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Toys under the hood

Source code I have written openly published for your viewing pleasure.

Toys under the hood

Postby TheeMahn » Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:24 am

Code-Cleanup Package
Conky-Builder Package
KeySnatcher Package
Multi-Monitor Package
Nasup Package
Theme Repair tool
Thumbos Package
Tmrename Package
Mp4tomp3 Package
Wallscan Package

I am going to attempt to document programs I have written most are unaware of that are under the hood of virtually all Ultimate Edition operating systems. Software I have released to the internet are licensed under GPL feel free to edit / re-write anything I have released to date as you see fit. This particular page I am going to write about the ultimate-edition-code-cleanup package.

These programs can be accessed from the command-line interface (CLI). The programs from the ultimate-edition-code-cleanup package are written in BASH & Ruby, however I am fluent in many languages. I am unsure if that is the way to word that statment when talking about programming languages ;) The above links will extend as I write pages based on each package I have written for Ultimate Edition. I am sure I have at the very least 10 pages to write similar to this one covering various tools and languages. I do want to start by pointing out one that is visible, however goes totally unnoticed by most people.


gedit plugin.png
Script maker Gedit plugin also a part of ultimate-edition-code-cleanup deb

The above Gedit plugin will generate a bash script skelaton if you will to get you started writing scripts, this suits 2 purposes:

1. To get you started writing your script instantly saving hours of time.
2. Education (a great place for newbs to learn bash scripting)

I have considered extending this to include a wizard like interface injecting commonly used functions. Wow am I lazy when it comes to coding right? No, I try to live by the rule why re-create the wheel. It would also accelerate application development.

Back to the CLI. I'm going to start with my personal favorite code-cleanup it is written in Ruby. Why my favorite? No-one is perfect & I am a sloppy programmer. I do not bother indenting etc. This tool not only makes your code look pretty it will point out errors. These errors are displayed as indentions. If you write software in bash this tool is absolutly a must have. I am first going to provide an example of code with errors before and after the tool has ran across it. The below is bogus code, chroot detection should be done from udev and / or checking against inode 2. Beyond the scope of this post.

#Ultimate Edition Customizations preinst for Ultimate Edition 3.7

set -e


case "$1" in
echo "Checking for chroot environment."
if [ $IUSER != 'root' ]; then
echo "No chroot environment detected, removing."
echo "Done."
echo 'Root user / chroot environment detected.'
if test -f /etc/skel/examples.desktop; then
rm -R /etc/skel/examples.desktop

if test -f /root/.bash_history; then
rm -f /root/.bash_history
echo "VERSION Detected: $version"
if [ -n "$version" ] \
&& dpkg --compare-versions "$version" lt "2.7"; then
config_source=$(gconftool-2 --get-default-source)
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -t -d gconf.XXXXXXXXXX)
HOME="$tmp_dir" gconftool-2 --direct \
-config-source="$config_source" \
--recursive-unset \
/apps/panel/default_setup \
kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2` >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
rm -rf "$tmp_dir"

rm /var/crash/* > 2 &1 /dev/null

glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
exit 0

Code: Select all
theemahn@JackHammer:~/Music/ultimate-edition-customizations-3.7_all/DEBIAN$ code-cleanup postinst
Error: indent/outdent mismatch: 1.

This means a done or fi etc. is missing somewhere in the code where the indention is missing is typically where the error lies let's examine the code. This board does not handle tabs very well lets look at a screenshot.
After running code-cleanup

Let's build a manual for it:
Code: Select all
theemahn@JackHammer:~/Videos$ repostorm --fix ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Relaxing permissions
Relaxing: ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Process complete. Execution Time: 0s.
Scanning for errors / warnings to fix in ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all.
W: ultimate-edition-code-cleanup: binary-without-manpage bin/bashdepends
W: ultimate-edition-code-cleanup: binary-without-manpage bin/code-cleanup
Fixing Error: No Manpage - Writing Generic manpage. please review and change if necessary.
Setting homepage as:
Scanning for manpages errors.
Warning: W: ultimate-edition-code-cleanup: binary-without-manpage bin/bashdepends
Processing: bashdepends
Warning: W: ultimate-edition-code-cleanup: binary-without-manpage bin/code-cleanup
Processing: code-cleanup
Manpage issue(s) fixed.
Errors / warnings fixed: 1
theemahn@JackHammer:~/Videos$ theemahn@JackHammer:~/Videos$ repostorm --build ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Code for multi-builds to achieve perfection will enter here.

Beginning build of ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all

Relaxing permissions of ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Cleaning up any tmp or backup files.
Setting individual file permissions to 644.
Scanning /etc to build conffiles.
Scanning for executables in ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all Stage 1.
Scanning for executables in ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all Stage 2.
Calculating Installed size & inserting into control file if necessary.
ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all is 104. Control file reporting: 88
Size Mismatch, replacing with 104.
Calculating MD5SUMS in ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Setting ownership to root in ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
Setting individual folder permissions to 755.
Setting permissions rights for control etc.
Building of ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all
dpkg-deb: building package `ultimate-edition-code-cleanup' in `ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all.deb'.
Lintian resulting package ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all.deb.
We have built a totally perfect deb.
Recursively removing ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all since we have a perfect deb.
Moving ultimate-edition-code-cleanup_1.7.2-1_all.deb to .debs/
We have had 100% error warning free deb(s) built this session.

Pretty straight forward I guess:
code-cleanup 1.7.2-1, 10/23/2013

GNU code-cleanup home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.
Be sure to include the word code-cleanup somewhere in the Subject: field.

usage: code-cleanup [BASH SCRIPT] or "-" for stdin.

This package will eventually be a dependancy in repostorm as well repairtheme. Code-cleanup application was originally written by Paul Lutus under GPL in 2008 for doing the same thing to Ruby scripts. I have re-written it to do the same to bash scripts. Let's get some code out there already:
Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
# ==============================================================================
# title         :code-cleanup
# description      :Bash code cleanup script
# author      :Glenn Cady <[email protected]>
# date         :10/23/2013
# version      :1.7.2-1
# usage         :code-cleanup --help
# manual      :man code-cleanup
# notes         :See change-log below for further information.
# ==============================================================================
# Change-log:   1.7.1-8: re-wrote all code for cleaning up bash instead of ruby
#      1.7.2-1: Cleaned code and added stamping routine.
# ==============================================================================
# Original code: Copyright (C) 2008, Paul Lutus under GPL

PVERSION = '1.7.2-1'
BUILDDATE = "10/23/2013"
CCAUTHOR = "Glenn Cady <[email protected]>"

module RBeautify

   # user-customizable values

   RBeautify::TabStr = "\t"
   RBeautify::TabSize = 1

   # indent regexp tests

   IndentExp = [
      /(^| )case\b/,

   # outdent regexp tests

   OutdentExp = [

   def RBeautify.rb_make_tab(tab)
      return (tab < 0)?"":TabStr * TabSize * tab

   def RBeautify.rb_add_line(line,tab)
      line = rb_make_tab(tab) + line if line.length > 0
      return line

   def RBeautify.beautify_string(source, path = "")
      comment_block = false
      in_here_doc = false
      here_doc_term = ""
      program_end = false
      multiLine_array = []
      multiLine_str = ""
      tab = 0
      output = []
      source.each do |line|
            # detect program end mark
            if(line =~ /^__END__$/)
               program_end = true
               # combine continuing lines
               if(!(line =~ /^\s*#/) && line =~ /[^\\]\\\s*$/)
                  multiLine_array.push line
                  multiLine_str += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1")

               # add final line
               if(multiLine_str.length > 0)
                  multiLine_array.push line
                  multiLine_str += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1")

               tline = ((multiLine_str.length > 0)?multiLine_str:line).strip
               if(tline =~ /^=begin/)
                  comment_block = true
                  in_here_doc = false if tline =~ %r{\s*#{here_doc_term}\s*}
               else # not in here_doc
                  if tline =~ %r{=\s*<<}
                     here_doc_term = tline.sub(%r{.*=\s*<<-?\s*([_|\w]+).*},"\\1")
                     in_here_doc = here_doc_term.size > 0
         if(comment_block || program_end || in_here_doc)
            # add the line unchanged
            output << line
            comment_line = (tline =~ /^#/)
               # throw out sequences that will
               # only sow confusion
               while tline.gsub!(/\{[^\{]*?\}/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/\[[^\[]*?\]/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/'.*?'/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/".*?"/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/\`.*?\`/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/\([^\(]*?\)/,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/\/.*?\//,"")
               while tline.gsub!(/%r(.).*?\1/,"")
               # delete end-of-line comments
               # convert quotes
               OutdentExp.each do |re|
                  if(tline =~ re)
                     tab -= 1
            if (multiLine_array.length > 0)
               multiLine_array.each do |ml|
                  output << rb_add_line(ml,tab)
               multiLine_str = ""
               output << rb_add_line(line,tab)
               IndentExp.each do |re|
                  if(tline =~ re && !(tline =~ /\s+end\s*$/))
                     tab += 1
         if(tline =~ /^=end/)
            comment_block = false
      error = (tab != 0)
      STDERR.puts "Error: indent/outdent mismatch: #{tab}." if error
      return output.join("\n") + "\n",error
   end # beautify_string

   def RBeautify.beautify_file(path)
      error = false
      if(path == '-') # stdin source
         source =
         dest,error = beautify_string(source,"stdin")
         print dest
      else # named file source
         source =
         dest,error = beautify_string(source,path)
         if(source != dest)
            # make a backup copy
   + "~","w") { |f| f.write(source) }
            # overwrite the original
  ,"w") { |f| f.write(dest) }
  , "a") do |f|
    f.write "# ==============================================================================\n# This code was automatically cleaned up using code-cleanup\n# title         :code-cleanup\n# description      :Bash code cleanup script\n# Author      :%s\n# date         :%s\n# version      :%s\n# %s\n# ==============================================================================" % [ AUTHOR, BUILDDATE, PVERSION, WEBSITE ]
      return error
   end # beautify_file

   def RBeautify.main
      error = false
         STDERR.puts "\e[1;32mcode-cleanup %s, %s" % [ PVERSION, BUILDDATE ]
    STDERR.puts "\nGNU code-cleanup home page: <>.\nE-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.\nBe sure to include the word code-cleanup somewhere in the Subject: field.\n\n"
         STDERR.puts "usage: code-cleanup [BASH SCRIPT] or \"-\" for stdin."
         exit 0
      ARGV.each do |path|
         error = (beautify_file(path))?true:error
      error = (error)?1:0
      exit error
   end # main
end # module RBeautify

module STAMP


# if launched as a standalone program, not loaded as a module
if __FILE__ == $0

It does not end there, there is also bash-depends in this same package. Bash depends will scan a bash script looking for dependancies in the bash script so you can add the list to your control file for deployment. I guess the main reason I wrote this app beyond wanting to make my debs perfect; I was told it could not be done in bash ;)

Let's run bash-depends against conky-builder(another program I wrote):
theemahn@JackHammer:~$ bashdepends -d
bashdepends 1.7.2-1, 10/23/2013
GNU builddeps home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.
Be sure to include the word builddeps somewhere in the Subject: field.
Please wait this may take a while depending on the size of the script.
Stripping bash builtin commands.
Externally called commands:
cat coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
cut coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
dpkg dpkg required
expr coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
glxinfo mesa-utils optional 8.1.0-0ubuntu1~precise1
grep grep required 2.10-1
hddtemp hddtemp extra 0.3-beta15-51
ls coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
lsb_release lsb-release extra 4.0-0ubuntu20.3
rm coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
sed sed required 4.2.1-9
sensors lm-sensors extra 1
uname coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
wc coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
xrandr x11-xserver-utils optional 7.6+3
yes coreutils required 8.13-3ubuntu3.2
Please add all red packages to your control file.
Depends: mesa-utils (>=8.1.0-0ubuntu1~precise1), hddtemp (>=0.3-beta15-51), lsb-release (>=4.0-0ubuntu20.3), lm-sensors (>=1), x11-xserver-utils (>=7.6+3)

I guess it's hard to see red from the above, let's drop a screenie again:
Bash depends running it's magic.

Bash Depends Source code:
Code: Select all
# ==============================================================================
# title         :bashdepends
# description      :Build dependancies script for bash
# author      :Glenn Cady <[email protected]>
# date         :10/23/2013
# version      :1.7.2-1
# usage         :builddeps --help
# manual      :man bashdepends
# notes         :See change-log below for further information.
# bash_version      :4.2.8(1)-release
# ==============================================================================
# Change-log:   1.7.1-8:First public Release
#       1.7.2-1:Bump version to comply with release version.
# ==============================================================================
# set colors so errors etc. stand out.

txtblk='\e[0;30m' # Black - Regular
txtred='\e[0;31m' # Red
txtgrn='\e[0;32m' # Green
txtylw='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
txtblu='\e[0;34m' # Blue
txtpur='\e[0;35m' # Purple
txtcyn='\e[0;36m' # Cyan
txtwht='\e[0;37m' # White
bldblk='\e[1;30m' # Black - Bold
bldred='\e[1;31m' # Red
bldgrn='\e[1;32m' # Green
bldylw='\e[1;33m' # Yellow
bldblu='\e[1;34m' # Blue
bldpur='\e[1;35m' # Purple
bldcyn='\e[1;36m' # Cyan
bldwht='\e[1;37m' # White
unkblk='\e[4;30m' # Black - Underline
undred='\e[4;31m' # Red
undgrn='\e[4;32m' # Green
undylw='\e[4;33m' # Yellow
undblu='\e[4;34m' # Blue
undpur='\e[4;35m' # Purple
undcyn='\e[4;36m' # Cyan
undwht='\e[4;37m' # White
bakblk='\e[40m'   # Black - Background
bakred='\e[41m'   # Red
badgrn='\e[42m'   # Green
bakylw='\e[43m'   # Yellow
bakblu='\e[44m'   # Blue
bakpur='\e[45m'   # Purple
bakcyn='\e[46m'   # Cyan
bakwht='\e[47m'   # White
txtrst='\e[0m'    # Text Reset

#Folder where executed

function Chkdeps (){
   #dump header
   # verify a parameter was passed
   if [[ $1 == "" ]];then
      echo -e "${bldred}Please specify a file.${txtrst}"
      exit 0

   # Filename in case user entered /bin/repomaster for example set to repomaster

   # set bash file to process copy to temp
   cp $1 /tmp/

   # test for bash script existance
   test -s $BFTP || exit 0;
   echo -e "${bldgrn}Please wait this may take a while depending on the size of the script.${txtrst}"

   # roll to temp to begin processing.
   cd /tmp/

   # strip tabs
   sed -i 's/^[ \t]*//' $BFTP

   # strip comments
   sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/d' $filename > wip.txt

   # strip echo a builtin
   sed -i '/echo .*/d' wip.txt

   # strip functions
   sed -i '/function .*/d' wip.txt
   sed -i '/}.*/d' wip.txt

   # strip Printf
   sed -i '/printf .*/d' wip.txt

   # strip braces
   cat wip.txt | tr -d "[]" > $filename

   # test for existance of temporary words list in case
   # this tool has been ran before.if so remove file.
   test -e /tmp/words.txt && rm /tmp/words.txt

   # grab commands used in bash file
   for word in $(cat "$BFTP")
      [ -f '$word' -o -f /bin/$word ] && echo $word >> /tmp/words.txt &2>/dev/null
      [ -f '$word' -o -f /usr/bin/$word ] && echo $word >> /tmp/words.txt &2>/dev/null

   cat $BFTP | grep '$(' | cut -d'(' -f2 | sed 's/ .*//g' >> /tmp/words.txt
   cat $BFTP | grep '`' | cut -d'`' -f2 | sed 's/ .*//g' >> /tmp/words.txt
   #strip empty lines
   sed -i '/^$/d' /tmp/words.txt
   #cat $filename | cut -d' ' -f1 >> words.txt
   #intiate array

   #Declare array with all bash builtins
   declare -a Builtins=('alias' 'bg' 'bind' 'break' 'builtin' 'cd' 'command' 'compgen' 'complete' 'continue' 'declare' 'dirs' 'disown' 'echo' 'enable' 'eval' 'exec' 'exit' 'export' 'fc' 'fg' 'getopts' 'hash' 'help' 'history' 'jobs' 'kill' 'let' 'local' 'logout' 'popd' 'printf' 'pushd' 'pwd' 'read' 'readonly' 'return' 'set' 'shift' 'shopt' 'source' 'suspend' 'test' 'times' 'trap' 'type' 'typeset' 'ulimit' 'umask' 'unalias' 'unset' 'wait');

   #Strip references to bash builtin commands
   echo -e "${bldgrn}Stripping bash builtin commands.${txtrst}"
   for number in ${Builtins[@]}
      sed -i "s/${Builtins[$array_counter]}//g" /tmp/words.txt
      array_counter=$(($array_counter + 1))

   #scrap open brackets* from list
   sed -i 's/\[.*//g' /tmp/words.txt

   #scrap empty lines and a few builtins
   sed -i '/^$/d' /tmp/words.txt
   sed -i '/for .*/d' /tmp/words.txt
   sed -i '/from.*/d' /tmp/words.txt
   sed -i "/'/d" /tmp/words.txt

   #Start building dependancy list
   cat /tmp/words.txt | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq >/tmp/depends.txt

   #Strip #'s
   sed -i '/sh/d' /tmp/depends.txt

   #Strip empty lines
   sed -i '/^$/d' /tmp/depends.txt

   #Initiate header & display results to end user
   echo -e "${bldgrn}Externally called commands:${txtrst}"

   # Check list existance no list no dependancies
   if test -s /tmp/depends.txt
      cat /tmp/depends.txt
      echo -e "${bldred}$1 has no external dependancies.${txtrst}"
      exit 0

   #Initate header to display progress in scanning. Make it pretty ;)
   printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \

   #Punch out package database to reference later
   echo -e "${bldwht}________________________________________________________________________________${txtrst}"
   dpkg-query -Wf '${Package}:${Priority}:${Version}\n' | sort -b -k2,2 -k1,1 >/tmp/packages.txt
   test -e /tmp/list.txt && rm /tmp/list.txt

   #Set header for Control file
   cat /tmp/depends.txt | while read FILE
      BINARY=$(which $FILE)
      if [[ $BINARY != "" ]]; then
         POSSIBLE=$(dpkg -S `which $BINARY` | cut -d":" -f1)
         PACKAGEPRIORITY=$(dpkg-query -s $POSSIBLE | grep "Priority:" | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //g')
         PVERSION=$(dpkg-query -s $POSSIBLE | grep "Version:" | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //g')
         exit 0
      # I have not seen an unknown ever come up please report if you
      # see one and the package involved.
      case $PACKAGEPRIORITY in
         echo -e -n "${bldgrn}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
         echo -e -n "${bldgrn}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
         echo -e -n "${bldgrn}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
         echo -e -n "${bldred}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
         echo "$POSSIBLE:$PVERSION" >> list.txt;;
         echo -e -n "${bldred}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
         echo "$POSSIBLE:$PVERSION" >> list.txt;;
         echo -e -n "${bldblu}";
         printf '%-15s %-30s %-10s %s\n' \
   echo -e "${bldwht}Please add all red packages to your control file.${txtrst}"

function GenerateList {
   if test -s list.txt
      echo -n "Depends: "
      echo -e "${bldgrn}No external dependancies.${txtrst}"
      exit 0
   NDEPENDS=$(cat list.txt | wc -l)
   cat /tmp/list.txt | while read FILE
      PROCESS=$(($PROCESS + 1))
      DEPEND=$(echo $FILE | cut -d: -f1)
      DVERSION=$(echo $FILE | cut -d: -f2)
      # make sure if is not entered twice on the list for example the
      # commands "ar" and "as" are both part of binutils. We only want
      # it referenced once.
      if test -s fulllist.txt
         ISTHERE=$(cat fulllist.txt | grep $DEPEND)
         if [[ $ISTHERE == "" ]]; then
            if [[ $NDEPENDS != $PROCESS ]]; then
               OUT=$OUT$DEPEND" (>="$DVERSION"), "
               OUT=$OUT$DEPEND" (>="$DVERSION")"
         if [[ $NDEPENDS != $PROCESS ]]; then
            OUT=$OUT$DEPEND" (>="$DVERSION"), "
            OUT=$OUT$DEPEND" (>="$DVERSION")"
      # push list out to file bash gets dumb when it leaves a do done
      # loop and I do not feel like writing it to run in a sub shell.
      echo $OUT > fulllist.txt
   cat fulllist.txt

function CleanUP {
   # self explanatory
   test -e /tmp/list.txt && rm /tmp/list.txt
   test -e /tmp/fulllist.txt && rm /tmp/fulllist.txt
   test -e /tmp/words.txt && rm /tmp/words.txt
   test -e /tmp/packages.txt && rm /tmp/packages.txt
   test -e /tmp/wip.txt && rm /tmp/wip.txt
   test -e /tmp/depends.txt && rm /tmp/depends.txt
   test -e $BFTP && rm $BFTP

function Version {
# dump version number and exit
echo -e "${undwht}bashdepends $VERSION, $BUILDDATE${txtrst}
GNU builddeps home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.
Be sure to include the word builddeps somewhere in the Subject: field."

function Help() {
# Help system simple and functional.
   if [[ $1 == "" ]];

echo -e "${undwht}bashdepends $VERSION, $BUILDDATE${txtrst}"

   case $PRAM in
   echo -e "${txtgrn}GNU bashdepends home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.
Be sure to include the word bashdepends somewhere in the Subject: field.${txtrst}";
echo "
bashdepends is a part of the tm-tools package. Many of the tools are heavy and
are not intended to be ran by the common user. The tools are geared for the
admininstrator. Please see man tmtools for more info.";
echo -e "
${bldgrn}Usage: bashdepends -[-COMMAND] <BASHSCRIPT>${txtrst}
Mandatory arguments to long options are identical for short options.
possible commands...

   -d   --depends   find dependencies for <BASHSCRIPT>
   -h   --help      this help message
   -v   --version   dump version info

${bldgrn}Example: bashdepends
${bldgrn}bashdepends --help [COMMAND] for further information.${txtrst}";;
   echo -e "
   ${bldwht}Usage depends;${txtrst}
   ${txtgrn}bashdepends -d <BASHSCRIPT>${txtrst}
   Displays external dependencies on <BASHSCRIPT>.";;
   echo -e "
   ${bldwht}Usage version;${txtrst}
   ${txtgrn}bashdepends -v${txtrst}
   Displays bashdepends version number and exits.";;
   echo -e "
   ${bldwht}Useage Help [COMMAND];${txtrst}
   ${txtgrn}bashdepends -h [COMMAND]${txtrst}
   Displays this message. For futher information bashdepends help [COMMAND]
   or refer to the manpages.
   man bashdepends"
   echo -e "${txtgrn}"
   echo -e "Example: bashdepends"
   echo -e "${txtwht}Will find the build dependancies for${txtrst}"
exit 0

#Command switch preprocessor
case "$1" in
   -h|--help|-\?) Help $2; exit 0;;
   -v|--version) Version; exit 0;;
   -d|--depends) Chkdeps $2; exit 0;;
   *) Help; exit 0;;

I will not rob you of the bash autocompletion scripts.
Bash Depends (/etc/bash_completion.d/):
Code: Select all
# Debian bashdepends(8) completion.

have bashdepends &&
      local i

      for (( i=0; i < ${#COMPREPLY[@]}; i++ )); do
         if [ ${#COMPREPLY[i]} -le 2 ]; then

   local cur cur_nodash prev


   if [ $COMP_CWORD = 1 ]; then
      # first parameter on line
      case "$cur" in
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'depends' \
                   $cur_nodash ) )
         return 0
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'depends version help' ${cur_nodash#-} ) )
         return 0
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'depends version help' ${cur_nodash#-} ) )
         return 0
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f $cur ) )
         return 0

   if [ $COMP_CWORD = 2 ]; then
      case "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" in
         # standard filename completion
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f $cur ) )
         return 0
         # standard filename completion
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f $cur ) )
         return 0
         # complete on list of relevant options
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'depends version' ${cur_nodash#-} ) )
         return 0
         # complete on list of relevant options
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'depends version' ${cur_nodash#-} ) )
         return 0
complete -F _bashdepends bashdepends

Code-Cleanup (/etc/bash_completion.d/):
Code: Select all
# Debian code-cleanup(8) completion.

have code-cleanup &&
      local i

      for (( i=0; i < ${#COMPREPLY[@]}; i++ )); do
         if [ ${#COMPREPLY[i]} -le 2 ]; then

   local cur cur_nodash prev


   if [ $COMP_CWORD = 1 ]; then
      # first parameter on line
      case "$cur" in
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help' \
                   $cur_nodash ) )
         return 0
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help' ${cur_nodash#-} ) )
         return 0
         COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f $cur ) )
         # complete on deb files
         return 0
complete -F _code-cleanup code-cleanup

This is simply amazing all of this weighs in at 10.5kb in size. I now remember why Bash is my favorite language ;) I am not only an Operating System Architect, but a programmer with over 30 years experience. I hope by sharing this code to make you a programmer or a better programmer. I know it has assisted me.
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Re: Code Cleanup Package

Postby pam » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:46 am

The screenies clearly show it does more than you intended to!
It also shows you the source packages and can be used for rapid pseudo debugging.

I see this as a very useful utility. :D

Another great from the Mahn.
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Re: Code Cleanup Package

Postby pam » Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:41 am

If you dont mind Theemahn, i got it running on arch linux/manjaro.

code-cleanup & bash-depends for arch linux
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Re: Code Cleanup Package

Postby TheeMahn » Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:46 am

pam wrote:If you dont mind Theemahn, i got it running on arch linux/manjaro.


Nope, I don't care at all. Yours to do with as your wish. Maybe someone else running Arch will heed the benefit of you doing so.
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Re: Toys under the hood

Postby Behemoth » Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:18 am

Hi geeks--ama newbie--this is not installing,i extract it,,, it disappears in the system under of usr ---how do i install it---bear with my ignorance.
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Re: Toys under the hood

Postby Snyper » Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:27 am

Behemoth wrote:Hi geeks--ama newbie--this is not installing,i extract it,,, it disappears in the system under of usr ---how do i install it---bear with my ignorance.

What, exactly, are you trying to install? If it's one of the deb packages, you should be trying
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg -i [packagename].deb
followed with
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install -f

Keep in mind that the versions of these packages in this post are very out-of-date--the up-to-date versions are here: Ultimate Edition repository

If you are trying to install the .tar.gz package pam created, I would recommend that you didn't. It's not built for U. E. but rather for Arch Linux and derivatives like Manjaro.
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