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(KDE)How to setup Desktop Cube Animation Switch

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:28 pm
by Xanayoshi
In KDE there are a few ways to switch workspaces but the coolest by far is with a simple cube switch.

(NOT THE ALMIGHTY CUBE, I have that documented here.....

The setup for this might not be so apparent since its default speed is the speed of light, so we must set this up and slow it down, here's how.

First it is ideal to set up your workspaces, in the same way as you would the cube.

Navigate to systemsettings--->workspace behaviour--->virtual desktops--->desktops

This is not mandatory as it will move up, down, but isn't very fluid in this manner, so set your workspaces to have 4 or more and rows to 1. I always use different widgets for each desktop because I am using KDE and I can.


Now in the menu behind that,

Navigate to systemsettings--->workspace behaviour--->virtual desktops--->switching

Make sure "desktop navigation wrapsaround" is checked and animation is set to desktop cube animation


There are 3 locations to change the settings for this with the GUI, but on this screen click on the wrench next to where it is set to desktop cube animation to pull up it's settings. Change the rotation duration to 2000 or more msec to have the effect actually work for people who can not see hummingbird wings flap.


Now when you are on main screen, either click the workspace switcher in your panel or move your mouse wheel to see effect take place.
