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Ultimate Anonymous ProFTPD Virtual Server

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:20 pm
by Micro
For this post I did a fresh virtual install of Ultimate Edition 3.4 Lite with pcmanfm added as an administrative file manager. As expected I ran into a repo error and did #apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 16126D3A3E5C1192 followed by a complete update with a reboot. One point I'd like to make is that it is to be understood that in your virtual environment, there is to be a bridged network configuration assigned to a physical adapter from the host. This means you must have two ethernet ports on your machine. One solely assigned bridge adapter. (tip-on host leave as dhcp and uncheck autoconnect) And the follow up on guest server as follows:

Set static configuration on vm guest with a local IP ex., /24 subnetmask, your service providers primary and secondary dns servers. (tip-dns primary then comma dns secondary, inside network manager.)
With zero being your subnet and default rout 0.1, open up your router user interface ex. in web browser and forward ports 21,22, and 49152-49169 for static IP as in ex.
Finish and continue

Open synaptic and search for gadmin-proftpd and install as standalone


Open gadmin-proftpd and you will recieve the following


Select yes then you are presented with a gui
Deactivate if server is currently running
Add setting as in following with IP-ports-fake user and group

Click apply at top after setting download rates and any other preferences. Or use default.

Then click apply ond generate a new certificate after filling out every line

Next goto users tab and add user named anonymous and generate a random password. type anonymous under group and dev/null as shell. uncheck require password and add directory /var/ftp then apply at top.

Open pcmanfm

Server is still deactivated at this point. Now we have to goto /var/ftp with root pcmanfm and set permissions on ftp folder to owner ftp with create and delete and group nogroup create and delete and others the same. (to keep it simple)

This is where you host your files. Just be sure to keep permissions on your files the same as the parent ftp folder.

Now activate your server and open a browser and type your http://ftp.ExternalIPAddressOfRouter and you will be able to download your files from anywhere. (tip-a movie file can be played in the web browsers media player. Media Server hint hint). You can also use a ftp client if prefered for large files by enabling resume support. And to get real fancy, buy a domain name and in your acct change your records to reflect your Extern IP and then you can hit your ftp server by

And that's all there is to it. Browse Gadmin ProFTPD and you will not be dissapointed. Transfers tab is a nice tool to see who is downloading and take action if necessary. And Configuration tab will show you your config and also allow editing directly. :D If anyone has any question about alternate configs feel free to pm me directly...

Re: Ultimate Anonymous ProFTPD Virtual Server

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:57 pm
by pam
Cool! :D


Re: Ultimate Anonymous ProFTPD Virtual Server

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:41 pm
by Xanayoshi
Gotta find some ethernets.

Re: Ultimate Anonymous ProFTPD Virtual Server

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:43 pm
by Micro
You can install it directly on your host. You dont have to run it virtually. Or you can assigh your wireless to your host and eth0 to your vm guest, if using a laptop. You can also masquerade if needed. There are more choices but, from a management standpoint, virtualization is the best one.