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Anyone With Problems, Please Read.

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Re: Anyone With Problems, Please Read.

Postby DaddyX3 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:34 pm

May I ask....
Why in the heck is this thread still open??? This was originally posted by ZeroPrime back in the beginning of May for people that decided to follow suit and run non-supported and backports for their updating. I think maybe we should kill this one. It is just too damn vauge of a thread topic ... "Anyone with problems"!!!?!?!?!?, come on- I think that most people here on the forum with the exception of the admin/mods are here cause they have problems. Besides this thread makes a easy scape goat for posting in the wrong spot about problems.
What do we think gentleman/lady??? Lock or not to Lock .... that is the question.
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Re: Anyone With Problems, Please Read.

Postby Baphomet » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:58 am

Because killing it on page 13 would be bad luck?

Because it's a Classic Thread?

Because if we do the terrorists will win?

Oh alright... Two Mods and two Admins make more than a quorum. Go ahead: LOCKET!!!

/goodbye old friend...
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am...

If it's not broken, you haven't tweaked it enough.

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