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TerminatorTux, resistance is futile!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:11 am
by binskipy2u

did this with a pic of penguins.. a pic of Kristana loken, and some gimp lighting effects

Re: TerminatorTux, resistance is futile!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:51 am
by bpollen
Cool pic, good work.

Only b*tch is that it's too wide to fit properly on a 1600x1200 screen.

Re: TerminatorTux, resistance is futile!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:33 am
by Baphomet
Dude, that's awesome!

Can I offer some well intentioned, positive *feedback? Just my thought's but...

If you could get rid of the trail of dots under the quote leading to Tux, put the quote back to the original "resistance is futile" make the quote itself smaller and more subtle, and quite frankly, dump the Tux on the right entirely, I think it would be perfection. You've got a real winner with the Tux on the left, sans the quote, and the image of Kristana. The intensity and the artistry is a little overpowered by, in my opinion, the over obviousness of the quote on the left, and the whole Tux thing on the right kinda ruins the intensity of the artistry for me. So much is communicated visually (and communicated so well!) you don't need to beat the viewer over the head with the quote; which looks heavy and dull and distracts, I think, from the overall visual impact. I'm starting to think it would be better as a title or a caption, leaving the visual impact of the imagery to speak for itself. Perhaps you're underestimating your images ability to speak to the viewer directly? You shouldn't. It's all right there and beautifully done.

When I "crop" it to fit my non-widescreen monitor, keeping the image to the far left so it cuts out the Tux on the right entirely and high enough to cut off the quote at the top, it's a positively amazing image! Truly stunning!!!

Once again, JUST my opinion, and meant to be entirely positive feedback.

(* Not an artist myself, but having worked in the Fine Arts department at a college for several years, you sorta start to pick this stuff up by osmosis.)