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Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

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Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby linuxnewbie63 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:46 am

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Hello from Down Under(Australia)

Postby Linuxnewbie63 on Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:18 pm
Hi to all Ultimate Edition Users, I am a newbie on computers and Linux distros, my name is Gary, I started on a Vista laptop in 2007 an ACER 3684 wxmi and after four recovery's within six month's I gave Linux a try I had found a couple of disk's with CentOS, UserOS and G-OS then I come up Mint5, I had problems with CentOS so I mainly ran Mint5 and G-OS until UBUNTU 8.10 come out, everything worked well BUT the proprietory codecs a hell of a time for me to find how to get them, make them work, and then try to add applications like Skype, Googleearth, Picasa, the only help I had was from Linux forums and I like to Thank all Linux Forum's for the help they give to newbies like me, in 2009 I got Ubuntu9.04 and Mint7 Gloria this time I knew a few things more so it was easier for me by the way this time I also had a new home made desktop ASUS brand M3A78-EMH HDMI Motherboard, AMD Athlon X2 5200, 320GB WD harddrive, 2GB DDR2, I installed Mint in the desktop and Ubuntu in the laptop but I had sound problems with both I tried everything, I fixed the problem with Mint7 installed on the laptop and an Alsa configuration topic I found in the Mint forum, but I could not fix the sound problem with Ubuntu9.04 or the desktop, lately I got Ubuntu10.04 and Mint9, I could not install any of them on the desktop I found a topic on the Mint forum how to remove 'dmraid' I did it and Magic it worked so I got Mint9 on the desktop as for Ubuntu10.04 I installed it in the laptop but the software centre crashed the screen went dark and everything froze I had to cut the power of it, finally I installed Mint9 in the laptop, and I got Ultimate Edition in the desktop with which I had no problems except for skype where under option's video test the video will not work even after I played with the video for Linux control, both computers are working without any major problems, so to all Linux newbies out there look-up your distros forums, ask for help, no need to go back to windows.
Last edited by linuxnewbie63 on Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ultimate Edition/Weapon 2.7!! mobo: ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI, cpu: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200, hdd: WD 320gb, ram: Kingston 1gb x2 DDR2, graphics: integrated ATI 3200 chipset
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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby linuxnewbie63 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:02 am

Blackwolf Linux is like diving in the ocean around that great island of yours mate, it's kind of dark and scary but once your in it discovering the treasures that are in it's depth's you don't want to leave it, I only wish a lot more of us discover the treasures that Linux has, now I'll take that deep breath mate.
Ultimate Edition/Weapon 2.7!! mobo: ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI, cpu: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200, hdd: WD 320gb, ram: Kingston 1gb x2 DDR2, graphics: integrated ATI 3200 chipset
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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby billhedrick » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:01 am

I have to say that Linux, especially Ultimate Edition, is the only OS I am actually interested in. I use Windows everyday at work, my laptop runs OSX, but my home machine, my desktop runs Ultimate Edition. I used to work in IT, and when I decided to build my home machine 5 years ago, I asked my boss if I could grab a WinXP install disk from our stock. He said why not try Freespire, it was free, easy to use and full featured. I found it, installed it, and it was pretty cool. But not satisfying, there was a lot of issues that were not fully thought out or implemented. I tried a batch of different linuxes - especailly when Freespire jumped the shark. I tried Mint, meh, ok I guess, I found a couple other small distros that looked promising, but never fulfilled their promise.

I found Ultimate Edition 2.3, and never looked back. It has the balance of "It's in there" and customization that answers my needs. I started the 2.8 download before I went to work, and will see about installing it tonight!
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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby linuxnewbie63 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:23 am

Hello Blackwolf, I managed to fix video on skype by following the instructions I found after writing skype on Ultimate Edition Forum search engine, there is a post on video4Linux control panel where you have to replace the word 'mplayer' with 'skype' that alone did not work for me but later on I installed the latest version of Ubuntu Tweak and did a clean-up of the system, I think it also installed a newer kernel I'm not sure, but after that skype was working like a beauty, hello billhedrick, Windows don't interest me any more, I am learning Linux, I have used some of the more user friendly one's, Mint was one of the better one's for me, a couple of month's ago I come up to Ultimate Edition 2.7 and I stuck like glue to it, and you are right it does have the balance of 'Everything' even if you have to do a little work so you can get 'Everything' to work like a beauty, :P
Ultimate Edition/Weapon 2.7!! mobo: ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI, cpu: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200, hdd: WD 320gb, ram: Kingston 1gb x2 DDR2, graphics: integrated ATI 3200 chipset
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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby Moebius » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:54 am

Love hearing these stories - takes me back to when I first started my Linux journey and without fail, they all seem to be the same until they find Ultimate Edition. Funny that. ;) :D

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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby linuxnewbie63 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:43 pm

Hello Moebius
The story of the Linux journey does seem to be the some for most of us, I also Love hearing them, some of them even have descriptions of problems, Linux users have encountered and how they solved them, so we can learn something from them, this is why I wrote my story the way I did, :P I don't mind if someone is ignorant or stupid and make's mistakes if they are willing to do some work to learn Linux then they will at least learn the basic's, it's the one's who think that Linux is a free version of windows, I don't like :x Microsoft doesn't give away free version's, they use Linux like they used Vista or XP and when they make the first mistake they blame Linux for it because they are not willing to learn the differences between them or how Linux work's, and that's Microsoft's policy 'don't teach them anything just make tv zombies out of them' that way they keep on paying for product's and support from Microsoft, as for the user's they go back to Vista, and they even post their unfortunate stories full of hatred against Linux, I've read a few of this one's too, I'm really sorry for them but I can't understand them :(
As for the 'Ultimate Edition Oz' image I want to click on it and I'm going to right now mate :lol:
Ultimate Edition/Weapon 2.7!! mobo: ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI, cpu: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200, hdd: WD 320gb, ram: Kingston 1gb x2 DDR2, graphics: integrated ATI 3200 chipset
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Re: Hello from another newbie onboard Ultimate Edition

Postby Moebius » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:37 pm

Always have time for people who legitimately want to learn. That's the idea behind 'community'. ;)
As for the 'Ultimate Edition Oz' image I want to click on it and I'm going to right now mate :lol:

We're all one big happy family with sites all over the world dedicated to Ultimate Edition. This is 'Central' - (home base) and this is where the magic happens, but if you wish to visit Oz you'll be more than welcome there too.

GNOME 3.2.1
Oz Unity Developement (32) Kernel 15
Moebius Custom Gothic
Intel DG33FB Mainboard
Intel Core2Duo E8400
Amicroe 2 x 1Gb DDR2
WD 250Gb Sata II WD2500AAKS (O/S)
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