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Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:06 pm
by Cab
1971 banana's

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:12 pm
by Baphomet
Cab wrote:1971 banana's

Mmmm... Yes, I see. <golf clap> You've won this round... One Baph-O-Point awarded. I can see I'm going to have to "up" the proverbial ante around here... Oh, but...

Did I mention using Google is CHEATING!!!?? And will cause your pants to SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST like a big fat... uh... GOOGLE CHEATER??? DID I????

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:16 pm
by Cab
Im guilty then, I knew what it referred to and I could picture it but couldnt remember the name. I used
GOOGLE if I said I used Yahoo or something would that excuse it then?

P.S. I feel the need to explain the first letter of your Sig to vinca now.. lol

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:27 pm
by cowboy
DaddyX3 wrote:Yes. Go for it or .... well .... what you said ;)

In short he said "OK".

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:57 pm
by DaddyX3
cowboy wrote:
DaddyX3 wrote:Yes. Go for it or .... well .... what you said ;)

In short he said "OK".

hehe. Just too fun, I tell ya.

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:31 am
by Baphomet
Cab wrote:Im guilty then, I knew what it referred to and I could picture it but couldnt remember the name. I used
GOOGLE if I said I used Yahoo or something would that excuse it then?

P.S. I feel the need to explain the first letter of your Sig to vinca now.. lol

1. Your candid confession has spared you the full, brute-force impact of my wrath.

2. Had you "Yahoo'ed" it, and then compounded the error by publicly ADMITTING it on an open forum, I would have totally flipped out and probably killed a whole town in an act of unspeakable rage and anguish.

3. vinca is just going to have to get with the program on his own... He got thrown in deep end same as I did, and now it's sink or swim, babe. I don't see cowboy wearing water-wings, do you? F--K NO. And do you know why?? Because his second cousin (once removed) knows a guy that dated this chick who's previous boyfriend actually had a beer with the guy who cleans the pool for Chuck F---KING Norris, that's why. Which is kind of like being touched by Chuck Norris himself... And I don't mean touched in your "Happy Fun-Time Play-Zone" place either. Perv.

As for my more immediate problem... I guess I'm going to <finger quotes> Go For It and install 1.8 and just see what happens. The all_generic_ide command seems to have shaken something loose. The plan now is to use that command at the F6 kernel line so I can install and then, once I'm booting from the hard drive, modify /boot/grub/menu.lst with the same command line (if I still have problems with the DVD drive being accessible (which I'm assuming I will)).

Madness you say? Yes, well... Perhaps.

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:56 pm
by SaddleTramp
Well then...uhmmmm...Good Luck !! ;)

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:23 pm
by pring
Baphomet wrote:I was afraid this might happen, and it did. I can't boot the Ultimate Edition 1.8 DVD. Sighhh... This has been a really, REALLY lousy weekend and this just tops it oh so perfectly. The DVD gives me the menu, I hit Enter a couple times, things spin up for a bit and then, suddenly, everything just stops...

So, I reboot, remove "quiet" and kill off the splash-screen from the F6 / Boot Options so I can see what's going on and I find the following error -- which repeats itself about 100 times before dumping me out to BusyBox/Intramfs prompt:

Ultra-DMA 32
End request I/O Error, dev SR0, sec 128
Logical Unit communications CRC error.

Suggestions? Advice?? Yes, the DVD is a good burn. I suppose I could try ripping out the DVD-RW and installing the DVD-ROM again and see if that fixes things, but I was really hoping Ultimate Edition wouldn't let me down in that regard. Ah well... Going to try that now and see what happens. Back in a few...

I got the same error and was able to resolve it.

My DVD drive was using a 40 conductor IDE cable. I changed it for an 80 conductor and then was able to install UU 1.8 without any problems.


Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:01 pm
by Baphomet
pring wrote:I got the same error and was able to resolve it.

My DVD drive was using a 40 conductor IDE cable. I changed it for an 80 conductor and then was able to install UU 1.8 without any problems.


I will attempt your solution. Luckily I'm working late in the office tonight so I can swing by my local Electronics store (Fry's) on the way home. If this stupid cable trick of yours works, it's worth a few Baph-O-Points. That's right... I said a few. Try to remain calm.

Re: Can't Get Out of the Gate w/v1.8 64 bit...

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:13 pm
by SaddleTramp
Baphomet wrote:
pring wrote:I got the same error and was able to resolve it.

My DVD drive was using a 40 conductor IDE cable. I changed it for an 80 conductor and then was able to install UU 1.8 without any problems.


I will attempt your solution. Luckily I'm working late in the office tonight so I can swing by my local Electronics store (Fry's) on the way home. If this stupid cable trick of yours works, it's worth a few Baph-O-Points. That's right... I said a few. Try to remain calm.

LMAO Don't worry pring, if your cable trick works, Baph will want to move in with you and be your servant for at least...hmmmm....3yrs?!!? maybe even up to 5... ;) Of course all that would be on the hush hush...right ?? <BREW>