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Cross Platform programming

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:44 pm
by dalgar
Hey folks. Now that I am a Linux user :mrgreen: I was wondering your thoughts on cross platform programming.

I have a project I was starting for a club I am in. Unfortunately we have Linux, Mac, and yes Winblows users. The application I am going to be working on needs to be able to work on the web AND desktop. Needs to work on multiple platforms.

I was looking at KBasic and it looks like the way to go for cross platform. Does anyone know of a C product?

Or if you know of a better product than KBasic could you let me know?

Thanks a Mil!

Re: Cross Platform programming

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:33 pm
by red_team316
You could take a look at SDL

Re: Cross Platform programming

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:53 am
by UTtheLofty
If you're looking for a good IDE, I recently started using Code::Blocks (EDITED::see link below, sorry for the bad URL) It's very visual studios like, and comes with a plugin called wxSmith, which will allow you to create a GUI in wxWidgets, which is a cross platform gui library. It also supports gtk(glade) among others. wxSmith generates c++ code. GTK+ is the base of gnome and has support for many languages(python, especially designed for c, and c++), but is also cross-platform (pidgin instant messenger for example runs on windows & linux and is GTK+). But I'm not that great of a programmer (yet), having not yet developed any large GUI programs, but only simple ones using VIM and command line inputs. Hopefully this program helps, and good luck finding a good cross-platform language, development environment.

Re: Cross Platform programming

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:18 am
by Kaousama
I'm not much of a programmer, but I think Python is quite good at cross-platform. I used it in Unix and Windows and it worked without any problems. The only problem I could think of would be perhaps the tkinter, or GUI setup. (Codeblocks says the domain is expired.)