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Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:14 am
by satelight7430
hey there pch
you sound like you've got yourself a gold mine there. I,ve got 2 towers just sitting in my room.
just might have another go at them!! i think one has a bad mobo the other i think is a bad psu but it still boots??
there both pre p4s so did,nt realy have much interest in them.keep looking at them but could'nt part with them.
also lots of power cord for old machines and cords and ram and wireless stuff and lots of other stuff clutering
my basement.I hate to say it but my dad never threw anything awaythen my bro also delt in,to be gentle about it illegal items. i had someone offer me a dell xps just this week but dont want to get started,so i turned it down!!
only 100 bucks but i still said no do to morals.the next machine they steal might be mine!! I've learned the hard way!! thats why i know there's deals out there!!if your willing.
thanks for hearing me out,as for the old parts, if your ever in need just let me know.I might have it gathering dust someware??I know alot of the older stuff is quite obslete but if you could find a use for it,just let me know!!
I,d love to get rid of it!!
hope i did'nt break any rule with this post!!

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:52 pm
by dragonfly
Hi everyone, well I went and did it, I got myself a laptop. I went into a used computer store and the guy in there knew all about linux. He runs a Fedora system on his own computer and was telling me it is not really a stable system as that is where Red Hat tests all its software, but thats why he likes it. When I told him I ran an ubuntu distro, he knew all about it and said it is probably the most stable system out there. He also reminded me that ubuntu comes out with a new version approx. every 6 months. I finally met someone who I could talk to. Anyway when I told him all the good stuff you guys have been telling me, he showed me this Dell Latitude P3 and said he would knock off $30 to keep in my price range of $100 - $300. so I got this computer for $250 plus tax. I just got through installing Ubuhtu 8.4. It installed like greased lightning. It took more time to download 253 updates than to do the installation. Everything works fantastic. Thanks for all the advice

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:20 am
by pch.shot
Congrats!! You can't go wrong with old Dell machines. I have the original hard drive from a Dell(10 years old) and it still works fine. Glad you got a good deal and found a computer person who actually likes computing and is not just trying to rip people off. lol,pch

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:10 am
by cowboy
That is to sweet...the computer guy is happy.. :).. your happy.. :).. in turn makes us happier.. :D

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:46 am
by dragonfly
Hi guys, I'm back again with a little problem. How can I check this Dell Latitude for wireless use. I never thought about that when i purchased it. I have a wireless modem but it does not connect automatically. Is there supposed to be a card or aerial on this thing. Thanks again in advance.

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:49 am
by Baphomet
dragonfly wrote: Is there supposed to be a card or aerial on this thing.

That answer will cost you .5L of maple syrup. I'll thank you to remit in advance.

Ooooh.. Alright. What's the model on your Latitude? Dell made all sorts of Latitudes (DPx, C400, C420, et al.). Sticks in my mind though, that Dell, typically, has used an Intel Wireless solution.

But it's early here, so let's not go by that.

The easiest thing to do, I guess, would be to fire it up and see if it can locate your network... Are you connecting via ethernet cable now, or what?

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:22 am
by dragonfly
Hi baph, I googled dell and pumped in my info and I think they are trying to tell me I have wireless but am not sure. My newly purchased used laptop is a Latitude C610 according to my reference #01014. What I need to know is how can I check when I don't know what I am looking for and if it is a wireless do I have to install a driver. Yes I am connecting via ethernet.
P.S. I live about 5MI. from a maple sugar bush. The owners have a pancake breakfast open to the public every spring when the first batch of maple syrup is ready. They used to have a wagon ride through the bush the last time I was there many years ago when the kids were little, now my kids take their kids. How time flies!!
Have a great day baph

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:27 am
by cowboy
Hey dragon..if you have not seen this..has some good how to's

Re: Laptops

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:54 pm
by satelight7430
sorry to be a late commer here, but just read about the wireless question. it should be listed in the bios somewhere. just look dont disturb anything,just look,or if your a hands on type of person. underneeth
the creathure(on the bottom) should be 2 covers(with screws,only 1 screw) take them out. one will be ram the other will be your wireless card. it will have 2 wires running to it. also theres allways the dell web sight.
input your service code and it will tell you what shipped with it!! doesent mean that someone has'nt removed it, just shows what it was like brand new!
congrats on the purchese. :D