Some basic info that goes across the board.
Ultimate Edition 4.4 in general is:
Debootstapped, built from the ground up. Based on Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn. Generated on a server, not by a person as in the past, using Tmosb 1.9.3. I provided no custom switches other then -yes so it did not prompt me, I do have other things to do.
The Ultimate Edition 4.4 line, being produced:
- ultimate-edition-4.4-armel.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-powerpc.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x64.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x86-gamers.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x86-lite.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-armhf.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-gamers.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-lite.iso
- ultimate-edition-4.4-x86.iso
Will they all be released to the general public? This has yet to be determined.
Moving on
Our server is building the entire line of Ultimate Edition 4.4. I figured why not create a thread & get the ball rolling.
For example Ultimate Edition 4.4 Gamers (done):
This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn's O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.9.3, 03/18/2015
GNU tmosb home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <[email protected]>.
Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.
Using the command: tmosb --build ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-gamers.iso -yes
on Wed Mar 18 17:20:49 EDT 2015 by ultimate on
Source Build platform:
====================== is an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v2 @ 2.40GHz resonating at 2399.998 Mhz
MEMORY: 4,048,284 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ultimate Edition 4.2 Minimal Server LTS"
Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu utopic
Architecture: amd64
Detected Desktop Environments:
Internal Buildtime: 2m49s
Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 4.4
LTS (Long term supported): No
Data Preparer: ultimate
Data Publisher: TMOSB <>
Type: gamers
Isoname: ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-gamers.iso
Installed Size: 6,659,649,536 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 4.4 "Utopic Unicorn" - Release x64 (20150318)
Build logs: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3723 Mar 18 17:20 .disk/tmosb-1.9.3-build-logs.tar.gz
Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.
As we can see on the screenie above, it is now a Quad core & 8GB (not 4 as the above) of ram building. The server has the ability to be upgraded to a 20 core & 64GB of ram. All servers run off SSD technology. Expensive, but worth it. I am reserving the 20 core for when I get it building custom operating systems for you, by a few clicks of your mouse.
A currently un-working example can be viewed here.
I am super happy we now have all servers running under Ultimate Edition!!! All stats, auto generated as per server. Including this very server. When I get time, I will upgrade this server to Ultimate Edition 4.2.1 Minimal Server LTS. Tmosb built that too
The Future?
With a a doubt when we roll to a 20 core processor server, the Storm will move in to fix your applications as it builds your "PERFECT OPERATING SYSTEM". At that point we become untouchable, and 20 cores will not be enough. No problem, open another server. I love cloud computing.
Feel the Laziness:
Wrote a script to automate the building of the entire Ultimate Edition 4.4 line.
- Code: Select all
declare -a OS=();
OS=$(tmosb --build --suppress)
FOLDER=$((ls -d */) 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $FOLDER ]]; then
echo "Please scrap $FOLDER, so we can continue."
exit 0;
if [[ $1 ]]; then
for EACH in ${OS[@]}
GREPIT=$(echo $EACH | grep "$1")
if [[ $GREPIT ]]; then
tmosb --build $EACH -yes
mv *.iso /var/www/
ERROR=$(rm -R $EACH/)
if [[ $ERROR ]]; then
echo "Reboot your server and remove the folder $EACH"
exit 0;
The above will expand as I go along, perfection is my goal all in one shot. Build all those operating systems while I sleep. Will do the same for 4.5 etc. SCRIPTNAME 4.5 I love pipes. Linux is the only one that has them:
- Code: Select all
OS=$(tmosb --build --suppress)
Loads the operating systems into an array
- Code: Select all
for EACH in ${OS[@]}
cycles the array looking for 4.4 and generates a list of operating systems to build, one clean sweep. Big things are coming, strike that huge. Kick back and enjoy the ride. We have not discussed customization yet. It has been there for a long minute, I have not woken it up YET!!!