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USB Logitech Marble Mouse [Solved]

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USB Logitech Marble Mouse [Solved]

Postby SaddleTramp » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:25 pm

Thought I'd give it another shot before completely giving up on it. After not being able to get BTNX to work back in Hardy_amd64 (wrong architecture), get same error here with Ult 1.7_amd64. Have tried any and all other methods that can be found in Ubuntu forums and Google (most repetitive/copied) for getting the double-click on Button 8 (little button above left big button).
So, anybody got a recommendation for a WORKING Ubuntu/Ultimate Trackball?? And yep, gotta be a true trackball (similar to Marble Mouse??) I'm using now for arthritis reasons. Have blasted Logitech a number of times for failed Logitech user support for Linux/Ubuntu OS's since I have converted over. Know it won't do much good but made me feel kinda better getting it off my chest anyways :lol:

Thanks ya'll.
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby LeadFingers » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:55 am

What does the mouse section look like in your xorg.conf?
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby SaddleTramp » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:49 am

Original: (what I had after 1st installing Ultimate)

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Near bottom of file:

Section "ServerLayout"

Identifier "Default Layout"
screen "Default Screen"
Inputdevice "Generic Keyboard"
Inputdevice "Configured Mouse"

after changing by what most of the other users were doing:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Logitech Trackball"
Driver "evdev"
Option "Name" "Logitech USB Trackball"

near bottom of file:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
screen "Default Screen"
Inputdevice "Generic Keyboard"
Inputdevice "Logitech Trackball" "CorePointer"

The last set of instructions I tried was a compilation of all the other configurations most were using including using xautomation, xbindkeys, xmodmap, xvkbd (in place of xautomation), xmacro, all tried and none I could get to work. Being new to Ubuntu/Ultimate, I know it's prolly something I missed. This makes the 5th time I've tried to go thru these instructions, and prolly what's happening is my mind gets saturated trying to figure out what I'm missing, but I have been careful to go step by step without missing any and can't figure out what it is.

Thanks for taking to time to look at this Lead. Really appreciate it!

Just found the link to last instructions I was going by: ... tomization
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby LeadFingers » Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:05 pm

I must have been real sleepy when I posted that last one. you gave me exactly what I asked for, but I only asked for half of what was needed.

Is your trackball working at all?
If yes (or sort of) What is it doing right, and what is it not doing?
Standard USB Logitech marble mouse, set to standard configuration?

Did btnx do anything for you or was it totally pooched?
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby SaddleTramp » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:24 pm

LeadFingers wrote:I must have been real sleepy when I posted that last one. you gave me exactly what I asked for, but I only asked for half of what was needed.

Hey no prob. What with putting the time in ya'll do on here, would be no wonder...
Is your trackball working at all?
If yes (or sort of) What is it doing right, and what is it not doing?

Yep, left click ,'select', & right click ,'popup menu', big buttons work (numbered 1 & 3 respectively)
Track ball works normal (move cursor around and 'drags' with left button pressed.
Little buttons and config are noted in next question.
Standard USB Logitech marble mouse, set to standard configuration?

Standard yes. Config no. Normal config would be buttons numbered 1 (left big button), 3 (right big button), 8 (left little button), 9 (right little button)
marble mouse.jpg
Logitech Marble Mouse/Trackball

little buttons 8 & 9 are the oblong silver buttons on top of big ones (just in case you didn't know)
The way that it's config'd now is 1 (normal left click), 2 (position 2 not normally used, but used here same as #1), 3 (normal right click), 3 (I usually assign as 'generic' button with Logitech Setpoint drivers, but it's config'd here same as big #3).
Did btnx do anything for you or was it totally pooched?

Didn't do anything. Couldn't get it to install. Said at opening "wrong architecture" . Said the same thing when I had Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy 64 bit.

The instructions link I edited into last post was by someone who is also using this trackball. Why I really thought I had something finally that would work. Would like to get this one to work, but if I can't I'm sure I can find some kind of Trackball that will. From what I understand the buttons are assigned by configuration postition (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). What I thought the directions were saying in the double-click setup would be 1,8,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,9. Physical button 9 would not be used and that's fine by me. The position of #8 would be the double-click position, if I could get the rest of the instructions to work. I just haven't had any luck in hitting the right combination or something. Like I said, my mind got saturated and from then on it was a hopeless case :lol:

Also, don't think this should matter, but I have PS/2 Mouse port disabled in the BIOS. This frees up IRQ12 to be useful for something else since I don't have a PS/2 mouse. The keyboard is plugged into the other PS/2 port but I don't think that would effect it either and the keyboard works 100%.

I appreciate anything you try to do with this.
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby LeadFingers » Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:49 am

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
A few more questions.
Your track ball is set up left handed, are you left handed, or is this just the the way it was set up in the how to you posted?

Did xmodmap work at all? I know it has to be loaded up each time you start up, but there are ways to automate this.

Have you already installed xte?

And finally, did I read correctly, the only change you want to make is to assign double click to button 8 ?
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby SaddleTramp » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:16 pm

LeadFingers wrote:Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
A few more questions.

NP, time & patience I got plenty of...just keep comin' up short on change :lol:
Your track ball is set up left handed, are you left handed, or is this just the the way it was set up in the how to you posted?

I'm right handed, the guy in the 'How to' is left handed. For him, would be 3, 8, 1... For me would be
1, 8, 3
Did xmodmap work at all? I know it has to be loaded up each time you start up, but there are ways to automate this.

No. I loaded it up but couldn't tell it was doing anything.

Have you already installed xte?

Did have, but have since taken it all back off (I think). Far as physically off of there I'm not sure. I ran the command, but you know how some things leave parts behind.

And finally, did I read correctly, the only change you want to make is to assign double click to button 8 ?

Yessir, that's all I want to do. Was even thinking of how to get it all to just function as a 3-button mouse without button 9. Never use that one anyway.

Lead, I have since got all my personal files transferred over from Vista and have stripped Vista back off. I loaded up Ultimate Edition again in place of Vista on the 60gig partition and haven't done anything else to it. Fresh install. So I have a clean Ultimate Edition I'll be trying to get the Trackball working in now with your help.

Don't forget that I have my mouse PS2 port disabled in BIOS. But I really don't think that should matter since the Trackball is USB. I notice to when I loaded the Ultimate Edition LiveCD in to install in this partition, was watching it load up and noticed that it picked up my trackball. I actually saw "Logitech Marble Mouse Trackball".

Here's a fresh install xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
screen "Default Screen"
Inputdevice "Generic Keyboard"
Inputdevice "Configured Mouse"

I've read (just read mind you, not tried again ;) ) thru the instructions again to try to figure out what it was I was missing or configuring wrong, but I can't see it. Doesn't mean it isn't there, I just can't see it. Kinda like not seeing the trees for the forrest !! Thanks again and catch ya next time.
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby LeadFingers » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:24 pm

It's not that you missed anything in the configuration.
To get a button to execute a double click in Liunx (by pressing it once) is not a configuration issue,
but a programming issue.
Since all the other buttons work correctly, you have it configured the right way.

Before you do anything, backup xorg.conf
Code: Select all
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.911

Capitol X in X11
if you need to use the backup (because we borked your xorg.conf)
Code: Select all
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.911 /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Lets back-track and try a few of the things again
If you're sure it's button 8 we don't need to identify your buttons again
1) install xautomation
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install xautomation

or use synaptic

2) install xbindkeys
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys

or use synaptic

3) install xbindkeys-config
(this uses the xbindkeys GUI, but is more difficult due to learning curve)
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys-config

or use synaptic

4) create xbindkeysrc & modify it
Code: Select all
gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc

Then type (or copy & paste)
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"

Save & Exit xbindkeysrc

5) Start xbindkeys in foreground
Code: Select all
xbindkeys -n -v

Press button 8 once
you should see xbindkeys provide trapping feedback.
ctrl+C to exit xbindkeys

6) Load xbindkeys in background
Code: Select all
xbindkeys &

If this doesn't work, start over at step 4) only this time erase everything and type
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
b:8 + Release

also do steps 5) & 6)

If this works you will need to add xbindkeys in sessions to make it start every time you boot up
Hit the add button
Name xbindkeys
Command xbindkeys &
Comment doubleclick button 8
OK this window
Close sessions
reboot & see if you have doubleclick on button 8
(if xbindkeys doesn't start up automatically, you may need a different command in Sessions)

If this didn't work, you will need to use xbindkeys-config to configure your mouse
Code: Select all
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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby SaddleTramp » Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:37 pm

OK, here's what we got now ;) I know I told you the button in question was 8...I told you wrong...I did check in xev and it's 2. I still had it in my mind going from another set of Ubuntun directions of setting the buttons it had been assigned to 8, which is normal to Logitech's setting in Logitech's drivers. In this fresh install of Ultimate Edition, xev shows it assigned as 2. I didn't figure this out tho' until at the end, which results will be explained there.

Ok, going thru your setup, here's what came back from xbindkeys foreground:

xbindkeysrc = "/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"

code: xbindkeys -n -v

displayName = :0.0
rc file = /root/.xbindkeysrc
rc guile file = /root/.xbindkeysrc.scm
getting rc guile file /root/.xbindkeysrc.scm.
WARNING : /root/.xbindkeysrc.scm not found or reading not allowed.
1 keys in /root/.xbindkeysrc

Just now came to me Previewing this what happened. I was typing rather than copy & paste (doing it the manual way tends to stick more into my memory registers ;) ). I typed gedit xbindkeysrc vice gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc

min_keycode=8 max_keycode=255 (ie: know keycodes)
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
m:0x0 + b:2 (mouse)
starting loop...
Button press !
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
m:0x0 + b:2 (mouse)
Start program with fork+exec call
Catch CHLD signal -> pid 8702 terminated
Button press !
Button release !
Button press !
Button release !
X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 150 (XTEST)
Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (X_XTestFakeInput)
Value in failed request: 0xa4
Serial number of failed request: 9
Current serial number in output stream: 15
Button release !

Then I started xbindkeys &: NO JOY soooooooooooooooo...

changed b:2 to b:2 + Release as instructed; and results were:

xbindkeysrc = "/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
b:2 + Release

code: xbindkeys -n -v

displayName = :0.0
rc file = /home/bobby/.xbindkeysrc
rc guile file = /home/bobby/.xbindkeysrc.scm
getting rc guile file /home/bobby/.xbindkeysrc.scm.
WARNING : /home/bobby/.xbindkeysrc.scm not found or reading not allowed.
1 keys in /home/bobby/.xbindkeysrc

Obvious I got it right here.

min_keycode=8 max_keycode=255 (ie: know keycodes)
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
Release + m:0x0 + b:2 (mouse)
starting loop...
Button press !
Button release !
"/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup y' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"
Release + m:0x0 + b:2 (mouse)
Start program with fork+exec call
Catch CHLD signal -> pid 8610 terminated
X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 150 (XTEST)
Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (X_XTestFakeInput)
Value in failed request: 0x83
Serial number of failed request: 9
Current serial number in output stream: 15

I'm sure you'll see all the differences between each return, but guess what ?!?!?!? [I'm bowing now to the Trackball KING!!!!] I had to add back the 'mouseup y' as you noticed above for the + Release setting, which was me reaching pure desparation :lol: Throughout your whole procedure I just had a feeling you had finally put me on the right track, then when I got the response in step 5, I knew it. Never got that before. And even tho' it didn't work, whenever I clicked on something on the desktop, it would highlight while I had the button pressed, then the highlight went away when I released. The folder just didn't open. At this point I knew the door had been cracked open. So I went back and changed .xbindkeysrc as per, ran the foreground, which came back a little different, ran background, clicked, and it WORKED !! Lead, I 'bout fell out my chair and I swear I heard my poor arthritic hand say "ahhhhhhhhhhh, that feels so much better" :lol: I proceeded to add to Sessions as per, restarted, didn't work. Double checked to make sure I had it there right, it's right. Opened terminal and started xbindkeys &, clicked on folder,, it WORKED AGAIN!!! Right hand thought that was REAL SEXY!! Checked Sessions again, is still right, restarted, NO JOY. Open terminal, start, JOY JOY JOY. All gotta do now is figure out another way to get it to start at boot. I still know how to write a batch file for MSWindows, Vista even. But not sure here in Ultimate Edition. I'll be searching to see what I can find.

Lead, I really appreciate this and hope you post this in the HOW TO's. Only thing I would add, 'specially for newbies like me, is to double check xev and make sure you know your buttons ;)

Thanks a lot man. YOU DA TRACKBALL KING !!!

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Re: USB Logitech Marble Mouse

Postby LeadFingers » Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:31 am

Glad you at least got it persistent.

Try this command in Sessions
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