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Ultimate Edition 1.8 Gamers

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Re: Ultimate Edition 1.8 Gamers

Postby TheeMahn » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:09 am

I would like to update you gamer fans...

This is the end results of using Ultamatix (will be released within 2 days) with a standard hardy heron amd64 cd, it also works in all flavors of Ultimate Edition 1.8+ It will replace the "upgrade script" on your desktop (applications >> system >> ultamatix)... it contains 101 hard to find or install applications / Games (37 are games).

You may find this hard to believe, but the screenshots shown here started as a hardy heron standard amd64 cd...
Game selection to download & install

America Army installing...

You must be lying how did you get that wall paper / theme?
ultimate themes.png
Ultimate Themes package (120MB) deb file

urban terror installing... Find that one in a repo...

jammin & downloading.png
Jamming while the games finish downloading...

all installedbut2.png
All installed 98 of 101 programs / games because no support for 64 bit in the last 3

Startupmanager (USplash selection)

but I don't like the darker themes... np

all installedbut2.png
All installed 98 of 101 programs / games because no support for 64 bit in the last 3

32bit only.png
games list continued...

How can it possibly get any better then this?
kde selectable.png
heres how...

in kde

in xfce
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Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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