Anyway, today the Software Update dialog box popped up, so I clicked on Install. When that was done, I clicked the button to reboot.
It goes through a lot of the loading process, then a few dozen of these go by:
- Code: Select all
Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... mdadm: CREATE group disk not found
mdadm: no arrays found in config file or automatically
eventually stopping at this
- Code: Select all
ALERT! /dev/mapper/ultimate--vg-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!
and the shell prompt.
Rebooting causes the GRUB screen to come up. No matter which option I choose (direct boot or recovery mode), it just repeats the process above.
Can anyone help me figure out how to get this working again - without losing all of my data in the process?
System is Asus SonicMaster 64 bit laptop (2012) with an Intel Core i3 3217u @ 1.8 GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD