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Ultimate Edition 1.8 32 bit

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Ultimate Edition 1.8 32 bit

Postby TheeMahn » Mon May 12, 2008 4:21 am

I am fully aware of your incapability to run the 64 bit counterpart (otherwise you would be running it), I know you want to spew on me now. First I apologize for the delay it is not my fault(software has caused this and I provide solutions), if you want to point in my direction so be it... I am here for your best interest... I want a 32 bit edition of what 1.8 is about & rush me? I will release it now, but I want no bitch when I do so. I have posted in the past, it is not my job to fix software... That is what I have seen since initial Ultimate Edition 1.8, those that run it 64 bit understand it to be the best 64 bit O/S seen, I want to go back there.

I fixed iced tea's problem not my job should I do so for wine as well? I would like "your 2 cents". I can "make a release happen" in short order, maddog said it was good to go, I do not accept this. browsing the net you will have to install java, in the past I provided a installer won't be there.. actually I can put it there, I wanted to remove it overall. 2 cents...

wine as well as wine-doors will not be there. Otherwise 1.8 x64. This bothers me prolly more then most. Wait Lead will bother you more then me ;) As the overall viewer of traffic I want you to see the traffic here. You are about to see that come un-glued. Watch, once I start I can not stop myself...

05/16/08: We will have a release, I will be uploading it this eve, I gave a bonus to the 32 bit counterpart it has git built compiz fusion (I built by hand). This is the way it works, I will upload it this eve as I sleep, when I wake up a PM is sent to all admin / mods & mirrors. I give them 24 hours to download it, I then update the forum and forum members get their paws on it. I then write a webpage for it and my download server goes down, thank god for our mirrors ;)

5/17/08: the link to the 32 bit edition has been released to admin / mirrors, it is password protected.

5/20/08: It is now officially released to the world ;) Due to "the load" placed on the download server, knocking it offline multiple times, I have purchased & hosting. This will help "split the load" & serve the community better. I wrote an awesome php script that will transfer files between the servers in seconds ~ 1.4 GB a minute. So Ultimate Edition 1.8 both x86 & 64 have an "official mirror". Not to mention other releases. Enjoy it was not free.

I hope you enjoy it half as much as I do or serving the *nix community. Wine & wine-doors is there BTW ;) Pay attention to what will be your home page. I separated 32 & 64 bit pages.

Release Name: Ultimate Edition 1.8 x86 (32 bit)
MD5SUM: 61f124ffec0490af67aaa81734ab4524
FileSize: 1,405,452,288 bytes (1.4GB)
Download: Main, Europe Mirror & Torrent.


Last edited by TheeMahn on Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Reason: Europe Mirror & torrent
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby SaddleTramp » Mon May 12, 2008 6:08 am

Well, after this they'll be 2 of us they can point a finger at ;).

1st off: There is no apology on your part necessary here. After all you've done, in particular after all that you have lost recently, and still continued and put out another absolutely great Ultimate Edition version (1.8 64bit), it would be ultimately ridiculous of me to expect an apology from you. On the contrary my friend, HAD I been one of those that were on here continually asking when it's coming (for being to lazy to scan the forum to see MANY other instances of your answers to the ones that had already inquired as to when it was coming out and the other responses from staff and members alike as to WHY Ultimate Edition gets released in the fashion it does, I would be the one who owed YOU an apology.

2nd: YOU, TheeMahn, are not responsible for problems with any of the published software that you include with your package. You have gathered together what other *nix flavors (Kubuntu, Mint, etc...) haven't and have made an exceptionally easy to install an OS packed with ready-to-go programs/apps to get any user up and running with very minimum expense of having to do much of anything else. (hardware issues I will address next) So no, noone can justifiably hold you responsible for others software not working or being incompatible. As far as Wine and Java, personally, if I want to run MS programs, I could get Wine and Java and install them myself (which I did when I was running 8.04 over in Ubuntu). And I would know that I could come here to this forum and get all the help I needed if I had any problems. Besides, I came over here to get away from MS. But since I run a couple of Apps that is not avail here on the *nix side, I have to either run them under Wine or dual boot with Windows and run under Windows. I do however, greatly appreciate the fact that you have included it, as well as a whole host of other program/apps so I didin't have to go find them myself. No, I'm not gonna cry in my Wheaties just because it's not in 1.8 32bit.

3rd: Hardware!! Well, well, well. For anyone to even try to claim or hold Ultimate responsible for not working with their hardware is absolutely ludicrous. Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. WHO went and bought their systems, WHO makes the decision in what gets installed on the system, WHO makes the decision to try and upgrade (by hardware or software) their systems. Well by thunder I can tell you WHO it ISN"T. That's right!! It's not TheeMahn. IT"S YOU! The Buyer and user of said system. Noone is twisting your arm to installing anything on YOUR system. If it's a hardware compatibility problem with the software, the ones, AND ONLY ONES, you should be bitchin' too is the store you bought it from or the brand company that made it, or the component manufacturer that made it. OH, it ran fine under Windows you say. OK, no problem, here's the solution, GO BACK TO WINDOWS and deal with the same slowA@)(U* OS you just ran away from coming here.

Almost any *nix system is going to blow Windows out the water. ULTIMATE EDITION blows nearly all of them out the water. Windows & even some other *nix OS's. Hardware you say. I made my living putting hardware together. Why did I have the very minimum of problems. Because I did like it says in my signature here. Read & Heed. Rule #1: Research, Rule #2: Read, Rule #3: Repeat 1 & 2. No piece of hardware or software is gonna work with absolutely everything. That's just common sense that can be applied across life in general. Is there just 1 kind of shovel in the world that can dig a hole??

Folks, do yourself a favor and just put a little extra time in reading and researching before opening mouth and inserting foot. If you see a really really neat piece of hardware or software somewhere around, go home, get on the web, and do a little research and reading to see if it's gonna work as advertised for you. Scan the company website under support, search for forums that talk about it, then scan the forum to see if it's already been addressed. It's that easy.

TheeMahn, you already know you have my ultimate respect, and that I sincerely appreciate all the work you do and what you go through. Whatever decision you make from all this is fine by me. Ya wanna shut it down?? I'm behind ya all the way. Just one thing tho'. I'll miss all this dam near as much as I miss seeing my kids and grandkids sometimes. And in particular, I'll mis looking forward to Ultimate Edition packages, anticipating how much better it's gonna be over the last one, because I know without doubt it's being all put together by someone who cares more about what they're doing than I can honestly say anyone else I know. But I'll there with ya brother in whatever ya wanna do :)

Edit: Don't stop me now I'm onna roll!!! Oh Yeah...What I do apologize here for is for leaving out another very important ingredient to the Ultimate Editions: THE STAFF, be it in the forum or elsewhere, and the Testers. But ya already know I loves ya'll too ;) ;) :oops:
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby LeadFingers » Mon May 12, 2008 7:02 am

Just my 2 cents...
Since Java can be installed from the repo or .debs it's not a major issue.
add the installer, don't add the installer, no big deal either way.
If to many people need help installing it (I can't imagine it) we will write up a quickey how-to.

Wine on the other hand is one of the bigger and more frequently used apps, for people new to Linux.
The same crowd that would have more problems installing it on their own will be the ones using it most.
My vote would be to take the time to include Wine & Winedoors.
Depending, of course, on the time required to polish it up for 32 bit.
It all hinges on what all it takes to include it.
If it's a massive undertaking, fix it in the next release.

When in doubt, ask TheeMahn in the mirror.
That's the voice you need to listen to and should cast the deciding vote.
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby scottsark » Mon May 12, 2008 7:29 am

themahn, you have provided the most delectable icing (UU) on an incredible cake (*nix). It would seem that you have become the victim of your own prowess by raising the standard of what a good dessert should taste like to everyone here. I want to urge you remember that you are the chef and should make whatever icing you see fit whenever you feel it is complete. I also want to make sure you (and your staff) feel that you are voluntarily giving a greatly appreciated gift as opposed to something that is expected and taken for granted. It is a great compliment to the quality of your work that some people appear so impatient and demanding. I want to speak on behalf of the many people here that lurk and learn and don't post a hell of a lot and thank you for the gifts you have given and the ones hopefully to come. Take your time and have fun with it. If people don't like it they can try to make their own icing.
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby cowboy » Mon May 12, 2008 7:44 am

Wow...some good writing...some good thoughts..and well put.
Took me back to when I was a kid..."Are we there Yet"..."How much longer"...heck we didn't know any better..
I can look back to see what my parents went
Then it happened to young ins "Are we there yet"..."How much longer"
Now comes the one that puts the smile on the face...My kids the grand kids, pile in the van..wasn't 2 miles down the road one of the kids was getting a little ansi knew what was going to be coming so i blurted out "are we there yet" not resist that one..we where going to "Disney Land".
Bottom line and I know it is, its ready when its ready, my son told me.."You will see it when we get there".
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby MrPC » Mon May 12, 2008 8:24 am

Well spoken,
TheeMahn don't apologize, you do fabulous work,
as for those that just can't seem to do a little research and see what has happen, and if they have been around awhile know very well the level of excellence you put into each and every version, to them I say on the partition they were going to put 1.8 put the Heron on there and experiment, get a feel for what it is you do that makes these the Ultimate Version.
Take your time even if its another month or so great things come to those that wait
that's my 2 cents
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby deate » Mon May 12, 2008 8:52 am

I would invite anyone complaining about the time frame for this release to step back, and look at the big picture. Ask yourself, when was 1.7 released? Then look at the posts, notice anything? Yeah, almost no problems! And then we had KDE! And then we had 1.7 64, find me posts with that where the problems were! And then 1.8 64....As far as I can tell, and I'm certainly no programmer, that is an incredible amount of work for such a short period of time (what? 4 months) Take the time to see what's going on before you start complaining!!
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby apc15x » Mon May 12, 2008 1:03 pm

WOW is all I can say. You can see that I am new here but with all this talk I have some observations to address. It seems that some of these people are forgetting that this is a labor of love on the part of TheeMahn yes I know that he has said that there are people that help in the background and that is fine but it's like some want him to put a OS system together (which has to be difficult) and make it perfect and on their time schedule. :o
I wonder if these same people wrote to $MS when XP or Vista was coming out and wanted to know when, and actually got a response. Not to mention that they were going to pay a hefty fee for the luxury of telling there friends that they have it. And what did you do after you bought it and it screwed up your system because they rushed it out. Come on people, you are getting a polished program for free. You have someone that cares enough about his work to want to deliver the best. Maybe you would feel better if you were charged for the program. :lol: There are going to be systems that will have hardware problems, TheeMahn can't build a OS that will be right for all hardware it is impossible. Look at it like this, you ever tried to call $MS which you have to pay for and get the help and feedback that you get here for free?
Yes I want the Ultimate 32bit because I have not built my 64bit yet but if it takes a while longer then I will wait. That just means less time to have to fix things when I do get it. I hope that I have not offended anyone but I needed to make a statement.
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby Baphomet » Mon May 12, 2008 1:26 pm

I would like to invite anyone complaining about the release schedule to shut the hell up before they seriously piss me off and incur a subsequent, well deserved, beat down.

Don't like the release schedule? The Door: Let me show it to you.

Thanking you for your patience,
~ Baphomet
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Re: Ultimate Edition 32 bit???

Postby quest23 » Mon May 12, 2008 2:49 pm

take your time....its all good ...i am sure you have more supporters of you taking your time to do it right than a little hand full of jerks that are just in a rush ....if they are not liking the schedule....tell them to piss off...and when its time to get UU make them appologize in the forums then give them access to the link....

now that should be a good way to shut them the @%@#$% up.......i bet if you gave access to it to only supporting members of the forum you wont see one dam complaint... :geek:

you rock man...take your time...shoot...1.7 is still bad a$$ to good with that.....
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