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Postby szaemon » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:10 pm

Hi folks, not sure if this is the right place to report a bug or not, so please relocate this post if protocol dictates it.

I have a red and white minus icon where my update arrow should be. when I lay the mouse over it, I get this message:

An error occurred, please run Packet Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was:' Error: Opening the cache ('E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.' This usualy means your installed packages have unmet dependencies.

Then the same basic thing when I Left click, plus a request to report a bug:

Could not initialize the package information

A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.

Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:

Then after running apt-get from the terminal:

:~$ apt-get
apt 0.7.9ubuntu17 for i386 compiled on Apr 22 2008 15:19:47
Usage: apt-get [options] command
apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]
apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]

apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading and
installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update
and install.

update - Retrieve new lists of packages
upgrade - Perform an upgrade
install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.deb)
remove - Remove packages
autoremove - Remove all automatic unused packages
purge - Remove and purge packages
source - Download source archives
build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages
dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)
dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections
clean - Erase downloaded archive files
autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files
check - Verify that there are no broken dependencies

-h This help text.
-q Loggable output - no progress indicator
-qq No output except for errors
-d Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives
-s No-act. Perform ordering simulation
-y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt
-f Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place
-m Attempt to continue if archives are unlocatable
-u Show a list of upgraded packages as well
-b Build the source package after fetching it
-V Show verbose version numbers
-c=? Read this configuration file
-o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp
See the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manual
pages for more information and options.
This APT has Super Cow Powers.

'E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'

And on Right click opening Packet Manager:

E: Problem parsing dependency Depends
E: Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

Any advice would be I appreciated as I don`t know what to do from here.
Sean the by...Was this site closed for a while, I tried the forum many times in the past 2 weeks but it didn't open up.
Newb 4 Life!!!
Laugh at me, Roll your eyes, Scorn me if you will...but in the end...
...Please Help Me, I Need It...

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
Memory: 483MB (167MB used)
SCSI Disks: ATA WDC WD1600BB-00G, ATA Maxtor 7540 AV,
Graphics Card: VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
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Re: Bug

Postby DaddyX3 » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:31 pm

szaemon wrote:Hi folks, not sure if this is the right place to report a bug or not, so please relocate this post if protocol dictates it.

I have a red and white minus icon where my update arrow should be. when I lay the mouse over it, I get this message:

An error occurred, please run Packet Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was:' Error: Opening the cache ('E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.' This usualy means your installed packages have unmet dependencies.

.................. the by...Was this site closed for a while, I tried the forum many times in the past 2 weeks but it didn't open up.

Yes, repo went down and so did the site. I believe your problem resides in the repository listing you have for the Ultimate Edition repo. Please open up your sources.list
Code: Select all
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and edit the listing for the Ultimate Edition repository to read the following: (it should have '' in the listing)
Code: Select all
#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all

Now save the file...... wait ...... wait.... ok, now close it.
Go back to your terminal and enter:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

if it suggests to run the same code again, do so. Does this clear up your problem?
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5GHz 45nm/Gigabyte EP35C-DS3R M.B. w/ddr3 1333
G.Skill 2X1GB DDR3 1333MHz/Gigabyte 8800GT PCIe 2.0 512MB GDDR3 OC'd to 700Mhz/ WD160 gig, 2- WD250 gig in RAID-0 (500GB), WD640 gig e-SATA external

AMD 64 X2 3800+/ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe/G.Skill 2X1GB Matched Pair ddr400
/EVGA 6800GS Nvidia Graphics 256MB/WD160gig drive

HTPC Box:AMD 64 X2 4400+/ BIOSTAR TF7050PV HDMI MicroATX/G.Skill 2X1GB /Matched Pair DDR800/Integrated video and audio/WD160gig drive
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U.E. God
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Location: Central Coast - California
Age: 49
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 2.3 32 BIT

Re: Bug

Postby szaemon » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:22 pm

Still have the same problem...well the red and whit minus sign went away. But I get the same error message when I try to update.

DaddyX3 wrote:
Code: Select all
#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all

Now save the file...... wait ...... wait.... ok, now close it.
Go back to your terminal and enter:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

This step concerns me. Go back to you terminal...Hmmm. I was suppose to run "#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all" in the terminal, right? I mean where else can you run code?

Well when I ran it nothing visible happened in the terminal or the source list. After I saved the source list, I got this:

bash: deb: command not found

Ran sudo apt-get update
and got this error again at the end:

This is what I did:

sean@HomeOffice:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all
sean@HomeOffice:~$ #Test repo for TheeMahn
sean@HomeOffice:~$ deb test all
bash: deb: command not found
sean@HomeOffice:~$ sudo apt-get update
Hit hardy Release.gpg
Ign hardy/main Translation-en_US
Ign hardy/restricted Translation-en_US
Ign hardy/universe Translation-en_US
Ign hardy/multiverse Translation-en_US
Hit hardy-updates Release.gpg
Ign hardy-updates/main Translation-en_US
Ign hardy-updates/restricted Translation-en_US
Ign hardy-updates/universe Translation-en_US
Ign hardy-updates/multiverse Translation-en_US
Hit hardy Release
Hit hardy-updates Release
Hit hardy/main Packages
Hit hardy/restricted Packages
Hit hardy/main Sources
Hit hardy/restricted Sources
Hit hardy/universe Packages
Hit hardy/universe Sources
Hit hardy/multiverse Packages
Hit hardy/multiverse Sources
Hit hardy-updates/main Packages
Hit hardy-updates/restricted Packages
Hit hardy-updates/main Sources
Hit hardy-updates/restricted Sources
Hit hardy-updates/universe Packages
Hit hardy-updates/universe Sources
Hit hardy-updates/multiverse Packages
Hit hardy-updates/multiverse Sources
Hit hardy-security Release.gpg
Ign hardy-security/main Translation-en_US
Ign harty Release.gpg
Ign harty/all Translation-en_US
Ign harty Release
Ign hardy-security/restricted Translation-en_US
Ign hardy-security/universe Translation-en_US
Ign hardy-security/multiverse Translation-en_US
Hit hardy Release.gpg
Ign hardy/partner Translation-en_US
Hit hardy-updates Release.gpg
Ign hardy-updates/multiverse Translation-en_US
Hit hardy Release.gpg
Hit hardy Release.gpg
Ign harty/all Packages
Hit hardy-security Release
Hit hardy Release
Hit harty/all Packages
Ign hardy/multiverse Translation-en_US
Hit hardy-updates Release
Hit hardy-security/main Packages
Hit hardy/partner Sources
Hit hardy Release
Ign hardy/free Translation-en_US
Hit hardy-security/restricted Packages
Hit hardy-security/main Sources
Hit hardy-security/restricted Sources
Hit hardy/partner Packages
Hit hardy-updates/multiverse Sources
Hit hardy-updates/multiverse Packages
Hit hardy-security/universe Packages
Hit hardy-security/universe Sources
Hit hardy-security/multiverse Packages
Hit hardy-security/multiverse Sources
Hit hardy/multiverse Sources
Hit hardy/multiverse Packages
Ign hardy/non-free Translation-en_US
Hit hardy Release
Hit hardy/free Packages
Hit hardy/non-free Packages
Reading package lists... Error!
E: Problem parsing dependency Depends
E: Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

I think I did something incorrect with the second code.

Thanks for your time and your help.
Newb 4 Life!!!
Laugh at me, Roll your eyes, Scorn me if you will...but in the end...
...Please Help Me, I Need It...

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
Memory: 483MB (167MB used)
SCSI Disks: ATA WDC WD1600BB-00G, ATA Maxtor 7540 AV,
Graphics Card: VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.2 32 BIT

Re: Bug

Postby kiwinsn » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:30 pm

The command "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" should have prompted you to for your password, then opened a file called sources.list in an editir.

You then copy and paste "#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all"

into that file - Save it then close it.

Then (in Terminal) "sudo apt-get update"

And you should be good to go....

The step I believe you missed was pasting the lines into sources.list, saving then closing.

I understand why you thought where the quote said "Code" that it meant type it in terminal.....I made the same error and was really confused for ages.

Try the above, and post back to let us know.

Specs to come.
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Re: Bug

Postby DaddyX3 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:33 pm

You missed the entire first step. I said,
DaddyX3 wrote:Yes, repo went down and so did the site. I believe your problem resides in the repository listing you have for the Ultimate Edition repo. Please open up your sources.list

Code: Select all
Code: Select all
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and edit the listing for the Ultimate Edition repository to read the following: (it should have '' in the listing)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5GHz 45nm/Gigabyte EP35C-DS3R M.B. w/ddr3 1333
G.Skill 2X1GB DDR3 1333MHz/Gigabyte 8800GT PCIe 2.0 512MB GDDR3 OC'd to 700Mhz/ WD160 gig, 2- WD250 gig in RAID-0 (500GB), WD640 gig e-SATA external

AMD 64 X2 3800+/ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe/G.Skill 2X1GB Matched Pair ddr400
/EVGA 6800GS Nvidia Graphics 256MB/WD160gig drive

HTPC Box:AMD 64 X2 4400+/ BIOSTAR TF7050PV HDMI MicroATX/G.Skill 2X1GB /Matched Pair DDR800/Integrated video and audio/WD160gig drive
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Re: Bug

Postby DaddyX3 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:37 pm

Sorry guys .... :oops:
Thanks for the clarification kiwinsn ;)
The only reason I do that is so it is easier to copy and past the text. You just hit the spot on the 'code bar' that says select all --> CNTRL+C then easily paste the text into the file in topic by CNTRL+V .... sorry for the confusion guys :?

Does this fix your problems with the errors though?
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5GHz 45nm/Gigabyte EP35C-DS3R M.B. w/ddr3 1333
G.Skill 2X1GB DDR3 1333MHz/Gigabyte 8800GT PCIe 2.0 512MB GDDR3 OC'd to 700Mhz/ WD160 gig, 2- WD250 gig in RAID-0 (500GB), WD640 gig e-SATA external

AMD 64 X2 3800+/ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe/G.Skill 2X1GB Matched Pair ddr400
/EVGA 6800GS Nvidia Graphics 256MB/WD160gig drive

HTPC Box:AMD 64 X2 4400+/ BIOSTAR TF7050PV HDMI MicroATX/G.Skill 2X1GB /Matched Pair DDR800/Integrated video and audio/WD160gig drive
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Re: Bug

Postby LeadFingers » Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:51 am

Running 1.8 32bit, I was getting the same error messages after adding the Test line to the repo list.
It was only resolved after I deleted the Test line.
I just figured the repo wasn't completely fixed yet and decided to wait.
The Upgrade icon was also spitting up on my shirt.
1st Box: Ultimate Edition 2.0 x64/ 1.8 x64
2nd Box: XP (dusty)
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Re: Bug

Postby szaemon » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:54 pm

Well folks thanks for all your help. I wish I could say that my problem was solved, but....

Fist I opened the sorce list and pasted #Test repo for TheeMahn

#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.

deb hardy main restricted
deb-src hardy main restricted
.... the rest of the source continues

Then I saved. Closed. And went back to the Terminal.

In terminal I ran sudo apt-get update

Where did I go wrong?

kiwinsn wrote:The command "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" should have prompted you to for your password, then opened a file called sources.list in an editir.

You then copy and paste "#Test repo for TheeMahn
deb test all"

into that file - Save it then close it.

Then (in Terminal) "sudo apt-get update"

And you should be good to go....

The step I believe you missed was pasting the lines into sources.list, saving then closing.

I understand why you thought where the quote said "Code" that it meant type it in terminal.....I made the same error and was really confused for ages.

Try the above, and post back to let us know.

Newb 4 Life!!!
Laugh at me, Roll your eyes, Scorn me if you will...but in the end...
...Please Help Me, I Need It...

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
Memory: 483MB (167MB used)
SCSI Disks: ATA WDC WD1600BB-00G, ATA Maxtor 7540 AV,
Graphics Card: VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.2 32 BIT

Re: Bug continues...

Postby szaemon » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:43 pm

The bug continues with this warning when I run Update or Synaptic:

A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.

Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:

'E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_test_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'

...and now my Terminal does not respond to any commands.

Thanks for all the assistance folks. And Thanks in advance for any further help anyone wishes to offer.
Newb 4 Life!!!
Laugh at me, Roll your eyes, Scorn me if you will...but in the end...
...Please Help Me, I Need It...

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
Memory: 483MB (167MB used)
SCSI Disks: ATA WDC WD1600BB-00G, ATA Maxtor 7540 AV,
Graphics Card: VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.2 32 BIT

Re: Bug continues...

Postby LeadFingers » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:58 pm

szaemon wrote:The bug continues with this warning when I run Update or Synaptic:

A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.

Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:

'E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_test_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'

...and now my Terminal does not respond to any commands.

Thanks for all the assistance folks. And Thanks in advance for any further help anyone wishes to offer.

I fixed this problem by removing the repo that had test in the line, then run
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

You may encounter errors, if you do, simply run that same command again.
Sorry for the confusion, this bug is due to an issue with 2 packages in the x86 repo, not the repo itself.
1st Box: Ultimate Edition 2.0 x64/ 1.8 x64
2nd Box: XP (dusty)
3rd Box: Stable Media box Ultimate Edition 1.8 x64 with XBMC

The Oxen are slow but the Earth is patient ~Chuen~
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