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Ultimate Edition 5.7 not able to boot from a USB

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Ultimate Edition 5.7 not able to boot from a USB

Postby ninjawarrior » Wed May 09, 2018 8:15 pm

I have been trying to use the image I get for Sourceforge (and I use uGet for a download manager) but the image does not boot from the USB. Ive used Etcher, Unetbootin, USB Image Writer, and Imagewriter to the image on a USB but the USB will not boot. I`ve tried it on my laptop and desktop and neither one boots. I can`t even force it. This is what I get from Etcher:

Is there another way to do this successfully? A reply would be nice.... <BREW>
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Quad Multi Core
Intel Core I7 CPU @ 3.20GHz
12 GB 1333 DDR3 RAM
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Re: Ultimate Edition 5.7 not able to boot from a USB

Postby Pierre » Mon May 14, 2018 7:14 am

just to Ask the Obvious Question:
- have checked the MD5 checksum of that ISO that you downloaded ?. ... T/download
you can get all sorts of weird errors, if that is not correct.

thus Etcher should write that ISO just fine.
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