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Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:25 am
by red_team316
I can't say I've ever seen that before. Can you try another graphics card? Some people don't have that luxury, but if you can, then try that to see if it fares better. I suspect you either do not have the proper driver loaded, or there may be something X doesn't like about it. I'm pretty sure thats around the stage where your graphics card driver loads and/or X loads. I'd file a bug on launchpad about it if I were you.

As far as changing the position of the progress bar, yes you can, but you cannot with TUM 1.04. I've been working on different things in the next version such as progress bar location, textbox location, text colors etc... I know how to do all that by manually, but putting it all together into a program is a completely different story.

Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:13 pm
by wladicus
Thank you red_team316,

Your appraisal seems to be correct. When I ran this distro of Kubuntu previously, it was on a new laptop machine, (i.e. new technology). Now I am running it on an old Compaq computer that the school board was going to throw onto the garbage pile, thus I do not doubt that the video parts are also fairly old technology. The odd screen does not interfere at all and only lasts for about 6 seconds, so I do not mind if there is no fix for it.

Thank you for all your assistance and I look forward to new releases of TUM (I can appreciate that you are busy with the more important needs of life etc...). I appreciate all the work that has been done on providing us users with a great tool for making usplash screens, and thank you very much for helping me to make my production of a usplash finally work.


Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:19 am
by TheeMahn
Do you know what I enjoy? Redteam is TheeMahn, when it comes to usplash, I have 0 problems admitting that, Redteam is off the hook, I do not think you gents even understand. Xmas Edition's bootup is courtesy of Redteam, I had jack squat to do with it, even the ones I modded, by his fine work.

Let me step out on a plate, there is 0 and I mean 0 that does what his usplash does. I call this innovative. Redteam is no joke, I am glad to have him onboard. If redteam does not know / want to learn python it will still be not TUM, but TRUM or do you think it should be RTUM, how about RUM? Personally I have no problem giving credit where it is due and he deserves all credit.

Great, I may have started it, it is him who finishes. I am 1 man.

1100 views here, what do you think I should be worried about?
small fry, Ultamatix takes attention. Not that I want it.

A new Ultamatix is coming, the next release is squat, the next thereafter the bomb drops. I will not turn my back on you or any-one else. You take care of your business I will take care of mine.

Well now this is in the programming section, I can say anything I like right there is very little chance anyone to view this, I will be honest, I have devs from ubuntu on my board & PM's from them, never once did I answer them. I want this open, rattler wanted me to do so, I will do so now. slam me first cuz I fix their problems, it is all good... Why ask me to join you when you do so to me? Sorry no PM from me.

I am now going to be 100% straight... I have had UBIsoft wanting me to write Installation software for them a "mod", I do not need my thoughts thinking of nothing, but my users. Merry Xmas, pretty heavy isn't it. Do you know who ubisoft is? A flight to Texas on their tab... I want you to think I am Dumb ;), Who am I now? Does not matter I am here for you, who is next m$?

Thanks Redteam,


Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:59 am
by golinux
Haven't been here in ages . . . I'm about ready to install Lucid on a shiny new 1tb drive. Will Usplash Maker work on 10.04? Will my old .so files work?

Love the new forum skin BTW.

Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 7:54 am
Hello and welcome back golinux ! usplash maker will work as far as making usplashs, but as far as using the .so files no ! "Lucid" uses "Plymouth" now and usplash is not compatible with the new arrangement ! Thee 8-) has made the Plymouth to look like a usplash ! But it is not ! There is a Plymouth maker in scripts but I haven't been able to get it to work! :o

Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:50 am
by golinux
JOHNNYG wrote:Hello and welcome back golinux ! usplash maker will work as far as making usplashs, but as far as using the .so files no ! "Lucid" uses "Plymouth" now and usplash is not compatible with the new arrangement ! Thee 8-) has made the Plymouth to look like a usplash ! But it is not ! There is a Plymouth maker in scripts but I haven't been able to get it to work! :o

Bummer . . . I was afraid of that. Not having a custom boot option is a deal breaker for me. Is anybody here working on getting it functional?? I just may install Hardy and give Lucid time to catch up . . .

Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:21 pm
Oh plymouth can be customized ! it just takes some doing ! hopefully they will have this issue resolved for Meerkat 10.10 ! But dont let that stop you from experiencing Ultimate "Lucid" , 2.7 will be out very soon ! Bite the bullet! :lol: ;) :D

Re: Usplash Maker 1.04

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:14 pm
by princealway
The problem is, my screen resolution is 1280x800 I tried to edit the script Make usplash, added 1280x800 resolution, but the script does not create. To file Could you help me.