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Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:18 pm
by Baphomet
I was afraid this might happen, and it did. I can't boot the Ultimate Edition 1.8 DVD. Sighhh... This has been a really, REALLY lousy weekend and this just tops it oh so perfectly. The DVD gives me the menu, I hit Enter a couple times, things spin up for a bit and then, suddenly, everything just stops...

So, I reboot, remove "quiet" and kill off the splash-screen from the F6 / Boot Options so I can see what's going on and I find the following error -- which repeats itself about 100 times before dumping me out to BusyBox/Intramfs prompt:

Ultra-DMA 32
End request I/O Error, dev SR0, sec 128
Logical Unit communications CRC error.

Suggestions? Advice?? Yes, the DVD is a good burn. I suppose I could try ripping out the DVD-RW and installing the DVD-ROM again and see if that fixes things, but I was really hoping Ultimate Edition wouldn't let me down in that regard. Ah well... Going to try that now and see what happens. Back in a few...

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:28 pm
by CheesyBeef
Did some looking around. I found that you might need to change DMA mode for the DVDRW in the BIOS to UDMA2 (instead of auto).

Otherwise, unfortunately, I keep seeing that you might need to use a different dvd reader/writer like you said.

Good luck,

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:54 pm
by LeadFingers
Baphomet wrote:I was afraid this might happen, and it did. I can't boot the Ultimate Edition 1.8 DVD. Sighhh... This has been a really, REALLY lousy weekend and this just tops it oh so perfectly. The DVD gives me the menu, I hit Enter a couple times, things spin up for a bit and then, suddenly, everything just stops...

So, I reboot, remove "quiet" and kill off the splash-screen from the F6 / Boot Options so I can see what's going on and I find the following error -- which repeats itself about 100 times before dumping me out to BusyBox/Intramfs prompt:

Ultra-DMA 32
End request I/O Error, dev SR0, sec 128
Logical Unit communications CRC error.

Suggestions? Advice?? Yes, the DVD is a good burn. I suppose I could try ripping out the DVD-RW and installing the DVD-ROM again and see if that fixes things, but I was really hoping Ultimate Edition wouldn't let me down in that regard. Ah well... Going to try that now and see what happens. Back in a few...

What format did you burn it on?
The reason I ask, is because Linux (for some unknown reason) doesn't like to play very well with DVD-RW disc
If you burned it to DVD-R or DVD+R never mind the above statement.

What type of DVD burner do you have, Ide or Sata?
There have been issues reported with Sata burners.
It's also been reported (check the main Ubuntu forums) Hardy has a few drive recognition problems,
This may or may not be part of the problem.
Hope you get get it sorted out soon.

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:57 pm
by TheeMahn
Baphomet wrote:I was afraid this might happen, and it did. I can't boot the Ultimate Edition 1.8 DVD. Sighhh... This has been a really, REALLY lousy weekend and this just tops it oh so perfectly. The DVD gives me the menu, I hit Enter a couple times, things spin up for a bit and then, suddenly, everything just stops...

So, I reboot, remove "quiet" and kill off the splash-screen from the F6 / Boot Options so I can see what's going on and I find the following error -- which repeats itself about 100 times before dumping me out to BusyBox/Intramfs prompt:

Ultra-DMA 32
End request I/O Error, dev SR0, sec 128
Logical Unit communications CRC error.

Suggestions? Advice?? Yes, the DVD is a good burn. I suppose I could try ripping out the DVD-RW and installing the DVD-ROM again and see if that fixes things, but I was really hoping Ultimate Edition wouldn't let me down in that regard. Ah well... Going to try that now and see what happens. Back in a few...

another thing you can try is hit f6 options from live dvd and at the end of the kernel parameter enter:

This will make installation take a long time, but sounds like your drive is failing..

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:10 pm
by Baphomet
Hey guys... Okay, I'm posting from a LiveDVD scenario at the moment but here's the details...
Still getting lots of errors when using the DVD ROM drive, but I'm here.

Too answer some of the questions asked, DMA mode is already set to "UDMA2" vs. Auto.
I'm burning to known-good media, DVD-R's. I don't even own any DVD-RW media.
Both my DVD-RW drives are PATA. One is a cheap-ass Sony, the other is my beloved Plextor 716A. Both of these are proven-performer drives.
The problem, I can tell you, is Hardy. Somewhere along the line a Kernel Header screwed me and several other people with this problem.

My question though, is this... How, exactly, can I boot from and be working out of a LiveDVD environment, but when I go to Places/Computer and double-click on the DVD Drive shown there, I get an error message that says "Unable to Mount Location... no media in the drive." No media?? What about the DVD that I'm operating off of??

See, I now have the choice of installing Ultimate Edition 1.8 and giving up my optical drive (until a fix is found) or I revert back to Ultimate Edition 1.7 where all was good...


@ TheeMahn: I'll reboot and try the "ide=nodma" option and see what happens...

Wish me luck!!!

Back soon...

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:33 pm
by LeadFingers
Do you have a little junker drive you could install 1.8 on to see if your problems magically disappear once it's installed? This would tell you a few things, without disposing of your beloved 1.7

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:02 pm
by Baphomet
Okay, back now. Song remains the same.

Using either DVD-RW drive dumps me out at an Initrmfs (sp?) prompt... And dies there.
Using the DVD-ROM drive I can get get past the hordes of errors but from there the optical drive refuses to mount anything. This is absolutely no different from when I was trying to use plain-vanilla Hardy Heron. I remember using a daily build (from April 14th or so) that was just fine. Then there were some kernel header updates and that's when the fecal matter impacted the rotary oscillator. I still have that build of HH on a CD, too I bet... Anyway, that's the long and short of it.

This is NOT a hardware problem or a "bad burn"; it's a Hefty Hairball problem; I'll guarantee you that.

I'm not going to fight it. This is going to be "The Issue" for some of us lucky ones, that will not be addressed and will just sit out there until the next version of Ubuntu is realeased. Then this "issue" will be resolved, and a new one will take it's place.

If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to go royally rip some furniture movers a new a--hole for the third time today, weep over my lost Moderatorship (it's for the best!) and then proceed to drink steadily, and heavily, for the remainder of the evening. It's been one of "Those" weekends, you see.

Appreciate the assistance everyone!!!

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:39 am
by cowboy
Well all is not lost..congrats..are in order..

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:01 am
by TheeMahn
Baphomet wrote:Okay, back now. Song remains the same.

Using either DVD-RW drive dumps me out at an Initrmfs (sp?) prompt... And dies there.
Using the DVD-ROM drive I can get get past the hordes of errors but from there the optical drive refuses to mount anything. This is absolutely no different from when I was trying to use plain-vanilla Hardy Heron. I remember using a daily build (from April 14th or so) that was just fine. Then there were some kernel header updates and that's when the fecal matter impacted the rotary oscillator. I still have that build of HH on a CD, too I bet... Anyway, that's the long and short of it.

This is NOT a hardware problem or a "bad burn"; it's a Hefty Hairball problem; I'll guarantee you that.

I'm not going to fight it. This is going to be "The Issue" for some of us lucky ones, that will not be addressed and will just sit out there until the next version of Ubuntu is realeased. Then this "issue" will be resolved, and a new one will take it's place.

If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to go royally rip some furniture movers a new a--hole for the third time today, weep over my lost Moderatorship (it's for the best!) and then proceed to drink steadily, and heavily, for the remainder of the evening. It's been one of "Those" weekends, you see.

Appreciate the assistance everyone!!!

my, my you are now a mod, didn't know if you knew that... This board is huge, I hope you can now see that.

Learn, if the problem persists talk to me. I will give you 1 free. most do not need it. You have earned a freebie. Try it on once, you earned it.


Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:42 am
by babaloo

First time post, but the problem you are having seems very similar to the problem I had with 1.7. I was able to finally install when I re-burned using a slower speed. I burned the image twice before, and both said the burn was successful, but with same results so as a last ditch effort tried burning it slowly and it worked!