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DIE UNITY DIE!! Undead(Backports, Experimental)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:04 am
by Xanayoshi

So time is of the essence with these so I will get started.

This is my 3.5 project, what this will do is remove Unity, Cinnamon, the original KDE install, and replace with the most current version of KDE 4.10.2

This is off of a fresh install of 3.5

I will be running root here, so if you haven't set up root

Code: Select all
sudo passwd

Follow the instructions

Code: Select all

Enter your Unix password....

Code: Select all
apt-get update

Code: Select all
apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop

Code: Select all
apt-get purge cinnamon

Code: Select all
apt-get purge yarssr

Code: Select all
apt-get remove update-manager

Code: Select all
apt-get remove software-center

Code: Select all
apt-get install geany

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge unity unity-2d unity-2d-places unity-2d-panel unity-2d-spread

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge unity-asset-pool unity-services unity-lens-* unity-scope-*

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge liboverlay-scrollbar*

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge firefox-globalmenu thunderbird-globalmenu

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge unity-2d-common unity-common

Code: Select all
apt-get --yes purge libunity-misc4 libunity-core-5*

Code: Select all
add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

Code: Select all
apt-get update

Code: Select all
apt-get install kde-full

Code: Select all
apt-get update

Code: Select all
apt-get upgrade

Re: DIE UNITY DIE!! Undead(Backports, Experimental)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:04 pm
by Xanayoshi
Now 3.5 should be fully up to date in the repositories, and have the latest KDE installed.

Above is verified and working btw...There is just more I will add for undead..

So basically, you should have the Ultimate Edition 3.5 set still in place. In KDE, it will look odd at first, go to systemsettings--->workspace behavior------>virtual desktops and set the number of workspaces to 4 or more, row to 1 and check different widgets for each desktop


Click Apply

Now you should have the wallpaper for 4.10 appear on your screen. You should have all the Ultimate Edition wallpapers, and if you do not know, there are more in usr/share/backgrounds.

The above post will also remove yarssr, update-manager, ubuntu software-center, and install the geany editor.

I had no permission issues with this, and I encountered these in 4.10, 4.10.1, and Debian 4.10.2. Generally, I avoid upgrades on Ultimate Edition like the plague, however, kwin just would not run, and that simply is not acceptable.
When starting, there will be crash reports, and many reboots will be required, also if you do not know how to run KDE, your journey will be long, but I will try to point out the specific ways to setup desktop switching, sounds, cube, transparency, etc..

Re: DIE UNITY DIE!! Undead(Backports, Experimental)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:13 pm
by Xanayoshi



For Fun

Adding Ubuntu Satanic Edition

You will need to go to

To add a repository

First you will need the key

Open Terminal

Code: Select all
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Go root

Code: Select all

Open the editor

Code: Select all

Open sources list


Code: Select all
deb precise main

Add the source to your list.


Save and exit

Go to terminal and update

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

Now the next part is a little different

Where it says installing the packages you need to click on 4:3 or widescreen on your ratio and it will ask you to open with apturl, you have this but you have to navigate to it in the open with menu, and it is located in usr/bin/

Check remember my choice and then install both the gnome and kubuntu packages and the screensavers.

Open terminal

Code: Select all
sudo reboot

Re: DIE UNITY DIE!! Undead(Backports, Experimental)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:43 pm
by Xanayoshi



There are instructions on the site for setting this up,

I didn't read them, and I just realised that :?