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sources.list issue solved for older releases

Ultimate Edition Software Repository

sources.list issue solved for older releases

Postby Artistxdevelopment » Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:08 pm

The software sources for old out of date ubuntu and ultimate edition such as the 2.8 and 2.6 has a new repository held by ubuntu and vary soon Systak Solutions. We are taking in the old ultimate edition 2.8 for a rebuild and update in systems. We will be hosting a repository at

the current working sources files are here.

and have been fully tested and updated with ultimate edition 2.8 x86. the software center even works now.

thank you for your time

Systak Solutions
Ultimate edition tech support services
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Maryville. MO. 64468
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Re: sources.list issue solved for older releases

Postby Xanayoshi » Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:41 pm


I don't quite understand. Without so much as glancing at correlating Ubuntu versions to 2.6,2.8..something like..10.##,11.##?, I have heard of no such support structure nor would I quite understand how this is accomplished through corresponding zip file. While I understand Ubuntu itself is creating a dynamic to deal with individual structures without consulting multiversion dependencies, "snaps", this has little to do with support structure in terms of older/outdated systems. I will look into this further, later.

Edit: I am not exactly unfamiliar with repo structure, If you could post ".list", would be cool, too. I will if I remember to get on Linux machine, later.

Speaking of repos, someone was looking for help with setting these up.....viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2648

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Re: sources.list issue solved for older releases

Postby Artistxdevelopment » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:39 pm

the zip file must be extracted. it contains two files sources.list and sources.bak

Ubuntu repositories in say Ultimate edition 2.8 refer to since these are not supported versions the sources must be updated to there current location. My repository is not up yet so the new location of the ubuntu repositories is how you get them to work.
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