2nd time I built. I chose KDE not Gnome chose it for me! Maybe, I should have not used the main repos, seems that can become an issue on Ubuntu also. Last time I had awesome repos, everyone of them was on the money. Even Gnome loaded 98% of the desktop which did not happen this time or the first time I built! Now, it was Gnome's repo all three times and three different results???? Just drags me out big time. Need this OS completed real soon.

See as I watched the desktops load I saw all this useless stuff coming in, that will just get right in the way of things I want to do. Saw it the other 2 times also. Many of the distributions I also used had the same and just wonder why is getting pushed onto us, instead of being an option? I know some people just want to fiddle with games and have every terminal on this earth along with wallpapers, but there are some of us that do not want that! 2nd OS when I downloaded Gnome desktop the indicator for time and network installed. First time did not and this time did not! Now every single time I got gnome-nibbles and gnome-robots! So yes, I get upset that something so trivial is going to load each and every time, but the more important things may or may not install! Could you blame me????

Now for KDE, both times loading those wallpapers came in with no problem and both times something is missing for the desktop that gives a complaint on startup. I did not write it down and apologize for that. Also when I got in a fix trying to fix a few things going wrong, I found out KDM had been missing dependencies and never loaded properly! So that brings my complaint against KDE. I just feel when those of us that want these desktops that are building an OS, should get the main pieces that make the desktop function. I am not against games, wallpapers, extra terminals or whatever. I just feel the main parts that are crucial to making the desktop function should be the first concern and not an option! I really feel if next time, I can not get the entire desktop when I choose it, I will boycott both and just go somewhere where it happens! I now see why TheeMahn does what he does!!!! Probably has seen this same kind of nightmare.

Think about it, how many of us builders sit here watching the screen paying strict attention during the download??? Most crucial stage is assembly, correct? See since my speed of download is lower, then taking into consideration using a dual core laptop, the downloading takes time. Still, I sat there and watched as pieces that should have come in, did not! Is a scary point for someone just starting out building. If this would have happened first time I built, I would have never had anything running! Just seems is going downhill and should be going uphill! Anyway, have to get this OS done just some files to go in and add my input! Great fun doing these, am learning! This OS is the toughest have built yet, but of course if one is to learn, they make it more complex and tougher. Either that or I will never learn a thing! Hopefully will get to those links within the next day and always appreciate them. In fact, I always copy them down to my documents folder!!!! Is nice to have someone that has great knowledge! I am hoping this next time around to have some of the searching issues cleared up, so will zero in more on target. Not that searching was shot, just was not zeroing in as well. First test of it, showed improvement, but of course had some other faulty parts had to dump! So had to get fixed and has taken me over 3 days to do so!!!!