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TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:20 pm
by reaper
I know there are many different tv cards out there.
What I would like to know is what is the best choice for a tv card that
will run under ubuntu and give me the best results with digital and for recording tv shows.

Thanks for the help and info......

Re: TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:33 pm
by geppettvs
Hi reaper, // Hola reaper

I own several TV Tuner cards and the majority of them are working pretty fine under ubuntu, and specially under Ultimate Edition. I have tried in Ultimate Edition 2.5, and Ultimate Edition 2.8.

Yo tengo varias tarjetas sintonizadoras de television y la mayoria de ellas estan trabajando muy bien en ubuntu, especialmente en Ultimate Edition. Las he probado en Ultimate Edition 2.5 y Ultimate Edition 2.8

I just found some issues for compatibility between my video sources after installing a Pinnacle PCTV 40i/50i/60i, saa(V4L2), this can be read in the forum thread in this link:

Solo encontre algunas complicaciones de compatibilidad entre mis fuentes de video despues de instalar una Pinnacle PCTV 40i/50i/60i, saa(V4L2), esto lo puedes leer en el tema del foro de este link:

I can't say for sure which one is the best, but the majority of them should reach a minimal quality for final users.

No puedo decir con seguridad cual es la mejor, pero la mayoria de ellas deberian tener una calidad minima para los usuarios finales.

Nevertheless, I can suggest you to give a try to the ATI TvWonder TvTuner and the Pinnacle PCTV. They are working fine on my Ultimate Edition 2.8 32 bits based system and did it fine under Ultimate Edition 2.5 also.

Sin embargo, puedo sugerirte que le des una oportunidad a las ATI TvWonder TvTuner y a la Pinnacle PCTV. Esas estan trabajando bien en mi sistema basado en Ultimate Edition 2.8 de 32 bits y tambien lo hizo en Ultimate Edition 2.5

If you ask for my opinion I can say that the best way to capture digital video, is via FireWire, which are cheap pci cards and some PC or Mac based bundles already have a 4 pin firewire jack for this and other purposes.

Si me pides mi opinion, la mejor forma de capturar video digital es atraves de FireWire, cuyas tarjetas pci son economicas y algunos componentes basados en PC o Mac ya cuentan con un conector FireWire de 4 pines para este y otros propositos.

I don't capture anything anymore, as the new camcorders simplifies the capture job by dropping high definition video files into SD memory cards.

En lo personal ya no capturo nada, como las nuevas camaras simplifican el trabajo de captura al proporcionar archivos de video en tarjetas de memoria SD.

I would appreciate a lot if you drop me a message with your experiences on this issue in order to gather new ideas for finding a solution of an issue related to high definition video edit, which I posted here:

Apreciaria muchisimo si me envias un mensaje con tus experiencias en este problema, de forma que me pueda hacer de nuevas ideas para encontrar una solucion de un asunto relacionado a la edicion de video de alta definicion, que he publicado aqui.

Thanks in advance //Gracias anticipadas.

Re: TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:30 am
by kevinedenmarg
These internal TV tuner or video capture card must be installed inside your computer. internal video cards require that you open your computer case and physically connect the card to a PCI or PCI-E. Internal capture cards are generally less expensive than external USB TV tuner or video capture devices, and probably a better image quality.

Re: TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:10 pm
by geppettvs
kevinedenmarg wrote:These internal TV tuner or video capture card must be installed inside your computer. internal video cards require that you open your computer case and physically connect the card to a PCI or PCI-E. Internal capture cards are generally less expensive than external USB TV tuner or video capture devices, and probably a better image quality.

All you said is right, but the link you provided is linking to a place which shows no TV Tuner cards. Thank you.

Todo lo que dices es correcto, pero el link que nos diste apunta a un lugar que no muestra tarjetas sintonizadoras de television. Gracias.

Re: TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:01 pm
by athel.davis
TV tuner card is component which allows television signals comes from the computer.You can use your computer as tv using TV tuner card. This card receive signals from computer. Hybrid tuner has one tuner that configured to act as an analog tuner or a digital tuner. Switching between the systems is fairly easy, but cannot be done immediately. The card operates as a digital tuner or an analog tuner until reconfigured.

Re: TV Tuner cards

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:10 pm
by willowyok
TV tuner card is a computer component allows television signals receive computer. It is TV tuners function video capture cards.The interfaces TV tuner cards commonly PCI Slot. The card contains a tuner and analog to digital converter with demodulation and interface logic.