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UE4.3x64 KDE Desktop question...

Feedback for Ultimate Edition 4.3

UE4.3x64 KDE Desktop question...

Postby TexasMike » Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:37 am

When originally installed, this version of Ultimate Edition had a window on the desktop that showed the content of my home directory. I inadvertently closed that window, and cannot seem to find how to restart it. It is a window that is located (on my Home System, at least) on the desktop screen and positioned in the upper left hand area of the screen.
I am using the KDE desktop, using the "Default Desktop" Layout with the Wallpaper set to "Slideshow".
Any ideas on how to restore that "window"? Kde is a bit more convoluted than some of the other DEs and my lack of familiarity with the KDE environment is pretty profound!
BTW: Do you know where the animated "Smilies"used here can be found and used with other apps? Maybe just the name of this collection...? The ones used here are superb! :th_yes_4

Shop PC:
Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth 990FX TUF (The Ultimate Force) R2.0
CPU: AMD FX 9370 @ 4.4GHz Bulldozer Eight Core Black Edition
Ram: 16GB Corsair Vengance Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz
Video: ATI 7770HD GHZ Edition 2GB PCIe 3.0
Hard Drives: Seagate 2TB, Seagate 500GB, Maxtor 500GB
SSD Drives: OCZ-Vertex4 128GB, Samsung SSD 840 EVO 500GB
DVD Drive: Plextor PX-L890SA
Power Suipply: RaidMax Modular 1200Watt
OS: Ultimate Edition 3.4.2x64, 4.2x64, 2.6x7x64

Motherboard:Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3
CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 3.3ghZ
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600MHz
Video: nVdia GTX650
Drives:1TB SATAIII, 2ea 500GB SATAIII,
SSD: Samsung EV840 mSATa 250GB
CD/DVD: Plextor PL-890SA
Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster T260
MultiBoot OS: Ultimate Edition 3.4.2x64, 4.2x64-Lite, WIN7x64, WIN8.1x64
Power Supply: Corsair 850Watt
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