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Filezilla and Sourceforge, or how to kill a good thing.

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Filezilla and Sourceforge, or how to kill a good thing.

Postby Xanayoshi » Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:59 pm

Some may be unaware as a Linux system doesn't quite have these issues, but if you run Win or OSX, you need to stay away from Sourceforge and under no circumstance should you attempt to use the installer for Filezilla.

These were both respected at one time, but here's the dealio, yo.

Sourceforge is sourceforge, it was bought out, so they decided to give themselves a cash influx by providing malware to everyone. Again, this wouldn't really work on a Linux platform unless you were very very bad at it, and people need to be paid..that is one thing...

This is another...

Filezilla, like Sourceforge has the right to earn a living, this is not disputable. Neither is it disputable that the creator of Filezilla is not worth the time of day.

To quote Shakespeare..
"“Thou subtle, perjur’d, false, disloyal man!”

To quote the false disloyal man...

"Nothing is forced upon you. While the SourceForge Installer may present third-party offers, they are clearly labeled as such. All third-party offers can easily be declined via the big Decline button.

"If you do not wish to use the SourceForge installer, have a look at the additional download options listed on the FileZilla website."

"Potentionally unwanted software, not malware. That's a big difference. You did however agree to third-party software being installed, what did its terms and conditions say?"

This is Tim Kosse "Botg" Sellout, Loser, Liar, and the man who decided a couple dollars was worth it to compromise your computer's security in just about every conceivable way, and then has the audacity to talk down to people when they call him out on it while lying through his lying liar teeth. ... =1&t=34753

And now, the completely true facts, as told by an anonymous man hiding behind a screen name:

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Re: Filezilla and Sourceforge, or how to kill a good thing.

Postby Xanayoshi » Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:55 pm

I should mention if anyone is interested in these things, as Sourceforge is something that even I find myself regularly perusing quite often.

It was Gimp that brought it to my attention. I used Filezilla once a long time ago. Gimp tried pulling everything out of Sourceforge due to the installer wrap and Sourceforge refused...that being said, do not get Gimp from Sourceforge.

Get it here....

For more info on Sourceforge here is Gimp..

and this is “A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.” ... abandoned/

To give you an idea of how wrong this really is, think about the fact that the forum is Spam Free and provides support for an Operating System you would get at...


Yet, this same place will give you a program you will find on every Ultimate Edition, Gimp, and if you liked it you might think of getting Gimp for Windows. Now your computer has been taken over by malware, have a nice day.

And now, the completely true facts, as told by an anonymous man hiding behind a screen name:

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Re: Filezilla and Sourceforge, or how to kill a good thing.

Postby pam » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:57 am

fast forward to 6:59 for the impatient....
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