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Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:19 pm
by LeadFingers
pch.shot wrote:I like Debian very much. Their community, philosophy etc. However, With Debian a more advanced knowledge of Linux is a must (depenency resolve for one). I don't think the average user wants to spend the extra time to learn. I still get packages from Debian's site and this one:
You can get the latest and greatest stuff from them by using the experimental packages!!!
Getdeb( is also a good source of newer packages.
Ideally, we build our own OS. We start with a kernel and work from there.

I get the distinct impression that TheeMahn has plans to change part of this.
By fine tuning Ultamatix the newer debian user won't be thrown into dependency hell, but will have a nice GUI to quickly & easily install their packages and dependencies.
We all know, by making one more distro a lot more user friendly, the whole Linux community is better for it and grows. Who knows, in the near future we may have a rolling release. Yes Ultamatix could do that for many distros.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:31 pm
by pch.shot
I think what Operating System you use depends on what you want to do. There will probably never be one that will satisfy everyone's tastes and maybe that's a good thing. I am using 4 right now.
Ultimate,XP,TinyMe and Puppy
Each with their good and bad points.
Choice is an important element. Without it there would be no need for discussion.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:16 pm
by ixnod
What got me into linux and subsequently out real fast was the time when my winmodem <yeah I said it> took a dump on itself. so to trouble shoot I tinkered with the command line and other settings from IRQ settings dma to down right configuring the modem from the command line. then I broke down and got red hat ( way out of my league here) so I switched to mandrake. that was a bit easier to work with on the other hand I still had my original winmodem issues and I learned how crappy M$haft really was under the hood. being bored, I tinkered with mandrake for a while untill I got bored with it. with no real meaningfull access to the internet and being isolated so to say from exploring all the cool things you can do with linux I broke down and got another computer.which had windows xp ( that was all around eight years ago, and after serving as my file server and torrent seed box among other things, I wiped the hard drive reinstalled U.E 1.9 and donated it to my wife's cousin this past week :( ) in late 2006 what got me back into linux was my loathing for vista so I googled alternate operating systems. and I saw this long list of mostly linux OSes pop up so after reading, and reading, and reading. a few caught my eye. saw the compiz cube and thought, this blows vista outta the wattah!! so I narrowed my search down to OSes that were rather easy and had compiz already installed. ( was not at the time too comfortable wit downloading and installing stuff) so I opted for sabayon. tinkered with it for a while and saw ultimate 1.4 and thought hmmm thats a lot of hype and a big arsed download and besides, who wants a christmas OS throughout the whole damn year? Boy was I stoopid... well sabayon didn't have the spunk I needed, but did recognize my internal card big whoop their. so I installed Ubuntu 7.04 and thought OMG who the hell puts orangutan orange as a desktop back ground ? but hey they have more stuff and seem to be better supported and more friendly/knowledgeable than the frenchie sabayon guys. so I stayed untill I itched for more. enter U.E 1.7 for me the distro had just dropped and took days off the main server it seems like ( I was not a torrent advocate at the time ) downloaded it burned and installed and went " Hellyeahthisbesomecoolsh!tnow" .

And thats how I got here.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:42 pm
by cowboy
strider5236 wrote:I am not trying to bash Ubuntu here. In fact Ubuntu is the distro that got me into Linux. I have loved Ubuntu for a long time now. I am just saying that I have been getting disappointed with the lack of hardware support when others ditro's out there are supporting the hardware. I cannot justify new "toy's" for the sacrifice of performance and hardware support. That to me spells "Vista" all the way and in ain't rite. :twisted:

Lmao...yes you are...but then again...."Rants and Raves" have it off your chest, and I might add a good thread....

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:24 am
by deate
:lol: :lol: If I knew enough to be pissed off about any of it, I would! Sometimes ignorance is bliss :lol: :lol: I'm just glad to have the help to stumble my way through :D ( close to a rant as I can get for now)

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:50 am
by deate
strider5236 wrote:
deate wrote::lol: :lol: If I knew enough to be pissed off about any of it, I would! Sometimes ignorance is bliss :lol: :lol: I'm just glad to have the help to stumble my way through :D ( close to a rant as I can get for now)

You fuc#en crack me up dude. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the laugh. :lol: <BREW>

The truth ain't always pretty :lol: :lol: But it can be entertaining :lol: :lol:

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:25 pm
by TheeMahn
What is this an admin / mod chatboard? 5 pages, do you want me to now rant or rave? How about both? Which first rant or rave? Let's get the easiest out of the way the rave.

I rave for the tight family oriented community we have here admin / mods & userbase (this is you), an O/S that is off the hook and no virii.

Here comes the rant:
  • Ubuntu for not fixing what I have, no I am not slandering their name, solid fact in more ways then one.'
  • Games eventually this will not be an issue in my world (no I won't write them).
  • Time is not on my side
  • I am 1 man

This will be elaborated on I have many more rant's, just have to be careful of what I say, they watch me like a hawk ;)


Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:15 pm
by ixnod
TheeMahn wrote:I rave for the tight family oriented community we have here admin / mods & userbase (this is you), an O/S that is off the hook and no virii.

From the mods/admin and the users here, both visiting and registered. thank you for your hard work and dedication. the quality of the product attracts the quality of its users. If you slapped some packages onto a vanilla distribution and put a few themes that you could get just about anywhere. then put that out onto the interweb without any quality control or testing. Then it stands to say that you would not get such a turn out after these few years you would all in all likely still be stuck with a "home brew personal" distro for just a few "friends" and in the business world, that crap is not a viable operational model to go by. You would get out maneuvered everytime

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:47 pm
by TheeMahn
ixnod wrote:
TheeMahn wrote:I rave for the tight family oriented community we have here admin / mods & userbase (this is you), an O/S that is off the hook and no virii.

From the mods/admin and the users here, both visiting and registered. thank you for your hard work and dedication. the quality of the product attracts the quality of its users. If you slapped some packages onto a vanilla distribution and put a few themes that you could get just about anywhere. then put that out onto the interweb without any quality control or testing. Then it stands to say that you would not get such a turn out after these few years you would all in all likely still be stuck with a "home brew personal" distro for just a few "friends" and in the business world, that crap is not a viable operational model to go by. You would get out maneuvered everytime

That is exactly why you will enjoy Ultimate Edition 2.1 prior to any other user ;) Minus local admin / mods of course. Don't you want to move next door to me now?

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:17 pm
by ixnod
TheeMahn wrote:That is exactly why you will enjoy Ultimate Edition 2.1 prior to any other user ;) Minus local admin / mods of course. Don't you want to move next door to me now?

Wellll... I live pretty close.. :D