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Another Newbie enters the fold!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:47 pm
by Gelfling6
Just dropping in to say Hi! Yep, Another newbie. I just recently resurrected a Acer Aspire 6930 laptop that someone had actually :shock: JUNKED!

It had the battery, the screen, even the plastic insert between the screen & keyboard, but.... the previous owner stripped it of it's hard drive & memory.. I was hoping to obtain the actual re-install disk for it, but found (a) Acer no-longer supplies THAT version, and apparently there's been an ongoing anti-trust over the distribution of THAT version's re-install disk.. (Go figure? :? ) So.... I had booted the laptop off other flavors of Linux, But I've heard great reviews about Ultimate Edition, and decided to obtain an image.. I could only find 2.6.1 X64 via BitTorrent, so it was the logical choice.. I was absolutely amazed, it immediately recognized the built-in devices of the laptop! So, it sat in storage for about a year (lack of money, mainly.) and within the last 2 weeks, I set forth to finally get it up & running. 4GB of RAM and a hard-drive adapter from two suppliers over EBay, a 320GB drive from one of the computer stores, and Welcome to the world, ACE! (named, and persona'ed after Sophie Aldred's character from the last original Doctor Who shows of the BBC, 1986-1987.) She's slowly getting her feet wet, and I'm slowly getting her working. Still searching for Geocaching programs that run under Linux, wanting to use her as my main online communications device.. But, just wanted to say Thank You to the entire development team for Ultimate Edition, this is by far the best version, and easiest to set-up!

Stephen Griswold (gelfling6)

Re: Another Newbie enters the fold!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:18 pm
by TheeMahn
You may not know who I am, but I hope this means something to you. Welcome to the fold ;)