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Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

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Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby jameskal » Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:32 am

I am using this RMS software in my store The software worked with Wine but it kept crashing in between. I want to know if there is way to get it work on ubuntu without an emulator. Can someone help?
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Re: Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby Xanayoshi » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:36 pm

Use the Linux version.

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Re: Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby TexasMike » Sun May 01, 2016 11:56 am

Hello jameskal ,
I believe that the software you referenced in your Post to this forum is a product of Microsoft. It was apparently created to run on Windows systems. That product will not run in Linux/Ultimate Edition without some sort of Windows emulator or possibly a "Virtual Machine" using something like VMWare - see this Wiki for more information:

While that particular application will not run in a native Linux environment, there are comparable products that are written to run on Linux platforms, without the need for a "Windows Emulator" or a "Virtual Machine". Take a look at this link for a list of the Open-Source POS Solutions :

Google is your friend! Try searching for an answer to your questions or problems. Often, it is NOT something new, and there just might be specific information regarding the issue.

BTW: I would suggest you create a "Signature" containing information about the PC/Hardware and O/S you are using. This makes it easier for someone to assist you when you post with a problem or question. You can see examples of a signature at the end of most replies to a post. You may look at my Signature at the end of this reply for an example. Details are important, as hardware can sometimes effect the functionality of the OS.

Last edited by TexasMike on Sun May 01, 2016 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Spelling errors...
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Re: Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby Micro » Mon May 02, 2016 5:07 pm

As TexasMike said, there are Linux web based solutions that are fully featured and also some stand-alone software to try out. I would look into SUSE POS if its still around.

If your software is crashing in WIne, have you looked at any logs to see what is happening?

Respectfully - Wine is still the back-end for PlayOnLinux and unless their is a specific piece of POS based software in PlayOnLinux (Unlikely), with its specific wine version and settings, there will be no advantage to using it.
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Re: Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby Xanayoshi » Thu May 05, 2016 12:47 pm

I went to the site, it said there was a Windows, Mac, and Linux version. Hence my reply.

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Re: Is there a way run windows software without emulator?

Postby Artistxdevelopment » Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:57 am

Hi. This is Brandon Quam with The company that handles Ultimate Edition Tech support services.

Wine is a good program, windows software will never universally work with linux. they are two completely separate software systems. Crossover is by far a better alternative than wine. My website is hosting an ubuntu repo for older distrobutions like 2.8 and 2.6 of the Ultimate EEdition software. so here is the link to the crossover software. an activation file requires root to copy to the directory to activate it from trial.
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