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My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:15 pm
by d4rkkn16ht
Just a comparison to make us motivated...:)





Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:40 pm
by DaddyX3
Nice and clean, I like it! ;)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:34 am
by cowboy
That is a slick looking setup, probably the best I myself have seen, still find myself going back for a look see, great job... ;)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:44 am
by d4rkkn16ht
I did some trick to make the orb looks like Vista orb.
Actually the panel package provide some,but it doesn't fit my taste :p
So i made my own metallic black panel skin ;)
May be, if i have some spare time, i will create Ultimate Edition Orb for my Gutsy :)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:50 am
by cowboy
What is that panel package? I am pretty sure I know, but will you refresh me.. ;)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:52 pm
by TheeMahn
Personally, I enjoy stability & availability over pretty graphics, I am not trying to place the hammer down or make this into a bash session. Would you like to make the next Icon set, I am 1 mahn, spider & cowboy do make graphics for me so 3 men ;) I am sure there are probably close to a 1,000, perhaps more that work at Canonical. I currently more then have my hands full making the next latest and greatest, if you would like to volunteer your time. I am game.

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:18 am
by d4rkkn16ht
cowboy wrote:What is that panel package? I am pretty sure I know, but will you refresh me.. ;)

It's Vista Panel in Gnome-Look.
But, as I say,I only use the Orbs & create my own Metallic Black Panel skin :)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:31 am
by d4rkkn16ht
TheeMahn wrote:Personally, I enjoy stability & availability over pretty graphics, I am not trying to place the hammer down or make this into a bash session. Would you like to make the next Icon set, I am 1 mahn, spider & cowboy do make graphics for me so 3 men ;) I am sure there are probably close to a 1,000, perhaps more that work at Canonical. I currently more then have my hands full making the next latest and greatest, if you would like to volunteer your time. I am game.

As I said in my earlier posts that I will gladly help you & your team :)
The only problem is I'm very busy with my work...:(

I can only do things (playing games,checking forum (CHIP,Ubuntu,Ultimate),etc...) when I have spare time...which is undetermined....

But as I said....I WILL gladly help you all ;)

When I said complete set of icon,it doesn't have to be an originally new set of Icon.
From my experience,when we use icon set from Gnome-Look,it doesn't cover the whole theme.
Just make sure that the Icon set cover the whole theme (menu,nautilus,application,categories,etc...)
Doing this will make the next release look more robust & beautiful :)
But of course an originally new icon set will be very helpful.... :mrgreen:

I will start some threads to organize the development...

BTW, my current gutsy is stable :)

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:27 am
by cowboy
I myself appreciate your efforts but as your thread is titled "modified Ubuntu 7.10", I myself do not know if your mods will be as stable in "Ultimate Edition", I will let TheeMahn give the advice on this one. :|

Re: My modified Ubuntu 7.10 Screenshots (as a comparison)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:37 am
by d4rkkn16ht
cowboy wrote:I myself appreciate your efforts but as your thread is titled "modified Ubuntu 7.10", I myself do not know if your mods will be as stable in "Ultimate Edition", I will let TheeMahn give the advice on this one. :|

I know what you mean :)
I currently use WinXP & Gutsy because of stability.
I will not jeopardize my work by using unstable OS (I'm a Delphi Programmer & IT Manager).

I,actually, only modified the "look" of my gutsy & did no other programmatical change.
The only programmatical addition is a script to mount my gutsy repo (5 DVD ISO) so that I can update/install any needed software automatically ;)

I also mention before in my earlier posts that I'm a beginner in linux programming.
If I need to make a programatical change,I will need all of you to teach me how ;)