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Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:30 pm
by nicgom
nice work Thee, take your time, and try to enjoy what you creat.
here in berlin, you have a lot of fans, most of my friends are now ultimate user´s, some of them did´t even want to keep the old xp on their machines after i installed ultimate for them, just yesterday a friend of mine boght three systems and he decided to order tham without OS. he´s going all the way with Ultimate.

as for Ultamatix, i showed it at the university to the guys in the informatic labors, they where a little sceptic, they´re now loving it.

i have now a question, and please excuseme if this is a stupid one, what is the difference of a regular ubuntu installation with all the software from Ultamatix installed and Ultimated Edition?

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:46 pm
by drama
nicgom wrote:i have now a question, and please excuseme if this is a stupid one

while i cant really answer your question as i dont kno what is going on "under the hood". i will say this. we have a lil motto here...well at least i do. "the only stupid question is the one not asked"



Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:53 am
by DaddyX3
drama1981 wrote:
nicgom wrote:i have now a question, and please excuseme if this is a stupid one

while i cant really answer your question as i dont kno what is going on "under the hood". i will say this. we have a lil motto here...well at least i do. "the only stupid question is the one not asked"



I have my own motto .... "the only stupid question is the one 'I can't answer'" .... hehehe :D

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:04 pm
by TheeMahn
nicgom wrote:nice work Thee, take your time, and try to enjoy what you creat.
here in berlin, you have a lot of fans, most of my friends are now ultimate user´s, some of them did´t even want to keep the old xp on their machines after i installed ultimate for them, just yesterday a friend of mine boght three systems and he decided to order tham without OS. he´s going all the way with Ultimate.

as for Ultamatix, i showed it at the university to the guys in the informatic labors, they where a little sceptic, they´re now loving it.

i have now a question, and please excuseme if this is a stupid one, what is the difference of a regular ubuntu installation with all the software from Ultamatix installed and Ultimated Edition?

This may surprise you, but I am running a fresh install of debain lenny & Ultamatix to scrap any errors that exist there as well, a pic is appropriate here as well... I will tell you this it is still not bulletproof, but I am working on making that happen.
Debian, funny looks like Ultimate Edition

Now to your question, in "all" I hope to make the results of taking plain jane Ubuntu and Ultamatix, also working on debian to be the same(as can be seen). You install Ubuntu or Debian and with a few clicks you have Ultimate Edition. It is not perfect yet, but will be. Milestones are taken 1 step at a time. I tried to claim that Ultamatix was a Ultimate Edition killer to the admin, they would not hear it.
ultamatix on debian.png
working on bugs as I type ;)

Alot of users love Ultimate Edition because it is all there "right out of the box", and for this sole reason Ultimate Edition will continue. I have a Ultimate Edition 1.9 on the net (admin & beta testers) the admin have tested and no problems other then the usplash is not there.

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:18 am
by Zero Prime
Now if we could just get rid of the nay sayers that go to every site and tell everyone not to install Ultamatix. Even the Automatix developer is talking smack and saying we are spouting off FUD.

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:33 pm
by TheeMahn
He has no clue... That was obvious to me by viewing his code, I grant you still not perfect, but a step in the "right" direction. He is a "sell-out" anyways ;) Why not go to work for m$. They would probably pay him more then $15,000 in hosting bills anyways ;) I do have newer then I have dropped to the web, I will skip many a version before an "official" release. People such as yourself can see and know this I go out of my way to ensure perfection, but what did I start with, I probably would have been further ahead to start from scratch. Let him spout I will have the last word.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:43 am
by mrmond
I have been using ultimatix on a fresh install of 8.04
Well gutsy with all the updates then an upgrade followed by8.04 updates.

On the whole is does what I expect but I have a couple of problems/questions.

For some reason I have 2 repoubuntu software repos in my sources list and had to remove one of them.
Does the script self update when you make changes ? I remeber when using automatix some time back on gutsy that updates would appear in the update manager if there were updates to the program,new items for programs it handles added.

Using ultimatix to install AWN I was never able to access the preferences menu. I had to uninstall and add the source list from the awn home page and then it was fine. I found that a bit odd.

Wanting to install open arena I couldn't because of depends of the data package even though the one listed in synaptic said it was the correct version for the main program.
I again had to untick repoubuntu and reload then install the previous version.

When updates are available if I leave repoubuntu source activated which takes precedence. an update from the official hardy source list or the one from ultimatix ?

On the whole everything else works fine. I'm just not sure if I am messing things up further if I try to install from synaptic and I have something listed in medibuntu/repoubuntu or whatever. Should I be making sure that if a prgram in synaptic is listed as being in the repobuntu source that I should not use synaptic and instead install using the ultimatix utility so that it's own scripts sort it out ?

Perhaps I'm asking too much in one go. If I am I apologize.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:02 am
by cowboy
First of all welcome to Ultimate Edition..your comments are seen.. ;) And feed back is needed..only way to perfect the program.
Ultamatix has come along ways from the dropped have not seen everything yet..I see the hand writting on the wall.. ;)

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:55 am
by Baphomet
strider5236 wrote:I have used it on many fresh installs of 8.04 and I have not come up with any issue's. I feel that it is flawless so far. TheeMahn has a gift for fixing peoples half ass'd work, and perfects it. Cheers to you TheeMahn.


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Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:31 pm
by cowboy
Hey...Happy Birthday.....
Do not worry about any charges..its on me...
Will charge