I have used linux for a couple years and are slowly learning more and more. I have a couple questions on Ultimate Edition 4.2 32bit gamers edition. I have finally figured out how to get the wifi to work. If I "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces" and delete everything but
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
It boots fine and internet works fine. Without doing that if it is not plugged into ethernet it takes forever to boot and internet won't work for about 5 minutes after boot or plug in ethernet. Also I can't find the network icon in top right. I have to install gnome networking manager and reboot. I don't do these wireless won't work. Also whenever the screen auto dims from idle time it hangs while it dims and re brightens, the mouse is jerky and so are programs hang, last about 5 seconds while brightness changes. I think the lagging with brightness change only happens with live, whether it's usb or cd. My desktop that has full install doesn't do it. Also I do see all the visual effects I'm used to seeing with Ultimate Edition. Such as shake windows and it wigles, menu animations, etc. I am running mainly on a dell latitude e6430 with 4GB of ram and 32GB flash drive. Other than that Ultimate Edition is the bomb, keep up the good work.