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Ultimate Edition Repositories are 100% back on-line 19 march

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:27 pm
by LeadFingers
***Updated 19 Mar @ 9:30 PM***
The Ultimate Edition repositories are once again golden.
We appreciate all of you who waited so patiently,
And apologize again for any complications this may have caused.

There's an upgrade script for the upgrade script

Copied from a post by TheeMahn
If you are having any problems with your Upgrade script/Icon
here is an "Upgrade for the Upgrade"
Code: Select all
# Feisty to Ultimate Script
# Ubuntusoftware Team <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
sudo mkdir /usr/share/ultimate
cd /usr/share/ultimate/
sudo rm -R *
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo chmod +x
cd ~/Desktop/
sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated envy
#create Shortcut
sudo echo "Creating Upgrade shortcut..."
# create desktop shortcut for Upgrade
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gksudo sh /usr/share/ultimate/
Categories=GNOME;GTK;Application;System;" > ~/Desktop/Upgrade.desktop

# chmod shortcut
sudo chmod a+x ~/Desktop/Upgrade.desktop

Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:41 am
by xtremesupremacy3
I just wanted to provide an update in regard to the Update:

I have just attempted and if you wish to update these are the results:

Update Gamers Edition: Not Fully Ready
Update Ultimate Edition: 100%
Update Custom: Not Checked


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:28 pm
by TheeMahn
xtremesupremacy3 wrote:I just wanted to provide an update in regard to the Update:

I have just attempted and if you wish to update these are the results:

Update Gamers Edition: Not Fully Ready
Update Ultimate Edition: 100%
Update Custom: Not Checked


Games? They are now there, but only repo supported no direct link, I am open to any problem you having with the repo as well as rectifying the situation.

For example the bootscript referenced an older version of flash and works, both versions are there, one for the script user and one to bring you up to date. Games for example should not only be there, but are the cutting edge version of each game respectively speaking. I figured if I have to spend that kind of time re-uploading a bunch of info it might as well be the latest and greatest (newer then cannoicals btw, many they don't have at all). I have not made adjustments to Ultimate Edition 1.4's or less repos, They should see no change currently, I suppose I should have asked which edition you are running?


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:05 pm
by n3m3sis
I have updated Ultimate Edition Ultimate ok but I seem to be having some problems with Ultimate Edition Games edition.
Warsow, Warsow-data, Maniadrive-data & ufoai data will not download (some message about not being able to connect to the repos) and also, Americas Army has been downloading for the past 3 1/2 hours now and it still has not got to the end. I have a 20mb/s conn which is working fine, however there seems to be issues with the Ultimate Edition Games edition update.

I must say thanks to TheeMan for Ultimate Edition Ultimate edition. It is by far the best Ubuntu based distro around and I love it.


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:20 pm
by TheeMahn
n3m3sis wrote:I have updated Ultimate Edition Ultimate ok but I seem to be having some problems with Ultimate Edition Games edition.
Warsow, Warsow-data, Maniadrive-data & ufoai data will not download (some message about not being able to connect to the repos) and also, Americas Army has been downloading for the past 3 1/2 hours now and it still has not got to the end. I have a 20mb/s conn which is working fine, however there seems to be issues with the Ultimate Edition Games edition update.

I must say thanks to TheeMan for Ultimate Edition Ultimate edition. It is by far the best Ubuntu based distro around and I love it.


100 % script problem, I initially wrote that script probably close to a year ago, with good intentions of helping all users it has backlashed apon me... I am 1 man, i try to make all good I am fighting a losing battle. Speaking of games I just spent some time in winders to check out C&C kane edition, piss poor I should not take time to enjoy a game, every time I have done so I am that much farther behind. Al in all makes me want to shut it all down. Nothing personal.


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:26 pm
by ruskin
Al in all makes me want to shut it all down. Nothing personal.

I just want to say thank you for all the work you are doing on this distro, IMHO the best one out there by far. Every year or so for the past 15 years i've tried out the latest Linux flavor and just never found it useable for the things I need to do. Congratulations! Ultimate Edition is quickly becoming my main OS. I only wish there was something I could do to help.

Thank you

Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:34 am
by TheeMahn
ruskin wrote:
Al in all makes me want to shut it all down. Nothing personal.

I just want to say thank you for all the work you are doing on this distro, IMHO the best one out there by far. Every year or so for the past 15 years i've tried out the latest Linux flavor and just never found it useable for the things I need to do. Congratulations! Ultimate Edition is quickly becoming my main OS. I only wish there was something I could do to help.

Thank you

Thanks brother, it is comments like these that make me strive to make the next latest & greatest. I guess it is looking like a KDE4 release it will be "considered a beta" & a "Special release" I will make this very clear it is not considered stable & should not be used on a production system, thanks lead fingers just cracking on you ;) I was already on it just didn't want the public knowing it yet. I have it on my system now just "not perfect" yet. I will tell you firsthand If I was you and used *nix for 15 years I would not install it. I will say the eyecandy is off the hook, even w/o restricted drivers. KDE4 is still in its infancy and problems are to be expected.

Thanks again,


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:28 am
by xtremesupremacy3
Well I'm sure I speak for most if not all users of this distro. But you are a true Linux legend. I mean you dared to stand up against all the bigboys and openly provide all the drivers etc in a cunning way so as to not break laws.

I like Ubuntu however it looks kinda boring, and is not packed enough.
Your version on the other hand makes it kinda boring coz i got nothing to do, everythings there...thats a good thing. I can show it off too. Don't give up now, this distro is the best.
Besides, KDE4, we all know that this is a gnome distro and I think that KDE4 isn't all that great anyways, maybe people should just be provided the option to upgrade to KDE4 from current in apt.

Keep going I'm loving this distro.

All Hail!

Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:06 pm
by TheeMahn
xtremesupremacy3 wrote:Well I'm sure I speak for most if not all users of this distro. But you are a true Linux legend. I mean you dared to stand up against all the bigboys and openly provide all the drivers etc in a cunning way so as to not break laws.

I like Ubuntu however it looks kinda boring, and is not packed enough.
Your version on the other hand makes it kinda boring coz i got nothing to do, everythings there...thats a good thing. I can show it off too. Don't give up now, this distro is the best.
Besides, KDE4, we all know that this is a gnome distro and I think that KDE4 isn't all that great anyways, maybe people should just be provided the option to upgrade to KDE4 from current in apt.

Keep going I'm loving this distro.

All Hail!

Thanks, I really appreciate that, I have no choice it was announced by one of my admin of what I was doing, I do not hold him responsible, we chit chat all the time in a hidden part of the forum. I will not tell you (or one of my admin), you are getting free viagra and then hit you with shipping. I placed that admin there for a reason, I promise he will never do so again (let the cat out of the bag). I will follow through with what he promised. I recently upgraded all mods to admin and did so mainly because of traffic, like a kid in a candy store checkin out what they can do. No pun intended, all is resolved.

I will let you know it is no joke in the eyecandy dept (even w/o restricted drivers), would I run it day to day no KDE4 is in its infancy, and problems are to be expected. It is coming. I promise better at the time of release to be better then any KDE4 edition seen to date. A PRETTY BOLD STATEMENT ;)


Re: Ultimate Edition Repositories are not yet 100% 8 march

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:12 pm
by xtremesupremacy3
Well it's probably no use to you but if theres anything I can do to help in anyway, feel free to let me know, I'm sure you got my email adress. If we all work together Ultimate will be number 1 on distrowatch in no time.